I have not blogged very much in the past few days quite frankly because I did not know what to say. So much has been going on around here lately and so much has been going through my head. I am spinning around.
I am excited and happy!
I am frustrated and sad.
I am torn between two loves.
I am emotionally exhausted.
For those of you that do not know. My wife, Elizabeth, and I are moving to a new work down in Marble Falls, Texas. We are happy about the new work and I look forward to working once again with my friend, Jim Gardner. I can't wait to get to know Allan Stanglin and Mrs. Ann. The youth group is exciting and ready to grow.
But, I love the people here so much and will miss them more than words can express. The youth here mean the world to me and it hurts me to leave them. I wan them to know not to take it personally. But, there is nothing I can say to ease the pain of loss. I am going through it, too.
Everyone on both ends has been supportive and helpful. Thank you for everything.
All the wisdom.
All the advice.
All the love.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"If I ever reach heaven I expect to find three wonders there:
first, to meet some I had not thought to see there;
second, to miss some I had expected to see there;
and third, the greatest wonder of all, to find myself there."
- John Newton
first, to meet some I had not thought to see there;
second, to miss some I had expected to see there;
and third, the greatest wonder of all, to find myself there."
- John Newton
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Well, I know that most of you out there are enjoying the holidays. I know that the guys and girls from my youth group are having a blast. I know that for sure because I got a little visit from Ruey and Brett this afternoon. They certainly have too much time on their hands. If you have ever been here, you would know that they are trouble with a capital T without all the free time. lol
Anyway, I am exhausted from the overeating and the lack of sleep over in Conway. My mind is full of future events and memories of past friends. I will fill you in on more of my mind at a later date.
Anyway, I am exhausted from the overeating and the lack of sleep over in Conway. My mind is full of future events and memories of past friends. I will fill you in on more of my mind at a later date.
Monday, December 26, 2005
To The Gills
I sit here stuffed to the gills on Christmas Dinner. You see, I am celebrating Christmas with my wife's family today. Because they are in Conway and I had to work yesterday, we are having special celebration today! I am so full and they are calling me in right now for dessert that my sweetie made. Here goes round two...
Saturday, December 24, 2005
His Memory Will Live On
Yesterday, we got the tragic news that Jim Mabery, a hero in the faith to me and countless others, has gone on to heaven to be with his Lord and Savior. While traveling down to Tennessee to share Christmas with family, Jim and Charlotte were in a horrible accident. While Charlotte was scraped up a bit, Jim sustained fatal injuries.
Words cannot express what this great man has meant to me. As a matter of fact, this is the very same man that I blogged about earlier for being a living testimony and tireless worker for the Lord. He has left an indelible mark on the hearts of everyone that has worked with him. For example, his mission work in Ghana has inspired many natives to name their children after him. It takes a powerful servant leader to leave this kind of legacy with his disciples.
My thoughts and prayers are with his wife Charlotte; his children Diane, Chris, Gail, and Lance; their spouses Dimitri, Rick and Shelly; his grandchildren Alexander, Brittany, Greg, Cody and McKayla. I know that I have left many others out, but I pray God's comfort on all that knew and loved this great man of the faith. His memory will forever live on.
Words cannot express what this great man has meant to me. As a matter of fact, this is the very same man that I blogged about earlier for being a living testimony and tireless worker for the Lord. He has left an indelible mark on the hearts of everyone that has worked with him. For example, his mission work in Ghana has inspired many natives to name their children after him. It takes a powerful servant leader to leave this kind of legacy with his disciples.
My thoughts and prayers are with his wife Charlotte; his children Diane, Chris, Gail, and Lance; their spouses Dimitri, Rick and Shelly; his grandchildren Alexander, Brittany, Greg, Cody and McKayla. I know that I have left many others out, but I pray God's comfort on all that knew and loved this great man of the faith. His memory will forever live on.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Out Of Pocket
My sweet wife, Elizabeth, and I will be traveling this Friday to Texas for a weekend of 'R and R.' Before she even gets the chance to cry "Calgon, Take me away!" we will take some time to recharge our batteries. She has been completely overwhelmed with work for the past couple of months that I know she is ready to get away for a week or two. I don't know what it is about Texas that draws us, but this will be the 3rd time that we vacation down in the South Country.
Pray for us that we will be safe and that God will bless us while we are away. I know that the youth group here is in the competent hands of Clyde Berry, John Kirk and Mike Sykora. At least until I get back. I am sure that the 7-12 graders will be happy to see some fresh faces in there for a few days.
Also pray for the group while they are celebrating the holidays with some time off from school. Pray that they will focus on the right things and live with the purpose that God has given them while at home, work or play.
Pray for us that we will be safe and that God will bless us while we are away. I know that the youth group here is in the competent hands of Clyde Berry, John Kirk and Mike Sykora. At least until I get back. I am sure that the 7-12 graders will be happy to see some fresh faces in there for a few days.
Also pray for the group while they are celebrating the holidays with some time off from school. Pray that they will focus on the right things and live with the purpose that God has given them while at home, work or play.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Shadow Knows
Today, I have with me young master John Withrow. He is from the Jessieville Middle School and his job today is to shadow me in the inner workings of youth and family ministry. I am excited to have someone that is interested in carrying the torch for future generations. It is my prayer that he will leave here with a better grasp and feeling about working for the Lord in a paid/staff position. Pray for us today!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"To worship is to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God, to feed the mind with the truth of God, to purge the imagination by the beauty of God, to open the heart to the love of God, to devote the will to the purpose of God." - William Temple
Living Testimonies
Every once in a while, someone great comes into our lives. We have the chance to see them in action. We get to ride along with them and learn from them. They are different than the others. They march to the beat of some other drum that you have not yet heard. These people constantly raise the bar in all aspects of ministry and evangelism. Don't get me wrong. I am a minister. I love working for the Lord and His people. It is just that I have not made it there yet. I am a slow work in progress. These great people, mentors/guides, if you will, seem to have all the wrinkles ironed out. They are so comfortable in their skin and they want you to feel the same and know the same things they do. One such person, to me, is Jim Mabery. I cannot believe what passion and tireless energy he has. He means so much to me that words fail to explain. His love for the Lord is so evident to anyone that comes in his presence. I do not seem to remember a day or time that he has not been reaching out and working in the Kingdom. His life is a priceless testimony to those that know him. He is a wonderful ambassador for Christ. God bless him and others like him that keep the torch burning. May we see more of these people in the future.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Youth Devotional

Wow! We had a great youth X-mas devotional last night. 40 teens gathered around my living room and discussed the true reason for the season. Yes, we discussed that Jesus was most likely born in Spring or Summer, but we realized that we have a great opportunity to reach out to the lost that normally don't consider God or His son, Jesus, yet ponder Him in December. We, as ambassadors for Christ, should be motivated to reach out to these people and share with them the Good News of our Savior. God left the glory of heaven to become a humble servant and to ultimately die for our sins. Why not let this time of the year be a time for approaching others, who usually may not reflect on His glory, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
After the devotional, we had a Dirty Santa gift exchange and ate til our stomachs were bursting. Some then went out to play flashlight tag and hide and seek in the neighborhood. The rest of us stayed inside to play Scene It, the DVD Movie Trivia game. Too much fun! Here are some pictures of the event.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Let It Snow
This morning we here in the Village awoke to a nice white blanket of snow covering the houses, cars and yards. Jessieville school declared it a 'Snow Day' and all of the kids are jumpin' up and down. Consequently, the young man that had picked my profession to shadow, did not come in this morning. John Withrow will be accompanying me one day next week.
Only one more day 'til the opening of C.S. Lewis' allegorical masterpiece "The Chronicles of Narnia." How many of you out there have already purchased your tickets?
Only one more day 'til the opening of C.S. Lewis' allegorical masterpiece "The Chronicles of Narnia." How many of you out there have already purchased your tickets?
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I look forward to 'Walk the Line' the biopic of country legend Johnny Cash. Even though country music is not my favorite, Johnny's work has a way of reaching out and grabbing my attention. This man has left an indelible mark on the shape and sounds of today's music. Not just country, but rock and pop as well. As I type this, I am listening to "When The Man Comes Around." What a great song about the return of the King!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Frost On The Pumpkin
On the way home from my Dad's house last night, I saw on my Jeep temp gauge that the outside weather had dropped to 23 degrees. Wow! It was quite cold, to say the least. Sitting in the warmth of the Jeep and listening to 94.9 (the station that plays constant Christmas beginning the day after Thanksgiving), I thought about the thrill of changing weather. Some get excited by the warm days of Summer while others await the blustery wind and snow of Winter. Fall brings the changing of the leaves and Spring brings the rain. Each season has an admirer. And God made them all and saw that they were good. It is a thrill to me to watch and embrace the nature that our loving Creator has made for us.
Monday, December 05, 2005
This afternoon I will spending time with my Dad. We are going to be moving furniture and other items of the labor variety. Not really my cup of tea, but the time spent with my Father will more than make up for the sore back and shoulder muscles.
Time with family members is not a necessity or an obligation, but a great gift that should be seized upon and taken for what it truly is: Bonding and Growth.
I look forward to spending time with my family. Put all of the arguments, rushing and 'trying to find a place to lay your head because the house is just too full' aside and enjoy the quality time that is available to me.
Time spent with those dearest to me.
Time with family members is not a necessity or an obligation, but a great gift that should be seized upon and taken for what it truly is: Bonding and Growth.
I look forward to spending time with my family. Put all of the arguments, rushing and 'trying to find a place to lay your head because the house is just too full' aside and enjoy the quality time that is available to me.
Time spent with those dearest to me.
Friday, December 02, 2005
More Transition
I sit with misty eyes this morning as I await the arrival of our former secretary, Jeanne Lessman. We are heading over to the Shack for burgers, fries and fried mushrooms. But more than that, it will be a time of saying our goodbyes. What a blessing she has been to me not only as a friend and coworker but as a Mother Hen. She has kept me in check many times. She has imparted much wisdom to me through her words of advice and her loving example of sterling Christianity. She has meant more to me and to the other ministers than she can ever know...
I continue to pray that she and her husband, Myron, will bless and be blessed in their new home - Neosho, MO.
I will continue this blog when I return from our time together.
I continue to pray that she and her husband, Myron, will bless and be blessed in their new home - Neosho, MO.
I will continue this blog when I return from our time together.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Last night in the youth group, we talked about baggage. Not the kind we carry with us on vacation, but the emotional baggage that burdens us down every day - the burden of being scorned, wronged, abused, hurt or mistreated by our friends, family or fellow man. Some of us have the chemical makeup to strike back immediately, but if you are like me, when someone has wronged you, it is easy not to say anything at all and let the pain stay with you until it builds into a festering wound that threatens to destroy. Either way, no good comes of the situation. Something needs to be done by someone to make everything right again.
Last night was a breakthrough for many in class. In a world so full of “just wait, they’ll see”, I’ll get them”, and “I am going to make them wish they had never messed with me!’ we came to the Biblical conclusion that we are not to avenge the injustices committed against us in the world. That is God’s business.
He is the one in control.
He knows the hearts and minds of everyone.
He sees the good and the bad.
We don’t and we can’t.
Isn’t it great to know that Someone more powerful, insightful, loving and forgiving is in control of you and me. Let’s give all of it over to Him. He can handle it so much better.
Last night was a breakthrough for many in class. In a world so full of “just wait, they’ll see”, I’ll get them”, and “I am going to make them wish they had never messed with me!’ we came to the Biblical conclusion that we are not to avenge the injustices committed against us in the world. That is God’s business.
He is the one in control.
He knows the hearts and minds of everyone.
He sees the good and the bad.
We don’t and we can’t.
Isn’t it great to know that Someone more powerful, insightful, loving and forgiving is in control of you and me. Let’s give all of it over to Him. He can handle it so much better.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
It has been a maelstrom around here this morning. With the ladies having a special birthday party for Irene Anglin, who turned 88, and some men tearing down walls to create more classroom space for the adults and teens, it has been quite chaotic.
My head and heart are still reeling from the blow that our secretary, Jeanne Lessman, is leaving us so soon. I don’t know what to say…My world is turned upside down. My Mother Hen is leaving the roost and I have no one to take care of me and set me straight. First, it was Jim Gardner. Then, it was Rick and Gail Northen. Now, Jeanne is leaving. And the hits just keep on coming!
Have you ever been down like this? Where you just felt like all of your dearest loved ones are leaving you all by your lonesome? It would be great to hear some feedback from some of you out there that have stood up and faced the ‘winds of change’ or the ‘moving of the cheese.’
My head and heart are still reeling from the blow that our secretary, Jeanne Lessman, is leaving us so soon. I don’t know what to say…My world is turned upside down. My Mother Hen is leaving the roost and I have no one to take care of me and set me straight. First, it was Jim Gardner. Then, it was Rick and Gail Northen. Now, Jeanne is leaving. And the hits just keep on coming!
Have you ever been down like this? Where you just felt like all of your dearest loved ones are leaving you all by your lonesome? It would be great to hear some feedback from some of you out there that have stood up and faced the ‘winds of change’ or the ‘moving of the cheese.’
Monday, November 28, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
This is a trial of the new item that I have downloaded for my blogging. If this works, my blogs will come directly from Word. How cool is technology? If one is not careful, future shock could set in pretty fast.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Blast From The Past
This morning has certainly been a blast from the past. My old buddy, Jim Gardner, arrived into town last night to share Thanksgiving with his family here in AR. He drove up this morning to the building and we have been hanging out all day. It is great to spend some time with him once again.
We went shopping for the tailgate this evening. Buns, Dogs, Burgers (Jim Burgers?!?) and all the accompanying fare for the avid tailgater. At 6:00 tonight, the food should be edible.
He had a hankering for the Shack (Jessieville's Country Club) burgers and onion rings. With the amount of eating out lately and Turkey Day looming, I should be a bigger man pretty soon.
Jim and I are getting ready to head over to the Jessieville Sports Arena for the pep rally that will boost all of us up for the coming game.
Tonight, the family ministry will host the tailgate as we wait with baited breath as the Lions square off against the Junction City Dragons. It should be a real nail-biter!
We went shopping for the tailgate this evening. Buns, Dogs, Burgers (Jim Burgers?!?) and all the accompanying fare for the avid tailgater. At 6:00 tonight, the food should be edible.
He had a hankering for the Shack (Jessieville's Country Club) burgers and onion rings. With the amount of eating out lately and Turkey Day looming, I should be a bigger man pretty soon.
Jim and I are getting ready to head over to the Jessieville Sports Arena for the pep rally that will boost all of us up for the coming game.
Tonight, the family ministry will host the tailgate as we wait with baited breath as the Lions square off against the Junction City Dragons. It should be a real nail-biter!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Good Sam
This morning, Jim DuBose and I conducted the the chapel/worship service at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home here in the Village. It was great to see ChloeDean and others in attendance. God speaks to me through ministry to these sweet souls. To see joy and the love of God in the eyes of saints that are nearing the end of their stay here on earth is heartwarming to a young pup like me.
It was also good to be supported by the strong voices of Sam and Betty Laird. I know of no other, more dependable people in the Kingdom. Thank you both for your help!
It was also good to be supported by the strong voices of Sam and Betty Laird. I know of no other, more dependable people in the Kingdom. Thank you both for your help!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I know that many of you are heading over to the tailgate this Friday. If you don't have that planned, know this: Jim DuBose, Jim Gardner and Jimmy Mitchell will be manning the grills! It will be great to work with the new man and the old man over burgers and dogs.
Now are you enticed?
Jessieville is playing Junction City, so we know that the game is going to be edge-of-your-seat action. Bring a lawnchair and be ready to have some fellowship and fun.
Now are you enticed?
Jessieville is playing Junction City, so we know that the game is going to be edge-of-your-seat action. Bring a lawnchair and be ready to have some fellowship and fun.
Quote Of The Day
"God is not here to worship me, to mold Himself into something that will help me fulfill my level of comfort." - Donald Miller
Monday, November 14, 2005
All the Small Things
This past Friday, the youth traveled to Benton to have a Lock-In. I will be posting pics in the near future. Although we had a small number of our core group attend, we had a large number of outsiders. A parent or two voiced their concern that too many outsiders were going. "These people are not even in the youth group."
Well, to address that, I would like to say that I am glad that we had a bunch of outsiders go. From that crew, we had several attend last night for the youth connection group that meets at the building. Little by little, God is bringing them to the group.
Many of these kids have parents that do not attend any congregation. They have no etiquette when it comes to church or its activities. Their sense of morality is skewed, if they have any instilled in them to begin with. They cuss, they make crude jokes, they are disrespectful and they talk about things that are taboo. At the same time, they are insecure, vulnerable and searching for something or someone to bring meaning to their lives. They have found the void and want desperately to fill it.
Guess what! Those are the very people that I seek to bring into this ministry. I long to help them find God and His son, Jesus. I believe that Jesus calls all of us who work in ministry to search for this ragtag group of people that have not seen Christ exemplified in anyone around them and show them the greates love and grace that has ever been or will ever be.
Folks, these are the lost.
Let's go out and bring them in to the Savior!
Well, to address that, I would like to say that I am glad that we had a bunch of outsiders go. From that crew, we had several attend last night for the youth connection group that meets at the building. Little by little, God is bringing them to the group.
Many of these kids have parents that do not attend any congregation. They have no etiquette when it comes to church or its activities. Their sense of morality is skewed, if they have any instilled in them to begin with. They cuss, they make crude jokes, they are disrespectful and they talk about things that are taboo. At the same time, they are insecure, vulnerable and searching for something or someone to bring meaning to their lives. They have found the void and want desperately to fill it.
Guess what! Those are the very people that I seek to bring into this ministry. I long to help them find God and His son, Jesus. I believe that Jesus calls all of us who work in ministry to search for this ragtag group of people that have not seen Christ exemplified in anyone around them and show them the greates love and grace that has ever been or will ever be.
Folks, these are the lost.
Let's go out and bring them in to the Savior!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Well, it is 6:43 on Saturday evening and Elizabeth and I are totally out of it. After watching the Jessieville Lions decimate the Murfreesboro Rattlers in the 1st playoff game, we took a group of 31 teens to Benton to spend a night of devotions, praise and fellowship in Northside's new Family Life Center. Needless to say, there was no sleep. There was a great devotional and singing. There was bowling, volleyball and 'dodge' ball. There was pizza. There was Rocket Man and Herbie: Fully Loaded. There was Dale's Donuts. There was an overall great experience with the family in Benton.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"With the appearance of the two-bathroom home, Americans forgot how to cooperate. With the appearance of the two-car family, we forgot how to associate, and with the coming of the two-and-three-telveision home, we forgot how to communicate." - Dr. John Baucom
I am a lover of technology! There, I said it. Take me to Best Buy and you might as well pitch a tent, because we are going to be there for a long while. I like computers, music, games, movies, cameras, recorders, televisions, etc. You name it! In the shallower end of moderation, they are fun and entertaining, but, and this is a big but, they do not make us truly happy. If they go unchecked, they can become the idols that will ultimately pull us away from our families, friends and God Himself.
So, enjoy these items of entertainment, but make sure that they do not hinder or replace the relationships that you have built up over the years with people and the God that created you.
I am a lover of technology! There, I said it. Take me to Best Buy and you might as well pitch a tent, because we are going to be there for a long while. I like computers, music, games, movies, cameras, recorders, televisions, etc. You name it! In the shallower end of moderation, they are fun and entertaining, but, and this is a big but, they do not make us truly happy. If they go unchecked, they can become the idols that will ultimately pull us away from our families, friends and God Himself.
So, enjoy these items of entertainment, but make sure that they do not hinder or replace the relationships that you have built up over the years with people and the God that created you.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Here and Now
Well, he has finally walked into the door. The new preaching minister for the VCOC is in the house! Jim DuBose has come in to take a look around at his new work environment. I am so excited about this new ministry here in the Village. Jim is a great guy that will be an awesome partner to work with. We solicit your prayers for this new beginning.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Hurry Up!
My new buddy, Jim DuBose, is coming in today! I am so excited to continue my ministry with some new blood. I just want him to hurry up and get here! There are so many things that he has to learn about the Village and its inhabitants. Also about the wild youth group here (especially McKayla). That last part was written because she is watching over my shoulder at this very moment.
Jim and Susie, I know that you will be greatly blessed here in your new work with us. At the same time, we will be encouraged and uplifted by your leadership and ministry.
God will bless us all in this new leg of the Journey!
Jim and Susie, I know that you will be greatly blessed here in your new work with us. At the same time, we will be encouraged and uplifted by your leadership and ministry.
God will bless us all in this new leg of the Journey!
Spanish and Ministry
I am here at the school once again substituting for the College English and Spanish teacher. We are going to view "The Roots of Rhythm", a docudrama about the roots of Latin music and its present influence.
It makes me think of our (Village church's) new outreach in the Village to the Hispanic community. I thank God for people like Jim Mabery, Marlon Bonilla, Steve Hogue, Carlos and Maribel Preciado and Doug Murray for their passion to seek these people and work with them in their spiritual lives. God has blessed the Spanish Ministry with continual growth and exemplary leadership.
Because of servants like those mentioned before, the kingdom is expanding rapidly. They may not know it, but they are molding and shaping young lives around them. I hope that I, personally, cultivate a passion like this.
Who do you look up to in the faith? Is there a person you know that has such a fire in their bones that they just can't keep quiet?
It makes me think of our (Village church's) new outreach in the Village to the Hispanic community. I thank God for people like Jim Mabery, Marlon Bonilla, Steve Hogue, Carlos and Maribel Preciado and Doug Murray for their passion to seek these people and work with them in their spiritual lives. God has blessed the Spanish Ministry with continual growth and exemplary leadership.
Because of servants like those mentioned before, the kingdom is expanding rapidly. They may not know it, but they are molding and shaping young lives around them. I hope that I, personally, cultivate a passion like this.
Who do you look up to in the faith? Is there a person you know that has such a fire in their bones that they just can't keep quiet?
Monday, November 07, 2005
People After His Heart
Last night, the youth, young families and others met at the home of Lance and Shelly Mabery for the annual Hayride and Weenie Roast. As we sat around the nice, warm fire, we discussed the privilege we have to be God's people!
To have His blessings all throughout our lives.
To share a family tie with other Christians in this world!
To praise God for all that He gives us.
To be constant followers through our highs and lows
To be, like David, men and women after His own heart.
It doesn't get any better than this.
To have His blessings all throughout our lives.
To share a family tie with other Christians in this world!
To praise God for all that He gives us.
To be constant followers through our highs and lows
To be, like David, men and women after His own heart.
It doesn't get any better than this.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Way To Go, Lions!
It is with great pleasure that I announce that we have home field advantage through the playoffs until the final in Little Rock! Way to go, Don Phillips and the gang, for having such a great season. I am getting ready to man the grill at another tailgate.
I will be back with some pics of recent events here in the Village youth group.
I miss Jim Gardner and family...Rick and Gail Northen...Carlos and Maribel Preciado.
I can't wait to work with Jim and Susie DuBose! They will be here next week.
I will be back with some pics of recent events here in the Village youth group.
I miss Jim Gardner and family...Rick and Gail Northen...Carlos and Maribel Preciado.
I can't wait to work with Jim and Susie DuBose! They will be here next week.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Well, Carlos and Maribel left this morning for Nashville en route to Florida. They are already sorely missed. I don't know how I am going to do it without them. They are going to be great blessings wherever they journey in life.
Jeanne, our secretary, and I celebrated our shared birthday with a nice lunch at El Acapulco. We were surprised when it came time to pay the check and someone had already paid for us! Whoever you are, thank you so much for doing that! That was quite a pleasant surprise.
Jeanne, our secretary, and I celebrated our shared birthday with a nice lunch at El Acapulco. We were surprised when it came time to pay the check and someone had already paid for us! Whoever you are, thank you so much for doing that! That was quite a pleasant surprise.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Link Additions
I have updated my link list to include some great friends of mine that are in the mission field. Rick and Gail are in Cambodia getting ready to travel up and down the Mekong river supplying natives with physical and spiritual health. Rick and Gail are excellent examples of living by faith and following the call of God.
Carlos and Maribel are preparing to leave the Village and work in South Broward County, Florida. They will be reaching out to the Hispanic communities in and around Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. I love them for their hard work and passion!
God has blessed me with the presence of these 4 people that have totally devoted their lives to God and His work. I know that He will continue to do great things through these 'earthly vessels.'
If you would like to know more about their work, please check out the links to the right of this post.
Carlos and Maribel are preparing to leave the Village and work in South Broward County, Florida. They will be reaching out to the Hispanic communities in and around Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. I love them for their hard work and passion!
God has blessed me with the presence of these 4 people that have totally devoted their lives to God and His work. I know that He will continue to do great things through these 'earthly vessels.'
If you would like to know more about their work, please check out the links to the right of this post.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sports and the Arts
Last Saturday evening, I had the privilege of performing for the Stonecroft Christian Couples' Club here in the Village. The speaker of the evening was Jim McQueen. I had never heard of him, but he is a very talented Sports Illustrator. His work has been published in Golf Digest, Golf Magazine and Tennis Magazine. He has worked as a freelance illustrator for 40 years. His talk about Jesus was inspiring and encompassed both sports and the arts. If you are a fan of either, you will enjoy his website: www.jimmcqueenart.com
A Day of Records
I am amazed at the greatness of God! Yesterday was our day to give for mission work. The goal was $60,000. Well, we far exceeded that with a number of nearly $80,000 given for foreign and domestic work. Not only were we blessed monetarily, but we also were blessed with more people in the brand-spanking new Spanish Ministry. In a ministry catering to the Spanish speaking community in the Village that began last Sunday morning with 15, we have doubled in one week! 30 people crowded into the youth room to worship together in their native tongue. God is so good!! And I know that He will continue to provide the increase.
Last night, the youth were able to spend time in devotion to God with our missionaries, Carlos and Maribel Preciado. We had so many youth that the house was ready to explode. They are leaving this week for their new work in South Florida. I am going to miss them more than words can describe.
Last night, the youth were able to spend time in devotion to God with our missionaries, Carlos and Maribel Preciado. We had so many youth that the house was ready to explode. They are leaving this week for their new work in South Florida. I am going to miss them more than words can describe.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
192. Can you believe it?!? We had 192 here at the building last night for Fall Fun Night! Now that is including not only the youth and young families that showed up for tricks and treats , but also the adults that came to the auditorium for the lesson.
It was great to see new young faces and make some new contacts for the church here in the Village! We have our work cut out for us with the new influx of young people. God truly has blessed this place.
It was great to see new young faces and make some new contacts for the church here in the Village! We have our work cut out for us with the new influx of young people. God truly has blessed this place.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Back Among the Living
Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words while I have gone through two illnesses back to back in such a short time. You have been very helpful to me and Elizabeth. It is great to be back among the living.
Here are some things to catch you up with the things going on around here:
Here are some things to catch you up with the things going on around here:
- We have hired a new preaching minister. His name is Jim DuBose and he comes from Topeka, Kansas. He will be blowing into town around the second week in November.
- Rick and Gail Northen, two of the neatest people in our congregation, left for Cambodia to work on a medical missions boat. They left us with a hole in our hearts, but we sent them off with our blessing because we know that God has called them to that work.
- The youth participated in Cabot Praise 2005 on the 15th. Even though the numbers were low, the learning was great and Watershed Worship was one of the highlights of our time there.
- Carlos and Maribel Preciado, two people that are dear to my heart, cooked a Mexican Fiesta for the congregation on Wednesday the 19th. Nice and Spicy. The food was so well-received that it ran out quickly.
- Speaking of Mexican food, there is a new restaurant here called El Acapulco's. It is the talk of the Village. If you have ever been here, you would know why.
- We had dual services for the first time on Sunday the 23rd. 15 people gathered in the youth room in the morning for worship and Bible study in Spanish. More are coming this Sunday! What a great work!!
- This evening is our annual Fall Fun Night in the Fellowship Hall. We open up our building to teens and young families in the surrounding area for a time of facepainting, cookie decorating, cake walking, apple bobbing, hay riding and jupiter jumping.
That is all for now. I will be back tomorrow with a new blog.
Monday, October 10, 2005
I'm Out
Forgive me if you have not seen a blog from me for a while but I am suffering from what my doctor calls trigeminal neuralgia (basically the feeling of getting stabbed in the head with an icepick every 15-20 seconds). Doctor Hollis has prescribed Carbamazepine and Hydrocodone. So, needless to say, I am sort of out of it. I am sorry that this blog will be on hold until I am back out of left field. Please be patient with me as I recover.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"A Christian doesn't avoid the questions; a Christian embraces them. In fact, to truly pursue the living God, we have to see the need for questions.
Questions are not scary.
What is scary is when people don't have any.
What is tragic is faith that has no room for them." - Rob Bell
Questions are not scary.
What is scary is when people don't have any.
What is tragic is faith that has no room for them." - Rob Bell
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Here is a blog from Mike Cope that I believe hits home with me and I think will with you as well. He has such a great way with words that I could not pass up placing this on my blog to share his thoughts and insights with my readers.
At our home, we are Shel Silverstein fans. Here's one for today:
I went to find the pot of gold
That's waiting where the rainbow ends.
I searched and searched and searched and searched
And searched and searched, and then--
There it was, deep in the grass,
Under and old and twisty bough.
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine at last. . . .
What do I search for now?
So often we think that there is some great destination that we're waiting for. We find ourselves "killing time" (a horrible phrase) just waiting for that destination. We forget that it's the journey itself that is full of life.
You can't wait for your kids to grow up so you can have a little peace and quiet. There is the joy of the journey.
You can't wait for retirement so you can play golf. There is the joy of the journey.
You can't wait for your church to "do things right" so you can be happy. There is the joy of the journey.
You can't wait for Americans to get back to the good old days. There is the joy of the journey.
Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Lion, and the Scarecrow are headed to Oz. But the heart, the courage, and the brain they need come from the journey--not from the diminutive wizard behind the curtain.
Bilbo Baggins' walking song has it right:
The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
I have my eyes on an incredible destination. But the journey is filled with joy--even in the midst of pain. I don't want to miss that joy!
What's out there on the road for you this day? Don't put off today waiting for Friday. Don't blow off this week waiting for next week or this month waiting for next month or this year waiting for next year. Too many people miss life waiting for something better.
Look out today and smile at THAT spouse, THOSE kids, THAT job, THOSE friends, THAT church, THOSE neighbors.
At our home, we are Shel Silverstein fans. Here's one for today:
I went to find the pot of gold
That's waiting where the rainbow ends.
I searched and searched and searched and searched
And searched and searched, and then--
There it was, deep in the grass,
Under and old and twisty bough.
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine at last. . . .
What do I search for now?
So often we think that there is some great destination that we're waiting for. We find ourselves "killing time" (a horrible phrase) just waiting for that destination. We forget that it's the journey itself that is full of life.
You can't wait for your kids to grow up so you can have a little peace and quiet. There is the joy of the journey.
You can't wait for retirement so you can play golf. There is the joy of the journey.
You can't wait for your church to "do things right" so you can be happy. There is the joy of the journey.
You can't wait for Americans to get back to the good old days. There is the joy of the journey.
Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Lion, and the Scarecrow are headed to Oz. But the heart, the courage, and the brain they need come from the journey--not from the diminutive wizard behind the curtain.
Bilbo Baggins' walking song has it right:
The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
I have my eyes on an incredible destination. But the journey is filled with joy--even in the midst of pain. I don't want to miss that joy!
What's out there on the road for you this day? Don't put off today waiting for Friday. Don't blow off this week waiting for next week or this month waiting for next month or this year waiting for next year. Too many people miss life waiting for something better.
Look out today and smile at THAT spouse, THOSE kids, THAT job, THOSE friends, THAT church, THOSE neighbors.
Monday, October 03, 2005
I know that the people in and around Cambodia will be blessed by the presence and hard work of Rick and Gail Northen.
I know that the people of Miami are going to be caught up in the lovestorm that is Carlos and Maribel Preciado. They won't know what hit them.
The family here was certainly blessed to see Mandy and Tori Gardner once again. We were able to worship and fellowship with 2 people we dearly miss.
God has a great way of using others to bless and encourage the rest.
Thank You, God, for what You do through and for us!
I know that the people of Miami are going to be caught up in the lovestorm that is Carlos and Maribel Preciado. They won't know what hit them.
The family here was certainly blessed to see Mandy and Tori Gardner once again. We were able to worship and fellowship with 2 people we dearly miss.
God has a great way of using others to bless and encourage the rest.
Thank You, God, for what You do through and for us!
Friday, September 30, 2005
Geometry and Blogs
Here I sit once again substituting at Jessieville School. This time the subject is Geometry. Since there is no lesson plan, the students are playing catch up on homework and finding out what everyone is doing for the weekend. McKayla M is sitting on the desk beside me keeping me company while Zach is striving to pop a pencil in the ceiling. The energy of youth!
Worries and concerns of mine:
How can we reach out to the lost if the saved are constantly arguing over methodology?
Jesus came and shattered perceptions of how we 'do' church. He rebuked and revamped to reach those on the fringe of and outside of religious circles.
Are we not called to do the same thing?
I am not trying to push anyone's buttons, but I genuinely would like to know what we, as servant-leaders in the Kingdom, are supposed to do with the lost.
Worries and concerns of mine:
How can we reach out to the lost if the saved are constantly arguing over methodology?
Jesus came and shattered perceptions of how we 'do' church. He rebuked and revamped to reach those on the fringe of and outside of religious circles.
Are we not called to do the same thing?
I am not trying to push anyone's buttons, but I genuinely would like to know what we, as servant-leaders in the Kingdom, are supposed to do with the lost.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Near The Foothills...
Ahh, Harding University. A great place of academic and spiritual growth. Always buzzing with youthful energy. I have had the privilege to be back on campus for the Lectureships. To hear the story of Jesus from the likes of Randy Harris, Buddy Bell and others is quite a treat. They have such a way about them that keeps the old, old story fresh and ever vibrant for self application. God has greatly blessed these men with the gift of story-telling. Tomorrow, Don McLaughlin will conclude the series with the story of Christ's Resurrection. It will be a blast to sit at his feet as he breaks the bread to us.
I will try to keep the blogs up. I have been leaving early morning and arriving home later in the evening. Today, I had the joy of waking up at 4:15 and chauffering the ladies to their Ladies Day at College Church. I got home early enough to sit down and type this up.
Goodbye for now. I'm off to eat Dinner!
I will try to keep the blogs up. I have been leaving early morning and arriving home later in the evening. Today, I had the joy of waking up at 4:15 and chauffering the ladies to their Ladies Day at College Church. I got home early enough to sit down and type this up.
Goodbye for now. I'm off to eat Dinner!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"Everything in God's store is on the bottom shelf - you have to get on your knees to get it." - Robert Collier
Please excuse my absence over the past two days. To say that I am swamped and busy with double duty is an understatement. But here I am now, back in the midst of blogdom.
95 students of Jessieville schools gathered around the flagpole yesterday to pray for wisdom, safety and strength during this new school year. It was great to see them strong in numbers. While supportive parents and family members stood in the background, teens and tweens took the lead singing songs of praise and lifting up the needs of themselves, their friends and families to their loving Father in Heaven. Posted pics are forthcoming.
95 students of Jessieville schools gathered around the flagpole yesterday to pray for wisdom, safety and strength during this new school year. It was great to see them strong in numbers. While supportive parents and family members stood in the background, teens and tweens took the lead singing songs of praise and lifting up the needs of themselves, their friends and families to their loving Father in Heaven. Posted pics are forthcoming.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"Always have your bags packed; you never know where life's journey is going to take you." - old Appalachian saying
I added a new link to this blog. Jeff Garrett is very interesting, to say the very least. His perspective is quirky and off-the-wall, but at the same time pretty refreshing and thoughtful.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
If you have not yet looked at Jim Gardner's Wednesday blog, I suggest that you do so. He has placed some interesting charts there. Are we missional?
I am now tutoring 2 new students at the High School. One in Algebra and the other in French II. Wow, I have been away far too long. It is quite funny how one can get so rusty in former subjects.
Last night the youth had a great discussion about Suicide. For many, it is an unpardonable sin. But is it really? God does not condone it, I know, but will the person that ends their own life be sent to eternal punishment? These were the questions that we trudged through in the youth room last night.
What are your thoughts on the subject? Is suicide unforgivable?
I am now tutoring 2 new students at the High School. One in Algebra and the other in French II. Wow, I have been away far too long. It is quite funny how one can get so rusty in former subjects.
Last night the youth had a great discussion about Suicide. For many, it is an unpardonable sin. But is it really? God does not condone it, I know, but will the person that ends their own life be sent to eternal punishment? These were the questions that we trudged through in the youth room last night.
What are your thoughts on the subject? Is suicide unforgivable?
Monday, September 12, 2005
God has blessed the Village church by sending two very special people to work and worship in our midst. Carlos and Maribel Preciado are two hard working, God loving people that have not stopped working ever since they set foot in the Village! I have had the great honor and privilege to spend some time with them in fellowship. I love them and their tireless evangelistic ethic. I know that they will certainly be blessings to the families that they minister to in South Florida.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Awesome Tailgate
We had a record number of tailgaters last night! 100 people showed up to eat burgers, dogs, spend time in fellowship, reach out and support the Lions of Jessieville. it was a great night of family and friends.
Jim, 'Naw, You!' was there to partake. He said it a couple of times (for good measure, I guess). I tried to call you but your phone was turned off.
All of the young couples are going to be treated to a special dinner this evening at the home of Rick and Gail Northen. It will be a time of encouragement and goodbyes from the couple that will be soon leaving for Cambodia to continue their work for the Lord (this time on a Medical Missions Boat). We love them so much and will miss them greatly.
Jim, 'Naw, You!' was there to partake. He said it a couple of times (for good measure, I guess). I tried to call you but your phone was turned off.
All of the young couples are going to be treated to a special dinner this evening at the home of Rick and Gail Northen. It will be a time of encouragement and goodbyes from the couple that will be soon leaving for Cambodia to continue their work for the Lord (this time on a Medical Missions Boat). We love them so much and will miss them greatly.
Friday, September 09, 2005
I am pumped up this morning! I am at Jessieville School this morning substituting for Mrs. Sears (College Engilsh and Spanish Teacher). The atmosphere is abuzz over tonight's upcoming game versus Ola. The VCOC is hosting a tailgate party before the game to get members, both young and old, to come and show their Lion Pride. At this moment, I miss Jim Gardner. He has always been my grill-mate and I don't think anyone can quite fill his shoes. We miss you, Jim. We'll be thinking of you at the game.
Family Matters II
I have been greatly blessed by the company of my sister, Misti, and my nephews, Kameron (3 years old) and Brenden (3 months old). They have been troopers all through staying 9 days in our house without transportation of their own. I love them so much and am glad to be able to really spend time with them.
If you have family, make sure to let them know that you love them and appreciate them. Everyone needs a little verbal reassurance.
If you have family, make sure to let them know that you love them and appreciate them. Everyone needs a little verbal reassurance.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
It feels like everything has blown me around lately. Several things have happened to me that are rough and harsh.
Please continue to pray for my famly as they face trying times. As I said in an earlier blog, God knows what you are praying for.
Keep the church family in your prayers as well as they seek a new leader. We know that God will bless us greatly.
My heart goes out to Stephanie H. She was a great asset here in the VCOC and we miss her so much. Sunday morning at around 1:45, she was in a horrible wreck that fractured her ankle and foot in 4 places. Her right arm was badly injured and her neck was fractured as they flipped 6 times. She is in the hospital now and is being taken care of. I pray that God will bless her and her mom, Janet, as she faces physical therapy and 3 months with a neck brace.
It is at times like these that I look up to the heavens and thank God that He is there and able to undertake anything, good and bad, that comes our way. He is always there!
Please continue to pray for my famly as they face trying times. As I said in an earlier blog, God knows what you are praying for.
Keep the church family in your prayers as well as they seek a new leader. We know that God will bless us greatly.
My heart goes out to Stephanie H. She was a great asset here in the VCOC and we miss her so much. Sunday morning at around 1:45, she was in a horrible wreck that fractured her ankle and foot in 4 places. Her right arm was badly injured and her neck was fractured as they flipped 6 times. She is in the hospital now and is being taken care of. I pray that God will bless her and her mom, Janet, as she faces physical therapy and 3 months with a neck brace.
It is at times like these that I look up to the heavens and thank God that He is there and able to undertake anything, good and bad, that comes our way. He is always there!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
I'm sorry to all of you readers out there in the blogdom. I did not realize that 'later' would be two days later! I am back now and ready to blog.
Something that I found very alarming for parents and families:
"The average five-year-old spends only 25 minutes a week in close with his or her father, according to one recent survey. That same child spends 25 hours a week in close interaction with the television.
The moral of the story? If we're not commited to tour children as God expects us to be, we shouldn't expect them to be commited to us. They will find a replacement-even if it is a television set." Focus on the the Family(09/05)
I am blessed to have Carlos and Maribel Preciado, a young couple that we are supporting to work down in the south Florida area among the Hispanic community, here with me to minister to the young families and teens. They will be here working with us for two months. I am pumped!
I ask that you pray for me. I won't go into all the details, but I know that God will hear and understand if you lift me up to Him.
Something that I found very alarming for parents and families:
"The average five-year-old spends only 25 minutes a week in close with his or her father, according to one recent survey. That same child spends 25 hours a week in close interaction with the television.
The moral of the story? If we're not commited to tour children as God expects us to be, we shouldn't expect them to be commited to us. They will find a replacement-even if it is a television set." Focus on the the Family(09/05)
I am blessed to have Carlos and Maribel Preciado, a young couple that we are supporting to work down in the south Florida area among the Hispanic community, here with me to minister to the young families and teens. They will be here working with us for two months. I am pumped!
I ask that you pray for me. I won't go into all the details, but I know that God will hear and understand if you lift me up to Him.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Thank God for the rain. As I type this blog, the sky is open and the rain is coming down. I pray that it will keep coming. We need it here in the Village and surrounding areas.
I pray also for the families in New Orleans that they will see an end to Katrina. God bless them as they face this terrible Hurricane.
Be back later with more thoughts.
I pray also for the families in New Orleans that they will see an end to Katrina. God bless them as they face this terrible Hurricane.
Be back later with more thoughts.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Beautiful Morning
This morning I had the oppurtunity to spend an hour in a classroom full of 5th graders. I am in a rotation of adults that get to spend time with these young minds while their teachers are in conference. So, the 3rd Friday of every month I am able to share with them stories of my life and my ministry. I also get to hear their takes on Jesus and His love. I cannot think of a better way to start the day!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I just finished giving a devotional thought to the seniors that are taken care in The Good Samaritan Nursing Home and Assisted Living complex. We discussed 'Forgiveness.'
Such an easy word to say. But the application is where things get difficult.
How many of you out there have held a grudge that just kept getting larger and more painful? Something that may have begun as a little tiff suddenly snowballs into relationship damaging bitterness. And the cycle will not end until one or both parties involved say "I'm Sorry."
I have read of families and friendships being ripped apart over small things like the cost of sugar. Sad, but true.
Please, if you are embroiled in an argument with your friends or family, take the time to renew your relationship through forgiveness. Pray to God that He give you a piece of His heart and break the chain of 'unforgiveness.'
Such an easy word to say. But the application is where things get difficult.
How many of you out there have held a grudge that just kept getting larger and more painful? Something that may have begun as a little tiff suddenly snowballs into relationship damaging bitterness. And the cycle will not end until one or both parties involved say "I'm Sorry."
I have read of families and friendships being ripped apart over small things like the cost of sugar. Sad, but true.
Please, if you are embroiled in an argument with your friends or family, take the time to renew your relationship through forgiveness. Pray to God that He give you a piece of His heart and break the chain of 'unforgiveness.'
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"When you forgive someone, you slice away the wrong from the person who did it. You disengage that person from his hurtful act. You recreate him. At one moment you identify him ineradicably as the person who did you wrong. The next moment you change that identity. He is remade in your memory.
You think of him now not as the person who hurt you, but a person who needs you. You feel him now not as the person who alienated you, but as the person who belongs to you. Once you branded him as a person powerful in evil, but now you see him as a person weak in his needs. You recreated your past by recreating the person whose wrong made your past painful." - Lewis Smedes
You think of him now not as the person who hurt you, but a person who needs you. You feel him now not as the person who alienated you, but as the person who belongs to you. Once you branded him as a person powerful in evil, but now you see him as a person weak in his needs. You recreated your past by recreating the person whose wrong made your past painful." - Lewis Smedes
Monday, August 22, 2005
About the smashed van window...one of the young men from the youth group, in trying to scare one of his buddies, flat-handed one of the windows at it's weakest point and accidentally smashed it to pieces. It was a lesson in restraint and responsibility that will not be quickly forgotten. He has profusely offered to work and scrounge up extra spending money to pay it off.
About last Saturday...Walt and Shirley M. were once again gracious hosts for the youth and several young families for the Back To School Celebration with more food than we could all consume, 4 boats to ski and tube behind on Lake Balboa, and a great atmosphere for God's family to fellowship. Thanks to Walt and Shirley, John and Trish, Rick M, Doug, and Gary for providing great times!!
About my Mom...she spent the weekend with Elizabeth and me to have a nice, relaxing weekend getaway, but wound up getting more than she bargained for. She was the third in line to tube and as she jumped out of the boat her hand got caught in the crevice between the gate and the boat railing. She said later that she felt a pinch on her way down. In reality, it was more than a pinch. As she came up out of the water, I noticed that her right hand was bleeding. Thinking it was a cut, several from the boat asked if she was alright. But she had actually severed her pinky finger in half. The top of the finger was found and put on ice. We rushed my mom and her finger to the hospital, in hopes that the doctors would be able to sew the finger back on, but they were not able to do so.
My mom was a trooper during the whole ordeal. She stayed strong and God blessed her with a minimal amount of pain. She is at home now resting and recovering from quite the opposite of the weekend that she thought she would have. We love you, Mom and pray that God continues to keep you out of pain and in great health.
About life...it has a strange way of constantly changing on us.
About God...He has a great and mysterious way of taking care of us through it all.
About last Saturday...Walt and Shirley M. were once again gracious hosts for the youth and several young families for the Back To School Celebration with more food than we could all consume, 4 boats to ski and tube behind on Lake Balboa, and a great atmosphere for God's family to fellowship. Thanks to Walt and Shirley, John and Trish, Rick M, Doug, and Gary for providing great times!!
About my Mom...she spent the weekend with Elizabeth and me to have a nice, relaxing weekend getaway, but wound up getting more than she bargained for. She was the third in line to tube and as she jumped out of the boat her hand got caught in the crevice between the gate and the boat railing. She said later that she felt a pinch on her way down. In reality, it was more than a pinch. As she came up out of the water, I noticed that her right hand was bleeding. Thinking it was a cut, several from the boat asked if she was alright. But she had actually severed her pinky finger in half. The top of the finger was found and put on ice. We rushed my mom and her finger to the hospital, in hopes that the doctors would be able to sew the finger back on, but they were not able to do so.
My mom was a trooper during the whole ordeal. She stayed strong and God blessed her with a minimal amount of pain. She is at home now resting and recovering from quite the opposite of the weekend that she thought she would have. We love you, Mom and pray that God continues to keep you out of pain and in great health.
About life...it has a strange way of constantly changing on us.
About God...He has a great and mysterious way of taking care of us through it all.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Sinking In
Well, it is just now starting to sink in that my partner- in-crime, Jim Gardner, is really gone. Being here in the office without him is something that will take a while to get used to. The shepherds here have been really great and supportive. Matter of fact, Rick N. came by the office to give his support to Jeanne and me. Thanks to you men for your encouragement.
I gave the motivational address to the faculty and staff of Jessieville Schools today. My heart skips a beat when it is time for school to start back. Even though I am well out of high school, the fond memories come rushing to me. I am sure that I speak for many kids in my youth group, as well.
I have to go now. I am prepping for my sermon this coming Sunday morning. I will blog later about the incident of the young man and the smashed van window...
I gave the motivational address to the faculty and staff of Jessieville Schools today. My heart skips a beat when it is time for school to start back. Even though I am well out of high school, the fond memories come rushing to me. I am sure that I speak for many kids in my youth group, as well.
I have to go now. I am prepping for my sermon this coming Sunday morning. I will blog later about the incident of the young man and the smashed van window...
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
We are back from Camp Barton in one piece and on a spiritual high. A week full of creating and shaping memories. How many of you out there have a fond memory or Bible Camp story that you would like to share with the rest of us?
Several of the youth met today to paint and redecorate the youth room. We worked, played and ordered in Pizza. I got a little too overzealous with my pizza order, so we will most likely be eating it again for lunch tomorrow when we meet to wrap up the room. I will be posting pics soon.
I will miss you, Jim.
I'll miss riding in the truck and talking about everything under the sun.
I'll miss deliberating over serious matters in the office.
I'll miss 'Naw you' and 'Jim Burger?!?'
I'll miss Good Sam Chapels together.
I'll miss visiting in homes and in hospitals together.
I'll miss grilling out together before the games
The list goes on and on...
Several of the youth met today to paint and redecorate the youth room. We worked, played and ordered in Pizza. I got a little too overzealous with my pizza order, so we will most likely be eating it again for lunch tomorrow when we meet to wrap up the room. I will be posting pics soon.
I will miss you, Jim.
I'll miss riding in the truck and talking about everything under the sun.
I'll miss deliberating over serious matters in the office.
I'll miss 'Naw you' and 'Jim Burger?!?'
I'll miss Good Sam Chapels together.
I'll miss visiting in homes and in hospitals together.
I'll miss grilling out together before the games
The list goes on and on...
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Time To Party
21 from the youth group are getting set to leave tomorrow afternoon for a week-long spiritual party at Camp Barton. Party in the sense of laughter, fun, games and fellowship. Spiritual because every element will be building toward our focus on the goal: Jesus Christ!
This year's theme is centered on the fruits of the Spirit. I ask that you keep us in your prayers. Prayers for safety, fun, focus and spiritual growth. Prayers for strong leadership and mentoring. Prayers for guidance from the Holy Spirit.
I will not be able to blog for a whole week. Don't worry though, there will be posted details, thoughts and pics when I return.
This year's theme is centered on the fruits of the Spirit. I ask that you keep us in your prayers. Prayers for safety, fun, focus and spiritual growth. Prayers for strong leadership and mentoring. Prayers for guidance from the Holy Spirit.
I will not be able to blog for a whole week. Don't worry though, there will be posted details, thoughts and pics when I return.
Thoughts on Jesus
My buddy, Scott P. sent me this through email and I thought it was pretty neat. Max Lucado is a very insightful author and his viewpoint on Jesus is intriguing. Here it is...
"Why would Jesus, on his first journey, take his followers to a party?
Didn't they have work to do? Didn't he have principles to teach?Wasn't his time limited? How could a wedding fit with his purpose on earth?
Why did Jesus go to the wedding?
The answer? It's found in the second verse of John 2. “Jesus and his followers were also invited to the wedding.”
Why did they invite him?
I suppose they liked him.
Big deal? I think so. I think it's significant that common folk in a little town enjoyed being with Jesus. I think it's noteworthy that the Almighty didn't act high and mighty. The Holy One wasn't holier-than-thou.
You just don't get the impression that his neighbors grew sick of his haughtiness and asked, “Well, who do you think made you God?”
His faith made him likable, not detestable. Would that ours would do the same!
May I state an opinion that may raise an eyebrow? May I tell you why I think Jesus went to the wedding? I think he went to the wedding to - now hold on, hear me out, let me say it before you heat the tar and pluck the feathers-I think Jesus went to the wedding to have fun.
Maybe these thoughts catch you by surprise. They do me. It's been awhile since I pegged Jesus as a party-lover. But he was. His foes accused him of eating too much, drinking too much, and hanging out with the wrong people! (See Matt. 11:19.) I must confess: It's been awhile since I've been accused of having too much fun. How about you?
We used to be good at it. What has happened to us? What happened to clean joy and loud laughter? Is it our neckties that choke us?
Is it our diplomas that dignify us? Is it the pew that stiffens us? Jesus took time for a party...shouldn't we?"
"Why would Jesus, on his first journey, take his followers to a party?
Didn't they have work to do? Didn't he have principles to teach?Wasn't his time limited? How could a wedding fit with his purpose on earth?
Why did Jesus go to the wedding?
The answer? It's found in the second verse of John 2. “Jesus and his followers were also invited to the wedding.”
Why did they invite him?
I suppose they liked him.
Big deal? I think so. I think it's significant that common folk in a little town enjoyed being with Jesus. I think it's noteworthy that the Almighty didn't act high and mighty. The Holy One wasn't holier-than-thou.
You just don't get the impression that his neighbors grew sick of his haughtiness and asked, “Well, who do you think made you God?”
His faith made him likable, not detestable. Would that ours would do the same!
May I state an opinion that may raise an eyebrow? May I tell you why I think Jesus went to the wedding? I think he went to the wedding to - now hold on, hear me out, let me say it before you heat the tar and pluck the feathers-I think Jesus went to the wedding to have fun.
Maybe these thoughts catch you by surprise. They do me. It's been awhile since I pegged Jesus as a party-lover. But he was. His foes accused him of eating too much, drinking too much, and hanging out with the wrong people! (See Matt. 11:19.) I must confess: It's been awhile since I've been accused of having too much fun. How about you?
We used to be good at it. What has happened to us? What happened to clean joy and loud laughter? Is it our neckties that choke us?
Is it our diplomas that dignify us? Is it the pew that stiffens us? Jesus took time for a party...shouldn't we?"
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"Worshiping together is a more personal thing than riding trains or attending movies together. Tolerance is not enough; it must be real brotherhood or nothing." - Frank T. Wilson
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Arlington Trip
Monday, July 25, 2005
Interesting News
Here's a piece of news that you might find interesting:
Babies Take Viagra
Babies who suffer from pulmonary hypertension have a 12-month mortality rate of 37%. But 14 children who used Viagra therapy (yes, it improves blood flow to the heart and lungs, too) were all alive at the end of a preliminary trial. Pfizer, Viagra's maker, is planning a large-scale trial toward marketing the drug for infant use. ("Newsweek," July 25)
Babies Take Viagra
Babies who suffer from pulmonary hypertension have a 12-month mortality rate of 37%. But 14 children who used Viagra therapy (yes, it improves blood flow to the heart and lungs, too) were all alive at the end of a preliminary trial. Pfizer, Viagra's maker, is planning a large-scale trial toward marketing the drug for infant use. ("Newsweek," July 25)
Back In Town
Well, we're back! 23 from the youth group traveled down to Arlington to catch the Rangers play the A's and to spend a day at Six Flags. The kids survived, or should I say that the chaperones survived.
We had only one bad thing happen to us on the trip, though. On the drive home, the air conditioning in the van went out on us. For a few hours, 12 of us sat in a rolling sauna. A neat way to lose weight, huh?!? We lived.
I am glad to be back home to blog some more. I will be posting pics of our journey soon.
We had only one bad thing happen to us on the trip, though. On the drive home, the air conditioning in the van went out on us. For a few hours, 12 of us sat in a rolling sauna. A neat way to lose weight, huh?!? We lived.
I am glad to be back home to blog some more. I will be posting pics of our journey soon.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Our Lovely Youth Group

Just thought I would post some of the latest pics from some of our youth and family activities. There are some pictures of Steph H's going away party. (We miss you!) Some pictures of our VBS and some pics of our First Principles Day Camp.
It won't let me put all of the pictures on this one, so I will continue on into the next one...
Monday, July 18, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"The greatest hermeneutic of the gospel is a community that seeks to live by it." - Lesslie Newbigin
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Getting Older
What a blessing it was to have 19 youth on our first day, 20 on the second and 23 on the third and final day of First Principles Day Camp! The cool thing is that there were other kids out there that wanted to be here but could not because of summer jobs.
As excited as I am, though, I feel that I am getting older.
On Tuesday, I took the kids to the community pool and wrestled with all of them. Some kids at the pool that I have never seen before decided to join in the fun and try to take me down. While I believe I held up pretty well at the pool; I went home with a bruised side, a jammed finger and an aching, wrenched back. I think have started to feel some of my youthful invincibility begin to wear off.
What a bummer.
As excited as I am, though, I feel that I am getting older.
On Tuesday, I took the kids to the community pool and wrestled with all of them. Some kids at the pool that I have never seen before decided to join in the fun and try to take me down. While I believe I held up pretty well at the pool; I went home with a bruised side, a jammed finger and an aching, wrenched back. I think have started to feel some of my youthful invincibility begin to wear off.
What a bummer.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Beginnings and Endings
Today was the beginning of our annual First Principles Day Camp for students ages 9 and up. The camp lasts three days and serves as a crash course in our belief system as disciples of Christ. We were blessed this year to have the largest crowd in attendance. 19 students were here, eager to learn more about the basic, foundational principles of Christianity. There are whispers that there will be a few more tomorrow. That excites me. Young hearts ready to study the will of God for their lives.
On a sad note, there also comes an end to things. Several of our youth are leaving us this week. The Tates are moving to Florida and Stephanie H is moving to Albuquerque. They will be sorely missed. Compound that with the near departure of our preaching minister and his family and you have a few wet eyes in the house.
God has big plans for them. Plans that maybe you and I don't see with our miniscule grasp of the 'Big Picture.' But since the 'Big Guy in the Sky' knows all and sees all, I trust that they will be great blessings to the new communities in which they live and serve.
A word to the movers: We love you and pray for your spiritual safety as you leave us and embark on a new leg in your journey. God bless you.
So, there are beginnings and endings. Transitions that shape and change each one of us.
On a sad note, there also comes an end to things. Several of our youth are leaving us this week. The Tates are moving to Florida and Stephanie H is moving to Albuquerque. They will be sorely missed. Compound that with the near departure of our preaching minister and his family and you have a few wet eyes in the house.
God has big plans for them. Plans that maybe you and I don't see with our miniscule grasp of the 'Big Picture.' But since the 'Big Guy in the Sky' knows all and sees all, I trust that they will be great blessings to the new communities in which they live and serve.
A word to the movers: We love you and pray for your spiritual safety as you leave us and embark on a new leg in your journey. God bless you.
So, there are beginnings and endings. Transitions that shape and change each one of us.
Quote Of The Day
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Pics of my family
Quote Of The Day
"I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business." - Michael J. Fox
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
How To Deal
Apologies to all of you for the lack of blogs over the past few days. I spent some time with members of my spiritual family at the lake from Friday to Monday. Getting on the SeaDoo and lettin' her rip on Lake DeGray was therapeutic. Swimming, grilling, singing, praying and spending time in fellowship with 24 people with loving hearts was, indeed, 'chicken soup for the soul.'
We didn't get much rest, though. 1st was the bus full of wild partyers right next to us whooping it up into all hours of the night and keeping me and my sweetie up 'til around 3 in the morning. Next came the realization that our aerobed had a hole in it and that we were left to sleep on the rocks. Mix all of that in with no cool night air and you are in for a nice, sleepless night. But the next night was spent in the cool camper with Jim, Mandy, Trae, Tori, John, Allessandra, Cassie and my sweetie, Elizabeth. That was fun!
I am in a funk. That's about all I can think of to describe my state. My colleague, good friend and mentor is leaving to work with a congregation in Texas. And he will be leaving too soon. Read Jim Gardner's blog for more info. While I know that this is the work of God, I am still left in a funk.
The title of this blog is a phrase the keeps running through my mind: How to deal. How do we deal with loss? How do we cope with change?
I don't know how. I don't have the neat, cookie-cutter answer, so I give it over to God and let Him take care of it. Yes, I am in a funk, but I know that God sees the Big Picture and He has the answers for these bumps in the journey.
In the middle of this blog, my friend and shepherd, Rick Northen, came into my office and changed my perspective on this matter with stories and advice. My funk is not quite so deep now that I have been slapped back into the reality of things. He gave me some nuggets of wisdom to tuck away and use on a rainy day.
It all comes down to this: The only constant in life is change.
A true disciple of Christ knows that provisions and providence are God-given. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Be willing to release any fears and let the Spirit guide you through all uncharted territory.
We didn't get much rest, though. 1st was the bus full of wild partyers right next to us whooping it up into all hours of the night and keeping me and my sweetie up 'til around 3 in the morning. Next came the realization that our aerobed had a hole in it and that we were left to sleep on the rocks. Mix all of that in with no cool night air and you are in for a nice, sleepless night. But the next night was spent in the cool camper with Jim, Mandy, Trae, Tori, John, Allessandra, Cassie and my sweetie, Elizabeth. That was fun!
I am in a funk. That's about all I can think of to describe my state. My colleague, good friend and mentor is leaving to work with a congregation in Texas. And he will be leaving too soon. Read Jim Gardner's blog for more info. While I know that this is the work of God, I am still left in a funk.
The title of this blog is a phrase the keeps running through my mind: How to deal. How do we deal with loss? How do we cope with change?
I don't know how. I don't have the neat, cookie-cutter answer, so I give it over to God and let Him take care of it. Yes, I am in a funk, but I know that God sees the Big Picture and He has the answers for these bumps in the journey.
In the middle of this blog, my friend and shepherd, Rick Northen, came into my office and changed my perspective on this matter with stories and advice. My funk is not quite so deep now that I have been slapped back into the reality of things. He gave me some nuggets of wisdom to tuck away and use on a rainy day.
It all comes down to this: The only constant in life is change.
A true disciple of Christ knows that provisions and providence are God-given. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Be willing to release any fears and let the Spirit guide you through all uncharted territory.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
I was speaking today with Jeanne, our church secretary that has just come back from a family vacation in Alaska(and has been sorely missed), about what constitutes a hero. Is a hero someone that is impervious to pain? Someone that is super strong? Someone that is faster-than-a-speeding-bullet?
Well, those traits are more seen in comic book domain.
I am talking about a real, human hero. What is that person made of?
I sometimes think that we try to attribute comic book powers to real people. Even ourselves. When we try to be impervious, all-powerful we tend to shut out emotions. We close ourselves off from the possibility of being hurt or crushed by others. At the same time, we close ourselves off from being loved and embraced. We become our own burden.
Is that a hero? No! A hero is not afraid to take a chance, knowing that maybe they will fail. A hero gets back up after a hard fall and continues making the journey. A hero is not afraid to love openly and deeply. A hero will admit fault and say "I'm sorry." A hero will take care of those who can't take care of themselves. A hero is someone who has bruised and scabby knees from kneeling and looking to the Source for their true strength.
That is a hero.
Well, those traits are more seen in comic book domain.
I am talking about a real, human hero. What is that person made of?
I sometimes think that we try to attribute comic book powers to real people. Even ourselves. When we try to be impervious, all-powerful we tend to shut out emotions. We close ourselves off from the possibility of being hurt or crushed by others. At the same time, we close ourselves off from being loved and embraced. We become our own burden.
Is that a hero? No! A hero is not afraid to take a chance, knowing that maybe they will fail. A hero gets back up after a hard fall and continues making the journey. A hero is not afraid to love openly and deeply. A hero will admit fault and say "I'm sorry." A hero will take care of those who can't take care of themselves. A hero is someone who has bruised and scabby knees from kneeling and looking to the Source for their true strength.
That is a hero.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Encouragement To Parents
I read this blog today and thought that it spoke some great, encouraging words to all parents struggling out there. You know, trying to be the "cool friend" and "authoritative figure" at the same time. It just doesn't seem to work.
I am not yet a parent, but I have wrestled with this in youth ministry and feel somewhat empathetic to the situation, so I thought I would leave you with this blog by Mike Cope:
"A while back I wrote about how pleasantly surprised we were by the message of the film "In Good Company." By the previews it looked like a mindless plot about the romance between a hot-shot young executive (Topher Grace) and the college-age daughter (Scarlett Johansson) of the man whose place he took (Dennis Quaid) after a company buy-out.
But the romance is short-lived. The movie isn't about that. Rather, it's about the fathering of this young exec by the man he replaced. Near the end, he says to this older guy after being punched in the eye for sleeping with his daughter: "No one ever took the time to give me a hard time."
What a great line.
I want to encourage all you younger parents out there in blogsphere. It is hard to be the parent who lovingly gives a hard time. It's hard to be the one who enforces tv/computer time limits, homework, and bedtimes. It's difficult to set age-appropriate limits to movies when "every other kids' parents let them watch whatever they want." It's tough to be firm when you're exhausted from work and life's stresses.
But hang in there! Your kids are counting on you -- whether they yet know it or not. (I just saw a teenager on the plane whose t-shirt had two words: NO LECTURES!)
Your children need to know that YOU are the parent. In too many homes, the children run everything by parents who are overly-eager to please. If they don't like the Bible class, they don't have to go. If they have more friends at another church, the family leaves. If they want to eat unhealthily -- well, we reassure ourselves that at least they're eating something. If there is a problem with a coach or a teacher, the child is always assumed to be right.
Be the adult! Be the loving, compassionate, tender, but very-much-in-charge parent! It's one of life's ironies: that the one thing kids say they don't want (rules and limits) is what they need.
I'm not talking, of course, about being a tyrant or about being inflexible. I'm talking about being lovingly in charge.
It may seem to kids that parents who mind their own business, don't serve veggies, let them wear whatever is in style, allow unlimited time on the net to chat, permit any movie to be shown when friends come over, and ask no questions about where they're going in the evening are the cool parents.
Here's my encouragement: Don't try to be the cool parents. Be the parents who take the time and the love to give a hard time.
Eventually, when your kids age a bit, they'll know that you really were the cool parents."
I am not yet a parent, but I have wrestled with this in youth ministry and feel somewhat empathetic to the situation, so I thought I would leave you with this blog by Mike Cope:
"A while back I wrote about how pleasantly surprised we were by the message of the film "In Good Company." By the previews it looked like a mindless plot about the romance between a hot-shot young executive (Topher Grace) and the college-age daughter (Scarlett Johansson) of the man whose place he took (Dennis Quaid) after a company buy-out.
But the romance is short-lived. The movie isn't about that. Rather, it's about the fathering of this young exec by the man he replaced. Near the end, he says to this older guy after being punched in the eye for sleeping with his daughter: "No one ever took the time to give me a hard time."
What a great line.
I want to encourage all you younger parents out there in blogsphere. It is hard to be the parent who lovingly gives a hard time. It's hard to be the one who enforces tv/computer time limits, homework, and bedtimes. It's difficult to set age-appropriate limits to movies when "every other kids' parents let them watch whatever they want." It's tough to be firm when you're exhausted from work and life's stresses.
But hang in there! Your kids are counting on you -- whether they yet know it or not. (I just saw a teenager on the plane whose t-shirt had two words: NO LECTURES!)
Your children need to know that YOU are the parent. In too many homes, the children run everything by parents who are overly-eager to please. If they don't like the Bible class, they don't have to go. If they have more friends at another church, the family leaves. If they want to eat unhealthily -- well, we reassure ourselves that at least they're eating something. If there is a problem with a coach or a teacher, the child is always assumed to be right.
Be the adult! Be the loving, compassionate, tender, but very-much-in-charge parent! It's one of life's ironies: that the one thing kids say they don't want (rules and limits) is what they need.
I'm not talking, of course, about being a tyrant or about being inflexible. I'm talking about being lovingly in charge.
It may seem to kids that parents who mind their own business, don't serve veggies, let them wear whatever is in style, allow unlimited time on the net to chat, permit any movie to be shown when friends come over, and ask no questions about where they're going in the evening are the cool parents.
Here's my encouragement: Don't try to be the cool parents. Be the parents who take the time and the love to give a hard time.
Eventually, when your kids age a bit, they'll know that you really were the cool parents."
Monday, June 27, 2005
Are we true disciples of Christ? If we are true disciples of Christ then why do we relegate ministers, missionaries and paid preachers to all of the work? Why do we sit back while they study, meditate and evangelize.
Listen, many in the church have become lazy. We have become a society of churchgoers who sit in the pew for a few hours each week to sing and be entertained by the lesson. We have lost much of the energy, drive and passion of the early church.
Where has it all gone? Why have we fallen into this rut of passive Christianity?
We need our spark to be rekindled! The kids sing about the little light that is gonna shine all the time. We need to remind ourselves daily that Jesus commissioned all, not a select few, of us to go into all of the world to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!
We have been challenged! The fields are white! Let's go!
Listen, many in the church have become lazy. We have become a society of churchgoers who sit in the pew for a few hours each week to sing and be entertained by the lesson. We have lost much of the energy, drive and passion of the early church.
Where has it all gone? Why have we fallen into this rut of passive Christianity?
We need our spark to be rekindled! The kids sing about the little light that is gonna shine all the time. We need to remind ourselves daily that Jesus commissioned all, not a select few, of us to go into all of the world to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!
We have been challenged! The fields are white! Let's go!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ" - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
More on that quote later...
More on that quote later...
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
A Beautiful Day
So, what do you think of my new template? I had several requests to change the font on my link side. Well, I tried that and failed miserably so I decided to change my template altogether! What do you think?
This morning, my buddy, Jim Gardner, and I mowed the lawn of someone in our congregation. Boy, it just feels great to be out in God's nature. I know that it is so cliche, but I feel close to Him while I am out working in His creation.
I ask that you take some time out today and enjoy the beauty of God's creation. Whether it is rainy, sunny, hot or cold where you are, I ask you to step out into His world and take a deep breath and enjoy His handiwork.
This morning, my buddy, Jim Gardner, and I mowed the lawn of someone in our congregation. Boy, it just feels great to be out in God's nature. I know that it is so cliche, but I feel close to Him while I am out working in His creation.
I ask that you take some time out today and enjoy the beauty of God's creation. Whether it is rainy, sunny, hot or cold where you are, I ask you to step out into His world and take a deep breath and enjoy His handiwork.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Slower Pace
Last week was a blur. On Sunday through Wednesday, we held our annual VBS. It was a smashing success, but I had no time to blog.
Thursday- several of our teen leaders came up to help me clean the rooms and I have to say that I am very proud of Chae and Joey for their dedication and service.
Friday-the Family Ministry threw us a House-Warming Party. There were 50+ there to help my wife and I celebrate the joy of a new home. My Dad even came and brought us a new lawn mower!!
Saturday-the Youth and Family Ministries took over 30 to Magic Springs' Christian Family Day. We spent pretty much all day riding rides and having fun with each other. 4-Him and Anointed performed the evening concert.
Sunday-I celebrated Father's Day by taking my Dad out to an all-you-can-eat buffet and spending time with each other. It was a good time for Father and Son.
Today-I am glad to see this week as a time for more blogging(for those of you that accuse me of one blog per week), studying and renewal!!
Thursday- several of our teen leaders came up to help me clean the rooms and I have to say that I am very proud of Chae and Joey for their dedication and service.
Friday-the Family Ministry threw us a House-Warming Party. There were 50+ there to help my wife and I celebrate the joy of a new home. My Dad even came and brought us a new lawn mower!!
Saturday-the Youth and Family Ministries took over 30 to Magic Springs' Christian Family Day. We spent pretty much all day riding rides and having fun with each other. 4-Him and Anointed performed the evening concert.
Sunday-I celebrated Father's Day by taking my Dad out to an all-you-can-eat buffet and spending time with each other. It was a good time for Father and Son.
Today-I am glad to see this week as a time for more blogging(for those of you that accuse me of one blog per week), studying and renewal!!
Monday, June 13, 2005
A Great Lord's Day!
Yesterday was a great Lord's Day! We kicked it off with a wonderful time of praise and worship to our Lord. God spoke a great message through Jim Gardner.
Marla Carter and I gathered some youth in the afternoon to put some finishing touches on VBS for the evening. The VBS was a smashing success. We had 175! Leon Barnes from Central church of Christ in Little Rock spoke to the adults while the youth were taken in their herds from station to station learning about God and his servant, Gideon. The theme for last night was to KNOW GOD.
The teens were so helpful with the smaller kids. This congregation is blessed to have such energetic, hardworking teens. I am proud of all the work they do.
Speakin' of teens-I have a couple of surprise visitors (David and Ruey) here in my office jammin' away with me to Christian songs. My job is awesome! Summertime brings with it the joy of visitors from the youth group. The office is jumpin' with energy for God!
Marla Carter and I gathered some youth in the afternoon to put some finishing touches on VBS for the evening. The VBS was a smashing success. We had 175! Leon Barnes from Central church of Christ in Little Rock spoke to the adults while the youth were taken in their herds from station to station learning about God and his servant, Gideon. The theme for last night was to KNOW GOD.
The teens were so helpful with the smaller kids. This congregation is blessed to have such energetic, hardworking teens. I am proud of all the work they do.
Speakin' of teens-I have a couple of surprise visitors (David and Ruey) here in my office jammin' away with me to Christian songs. My job is awesome! Summertime brings with it the joy of visitors from the youth group. The office is jumpin' with energy for God!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"Obedience is the only sound objective of a Christian spirituality. Of course, we do not obey to earn anything - earning is out of the question - but we obey because doing the things that Jesus said is what is best for us and for everyone around us." - Dallas Willard
Monday, June 06, 2005
Home Again
I got back from a great time of rest and renewal. Elizabeth and I were able to spend some tome with our 3 year old nephew, Kameron, and our newest addition: 2 week old Brenden. We spent some good, quality time together.
It rained on us every day while we were in Orlando at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. That didn't stop us, though! We purchased ponchos and rode all of the rides and attractions. Revenge of the Mummy, The Hulk and Spiderman were the absolute best rides.
We got home in time to attend Elizabeth's brother's wedding in Little Rock on Saturday the 4. They were wed and then headed off on their Honeymoon.
Sunday brought me back to the reality of work and, quite frankly, how much I enjoy it. In the morning we had good class and energetic worship. At 5:00, Praise 101 (a class I teach that covers new and older, unfamiliar songs) began with a bang. At 6:00, our Youth Group got together and discussed the problems of relativism and pluralism (big words, but we boiled them down). To cap the night off, the Family Ministry held a Grill-Out and Volleyball Game for anybody who wanted to stay. It was a blast! Cool to see the youth play the adults with such energy and great sportsmanship!
I will post some pics of the event tomorrow.
It rained on us every day while we were in Orlando at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. That didn't stop us, though! We purchased ponchos and rode all of the rides and attractions. Revenge of the Mummy, The Hulk and Spiderman were the absolute best rides.
We got home in time to attend Elizabeth's brother's wedding in Little Rock on Saturday the 4. They were wed and then headed off on their Honeymoon.
Sunday brought me back to the reality of work and, quite frankly, how much I enjoy it. In the morning we had good class and energetic worship. At 5:00, Praise 101 (a class I teach that covers new and older, unfamiliar songs) began with a bang. At 6:00, our Youth Group got together and discussed the problems of relativism and pluralism (big words, but we boiled them down). To cap the night off, the Family Ministry held a Grill-Out and Volleyball Game for anybody who wanted to stay. It was a blast! Cool to see the youth play the adults with such energy and great sportsmanship!
I will post some pics of the event tomorrow.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Off To Florida!!
I ask that you pray for me and my sweeetie as we travel. She came in last night (or this morning) at 2:30, woke up at 5:30 and taught a bunch of elementary kids on their last day of school. I am sure that I will drive all of the way. Hey, that is fine by me. I loooove to drive! I just ask that you pray for our safety as we journey on to celebrate our 2nd year of marriage. God has surely blessed me with a wonderful wife. Each year brings with it greater and deeper love. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Time With Family
Tonight I am spending time with my Dad. We got together to eat some Mazzio's pizza and watch a movie. We talked a little, but being together again was just what we needed. It is great to spend time with family!
Tomorrow my wife and I will leave for Tallahassee to spend a few days with my sister, Misti, her husband, Jeff and their two sons, Kameron and Brendon. Little Kameron is looking forward to spending time with "Uncle Thummy and Aunt Libeth." We can't wait to spend time with him, too!
Then it is off to Orlando for a week. Just me and my sweetie of 2 years. Just us. No phones. No ringing doorbells. No previous engagements. Just time for us, a new family, to celebrate our anniversary on the beach and at Universal Studios. I am so looking forward to this!
Family is a great thing. Don't take it for granted. Make sure that you let your love for your parents, spouse, children, siblings, etc. show in your words and actions. Home is truly where the heart is. It is the one place where you can truly let your hair down and refresh and renew yourself through relationship.
Tomorrow my wife and I will leave for Tallahassee to spend a few days with my sister, Misti, her husband, Jeff and their two sons, Kameron and Brendon. Little Kameron is looking forward to spending time with "Uncle Thummy and Aunt Libeth." We can't wait to spend time with him, too!
Then it is off to Orlando for a week. Just me and my sweetie of 2 years. Just us. No phones. No ringing doorbells. No previous engagements. Just time for us, a new family, to celebrate our anniversary on the beach and at Universal Studios. I am so looking forward to this!
Family is a great thing. Don't take it for granted. Make sure that you let your love for your parents, spouse, children, siblings, etc. show in your words and actions. Home is truly where the heart is. It is the one place where you can truly let your hair down and refresh and renew yourself through relationship.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Tubin' In The Sun
The youth group had a great Saturday this past weekend. We all hopped in the van and traveled over to the home of some truly great people in our church: Walt and Shirley. They had the food (which was delicious and in overabundant supply!) and boats ready on the lake for the 30+ kids that attended. Rick, their son, gave a great devotional thought and we had some nice singing.
We tubed from 11:00 to 5:30 or 6:00 on the Sumo, the Patriot, the Mach 3 and many more.
It was fun to watch on Sunday morning as they came dragging in to bible class with sore muscles and faces, arms and legs that closely resembled those of a lobster.
Thanx a bunch to Walt, Shirley and Rick for all the hard work and prep time that they put into this great day! God has blessed us with people like you.
We tubed from 11:00 to 5:30 or 6:00 on the Sumo, the Patriot, the Mach 3 and many more.
It was fun to watch on Sunday morning as they came dragging in to bible class with sore muscles and faces, arms and legs that closely resembled those of a lobster.
Thanx a bunch to Walt, Shirley and Rick for all the hard work and prep time that they put into this great day! God has blessed us with people like you.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"I stake the future on the few humble and hearty lovers who seek God passionately in the marvelous, messy world of redeemed and related realities that lie in front of our noses." - William McNamara
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Feelin' Good
This morning I started a new regimen. I got to the gym at around 7 and met up with my friend, Joey. We worked out for a little over an hour and I have to say that I feel like a million bucks right now. I am a little sore from our 1st workout on Tuesday, but other than that I really have the blood flowin'.
I believe that it is extremely important to lead active, healthy lives. If you do not have a walking, jogging, lifting, pilate, yoga, stretching or any other type of exercise routine in at least 3-4 days a week, then I recommend that you start one. Your outlook on life will be lifted. Studies have shown that not only does regular exercise enhance physical health, but mental and emotional health as well.
It has made all the difference in the lives of me and my wife. We feel good and full of energy, passion and zeal. If you want to lead a fuller, more enriched life; start today!
I believe that it is extremely important to lead active, healthy lives. If you do not have a walking, jogging, lifting, pilate, yoga, stretching or any other type of exercise routine in at least 3-4 days a week, then I recommend that you start one. Your outlook on life will be lifted. Studies have shown that not only does regular exercise enhance physical health, but mental and emotional health as well.
It has made all the difference in the lives of me and my wife. We feel good and full of energy, passion and zeal. If you want to lead a fuller, more enriched life; start today!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Just One Of Those Days
Have you ever had one of those days? You know, the one where you spend all day trying to figure out why you got out of the wrong side of the bed? You stay in the grump state from dawn to dusk? I have been in this funk all day long. And I don't know why! I have no reason to feel like this. Yet, here I am with a "case of the Mondays" on Tuesday.
I hastily brushed off a kid from my youth group while snapping at my wife over the phone. I holed myself away from my coworkers. I was not quite as cheerful with the lady behind the desk at Taco Bell as usual. It has been just one of those days. And there is no reason behind it. It just is.
While I encounter this day of grumpiness, I recall the lyrics of a song that my mom and dad would play for me every Sunday morning in my childhood. "Have patience. Have patience. Don't be in such a hurry. When you get impatient, you only start to worry. Remember. Remember that God is patient, too. And think of all the times when others had to wait on you." Just remembering the words to that song (sung by a snail in a dragging, monotonous baritone, I believe) brings a smile to my face.
I have since called my wife and apologized. I am going to see the kid in the group and say some kind words and I know that I will be back in Taco Bell to smile and shoot the breeze with the workers. Reparations are well under way.
Days like this will come upon us whether we like it or not. But when they do it is helpful to stop and bring to mind a little poem, ditty or scripture that speaks to our behavior and attitude. It makes a world of difference. "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 2:5)
I hastily brushed off a kid from my youth group while snapping at my wife over the phone. I holed myself away from my coworkers. I was not quite as cheerful with the lady behind the desk at Taco Bell as usual. It has been just one of those days. And there is no reason behind it. It just is.
While I encounter this day of grumpiness, I recall the lyrics of a song that my mom and dad would play for me every Sunday morning in my childhood. "Have patience. Have patience. Don't be in such a hurry. When you get impatient, you only start to worry. Remember. Remember that God is patient, too. And think of all the times when others had to wait on you." Just remembering the words to that song (sung by a snail in a dragging, monotonous baritone, I believe) brings a smile to my face.
I have since called my wife and apologized. I am going to see the kid in the group and say some kind words and I know that I will be back in Taco Bell to smile and shoot the breeze with the workers. Reparations are well under way.
Days like this will come upon us whether we like it or not. But when they do it is helpful to stop and bring to mind a little poem, ditty or scripture that speaks to our behavior and attitude. It makes a world of difference. "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 2:5)
Monday, May 16, 2005
As I Arose
As I arose this morning to the break of dawn and the bird singing their sweet songs, I thanked God for his beautiful creation. I heard the cry of my little puppy, Peanut, and the loud motor-purr of my kitty, Gabbi, and I thanked God for his beautiful creation.
There are so many things created by God for humankind to enjoy in this life. Too often, though, they are taken for granted. He wants us to enjoy what He has made. They are a proclamation of His awesome power and might. The prophet Amos wrote: "For the Lord is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals every thought. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads the mountains under his feet. The Lord God Almighty is his name!" (4:13)
I encourage you to look around you at the creation of the Almighty and enjoy His beautiful nature.
There are so many things created by God for humankind to enjoy in this life. Too often, though, they are taken for granted. He wants us to enjoy what He has made. They are a proclamation of His awesome power and might. The prophet Amos wrote: "For the Lord is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals every thought. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads the mountains under his feet. The Lord God Almighty is his name!" (4:13)
I encourage you to look around you at the creation of the Almighty and enjoy His beautiful nature.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"If someone proved to me that Christ were outside the truth and it really were that the truth lay outside Christ, I would prefer to remain with Christ than with the truth." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Aliens Among Us
I found this on another blog site and I thought it might prove humorous to parents of early teens. I think it is hilarious!
By Jackie Papandrew
My son recently turned 13, and the last traces of that sweet little boy who thought I hung the moon seem to have vanished. In his place is a strange, slouching creature with a pencil-thin mustache and adolescent angst oozing from every pore. This extraterrestrial I once called flesh and blood, whose mood swings dwarf the Grand Canyon, seems intent on bungee jumping from that rickety bridge connecting a child with adulthood. And I think he plans on dragging his rapidly aging mother along for the ride.
A drastic language change was the first indication of alien infestation in my once cherished offspring. The rosy-cheeked cherub who used to run to me, eyes shining with adoration and shouting "Mommy!" began to address me (and everyone else) as "Dude." At 13 months, he was a sponge, joyfully soaking up new words, becoming more communicative every day. At 13 years, the hormones surging through his body have cut a swath through the speech center in his brain; his mouth, when it speaks at all, produces mere shrunken shreds of complete sentences apparently understood only by other members of his species.
"S'up" is a perfectly acceptable, all-purpose phrase in an adolescent's world. "Mom, I love you," on the other hand, would burn his monosyllabic lips like acid and permanently corrupt his coolness. Communication with this high-tech yet illiterate generation is fraught with frustration. My son, who can't seem to utter two intelligible sentences to me, airs his gripes through text messaging. Just the other day, a message flashed on my cell phone in fractured syntax designed to torture my English major soul.
"i no u h8 me. i try so hard 2 b good. y r u mad @ me?"
Cave men scribbling on walls were more eloquent.
Then there's the alteration in appearance. While I'm desperately trying to avoid bags and sags, this long-haired Neanderthal living in my house embraces them as fashion. Wearing gravity-defying pants slung low across his scrawny backside, he looks just like a baby with an overly full diaper. When I helpfully pointed this out, I got another overwrought, electronic missive that ended with several lines of the text message equivalent of a scream. This modern means of communication does keep the house quiet.
Adolescent males seem to lose all capacity for living like civilized human beings. This means that my boy constantly raids the refrigerator but can't manage to close a door, that he can take 30-minute showers but never hang up a wet towel, that he stuffs freshly laundered clothes back into his hamper rather than putting them away. I find sticky cereal bowls in his closet because he was too lazy to return them to the kitchen, and the lunchbox he claimed he lost growing whole colonies of bacteria under his bed. I now understand why some animals eat their young.
The child who begged me to read to him daily now rolls his eyes in disgust when I suggest we turn off the video games and pick up a book. The angel who proudly showed me off to his kindergarten classmates now pretends not to know the deranged woman waving to him in the middle school hallway. My fall from grace, seemingly overnight, has left me depressed, bewildered and prone to emotional excess.
"You could cut the apron strings without slicing through my heart, you know," I whimper in one of my calmer moments.
"Mom," he mumbles in that teenage tone of voice, "why can't you just act normal?"
Normal is, of course, a relative term. In about 10 years, I will magically return to normalcy as my pubescent boy turns into an adult. At least I hope I do. In the meantime, I'm going to hang on to those severed apron strings. I may need them to strangle him.
Copyright 2005 Jackie Papandrew; http://www.JackiePapandrew.com.
Permission is granted to send this to others, with attribution, but not for commercial purposes.
By Jackie Papandrew
My son recently turned 13, and the last traces of that sweet little boy who thought I hung the moon seem to have vanished. In his place is a strange, slouching creature with a pencil-thin mustache and adolescent angst oozing from every pore. This extraterrestrial I once called flesh and blood, whose mood swings dwarf the Grand Canyon, seems intent on bungee jumping from that rickety bridge connecting a child with adulthood. And I think he plans on dragging his rapidly aging mother along for the ride.
A drastic language change was the first indication of alien infestation in my once cherished offspring. The rosy-cheeked cherub who used to run to me, eyes shining with adoration and shouting "Mommy!" began to address me (and everyone else) as "Dude." At 13 months, he was a sponge, joyfully soaking up new words, becoming more communicative every day. At 13 years, the hormones surging through his body have cut a swath through the speech center in his brain; his mouth, when it speaks at all, produces mere shrunken shreds of complete sentences apparently understood only by other members of his species.
"S'up" is a perfectly acceptable, all-purpose phrase in an adolescent's world. "Mom, I love you," on the other hand, would burn his monosyllabic lips like acid and permanently corrupt his coolness. Communication with this high-tech yet illiterate generation is fraught with frustration. My son, who can't seem to utter two intelligible sentences to me, airs his gripes through text messaging. Just the other day, a message flashed on my cell phone in fractured syntax designed to torture my English major soul.
"i no u h8 me. i try so hard 2 b good. y r u mad @ me?"
Cave men scribbling on walls were more eloquent.
Then there's the alteration in appearance. While I'm desperately trying to avoid bags and sags, this long-haired Neanderthal living in my house embraces them as fashion. Wearing gravity-defying pants slung low across his scrawny backside, he looks just like a baby with an overly full diaper. When I helpfully pointed this out, I got another overwrought, electronic missive that ended with several lines of the text message equivalent of a scream. This modern means of communication does keep the house quiet.
Adolescent males seem to lose all capacity for living like civilized human beings. This means that my boy constantly raids the refrigerator but can't manage to close a door, that he can take 30-minute showers but never hang up a wet towel, that he stuffs freshly laundered clothes back into his hamper rather than putting them away. I find sticky cereal bowls in his closet because he was too lazy to return them to the kitchen, and the lunchbox he claimed he lost growing whole colonies of bacteria under his bed. I now understand why some animals eat their young.
The child who begged me to read to him daily now rolls his eyes in disgust when I suggest we turn off the video games and pick up a book. The angel who proudly showed me off to his kindergarten classmates now pretends not to know the deranged woman waving to him in the middle school hallway. My fall from grace, seemingly overnight, has left me depressed, bewildered and prone to emotional excess.
"You could cut the apron strings without slicing through my heart, you know," I whimper in one of my calmer moments.
"Mom," he mumbles in that teenage tone of voice, "why can't you just act normal?"
Normal is, of course, a relative term. In about 10 years, I will magically return to normalcy as my pubescent boy turns into an adult. At least I hope I do. In the meantime, I'm going to hang on to those severed apron strings. I may need them to strangle him.
Copyright 2005 Jackie Papandrew; http://www.JackiePapandrew.com.
Permission is granted to send this to others, with attribution, but not for commercial purposes.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
I attended the Jessieville High School Academic Award Reception in the Jessieville Sports Arena and was pleasantly surprised to find that more than several from our youth were honored for their hard work, service and outright diligence. I want all of you to know that I was busting at the seams for each and every one of you.
Nicole, Jeffrey, Kevin, Kyle and Chae: I am very proud that you have shown yourselves to be outstanding scholars! It is my prayer for you that you will let that energy and passion for academics and sports bleed over in your quest for spiritual maturity as well. Live in such a way that you bring honor to the name of the Lord your God. If you do this, you will make your Father very proud
Nicole, Jeffrey, Kevin, Kyle and Chae: I am very proud that you have shown yourselves to be outstanding scholars! It is my prayer for you that you will let that energy and passion for academics and sports bleed over in your quest for spiritual maturity as well. Live in such a way that you bring honor to the name of the Lord your God. If you do this, you will make your Father very proud
Monday, May 09, 2005
This Morning...
This Morning...I am remembering the great worship that we had here in our congregation yesterday morning. The sermon was great, the singing was outstanding and we honored the hard work and love of mothers.
This Morning...I just came from breakfast with a friend that is shaping up to be a true accountability partner. We talked about life and many things that we encounter on the Journey. "Share each other's troubles and problems and in this way obey the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2, NLT)
This Morning...I am excited about the things to come. God has a plan for me and I pray that I will step up to the plate and get ready to swing.
This Morning...I hope that you look to God for the answers.
This Morning...I just came from breakfast with a friend that is shaping up to be a true accountability partner. We talked about life and many things that we encounter on the Journey. "Share each other's troubles and problems and in this way obey the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2, NLT)
This Morning...I am excited about the things to come. God has a plan for me and I pray that I will step up to the plate and get ready to swing.
This Morning...I hope that you look to God for the answers.
Friday, May 06, 2005
While cleaning out the rest of the knick-knacks and leftovers from the townhouse and going slightly mad to discover that it multiplies rapidly when you're gone, I realized that I don't need this much stuff! My neighbor invited me over to take a look at what he had done to his townhouse and I saw a nice, Spartan environment.
When I left his place, I grabbed the 34 Gallon trashcan and went to town throwing things away that I had kept for ages. Elizabeth came home and joined me in the fun. I never knew it could feel so good to throw things away! What an exhilarating feeling. I guess the thought of a more simple life really seems good to me.
God wants us to have a more simple life. Stuff can get in the way of our true focus and goal-Jesus. If we would just clear out the clutter, it would be so much easier to see. Stuff includes toys, games, movies, addiction, anger, pain...the list goes on and on. And it piles up a little faster than we think.
Get rid of it.
Trash it-Sell it-Give it over to God.
What a difference you will see in your life.
The difference that God can make through Jesus.
When I left his place, I grabbed the 34 Gallon trashcan and went to town throwing things away that I had kept for ages. Elizabeth came home and joined me in the fun. I never knew it could feel so good to throw things away! What an exhilarating feeling. I guess the thought of a more simple life really seems good to me.
God wants us to have a more simple life. Stuff can get in the way of our true focus and goal-Jesus. If we would just clear out the clutter, it would be so much easier to see. Stuff includes toys, games, movies, addiction, anger, pain...the list goes on and on. And it piles up a little faster than we think.
Get rid of it.
Trash it-Sell it-Give it over to God.
What a difference you will see in your life.
The difference that God can make through Jesus.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Tap Into The Source
Here is an interesting quote from J. Budzizewski's book "How To Stay Christian In College." The book is for those that are entering Unversity life.But it also serves to remindus of what is important/top priority in facing new challenges and curves in the road of life.
"The best advice I can give about getting started is (1) pray, (2) pray, (3) pray, (4) pray, (5)pray, (6) pray, and(7) pray." He then goes on to explain the 7 'prays,' but I found that if one stopped there in the book, the answer would be there. Pray!
Prayer is so many times the untapped resource when, in reality, it should be the first thing we do. James tells us to pray when we are happy, sad, sick, etc. There should never be a time when we don't need this avenue. We are blessed with a direct line to the Big Guy Upstairs and it would be such a shame if we didn't use it.
So, I ask that when you finish with this blog, find a nice quiet place to go to God in prayer about___________. You fill in the blank. Take it all to Him. I know that He would love to hear from you.
"The best advice I can give about getting started is (1) pray, (2) pray, (3) pray, (4) pray, (5)pray, (6) pray, and(7) pray." He then goes on to explain the 7 'prays,' but I found that if one stopped there in the book, the answer would be there. Pray!
Prayer is so many times the untapped resource when, in reality, it should be the first thing we do. James tells us to pray when we are happy, sad, sick, etc. There should never be a time when we don't need this avenue. We are blessed with a direct line to the Big Guy Upstairs and it would be such a shame if we didn't use it.
So, I ask that when you finish with this blog, find a nice quiet place to go to God in prayer about___________. You fill in the blank. Take it all to Him. I know that He would love to hear from you.
Monday, May 02, 2005
The Living Years
I am extremely apologetic for letting the blogs slip by undone. My sweetie and I are now 95% moved into the new house and we are still trying to find our bearings. Add to that the new responsibility that comes with being the proud parents of a 7 week old kitten named Gabbi and a 6 week old puppy (miniature Schnauzer-miniature Yorkie mix) named Peanut and we are learning to modify our schedules for feeding and bathroom times. Well I am here again.
Mike and the Mechanics sang a song in the eighties called "The Living Years." It talked about the relationship, or lack thereof, between a father and a son. The singer pines about the lack of love and intimacy that could have been but never was. The son talks about his dad dying and how he wishes that he had not withheld his feelings and thoughts and love for him.
The song is a great motivation to not let moments pass you by. Seize every opportunity to let those around you know that you love and care for them. Let bygones be bygones. Allow yourself to be like Christ and forgive. Even if the cuts are deep. This life is too short to let grudges control our relatinships with family and friends.
Has someone, be it family or friend, hurt you so bad that you cannot forgive them? I don't believe so. I believe that we can overcome hurts and failures and flaws. I believe that we can tell that person that we won't let these things stand in the way of our love for each other. We don't have time. It hurts too bad to look back and wish we had done things differently. Don't wait-Seize The Day!
Mike and the Mechanics sang a song in the eighties called "The Living Years." It talked about the relationship, or lack thereof, between a father and a son. The singer pines about the lack of love and intimacy that could have been but never was. The son talks about his dad dying and how he wishes that he had not withheld his feelings and thoughts and love for him.
The song is a great motivation to not let moments pass you by. Seize every opportunity to let those around you know that you love and care for them. Let bygones be bygones. Allow yourself to be like Christ and forgive. Even if the cuts are deep. This life is too short to let grudges control our relatinships with family and friends.
Has someone, be it family or friend, hurt you so bad that you cannot forgive them? I don't believe so. I believe that we can overcome hurts and failures and flaws. I believe that we can tell that person that we won't let these things stand in the way of our love for each other. We don't have time. It hurts too bad to look back and wish we had done things differently. Don't wait-Seize The Day!
Thursday, April 28, 2005
I have had a hard time with my blogspot. Yesterday I had technical difficulties trying to put a blog in. So, I am here today.
Life as I know it has been blurring past me so wildly these past few weeks. You see, my wife and I have recently bought a house. It is our first one and we are so excited. We are experiencing the joy of shopping, painting and furniture seeking. The house is a bit bigger than the amount of furniture we have so here for a week or two it will swallow our little hand-me-down loveseat and recliner. Elizabeth has already found the sofa and loveseat that she wants. She also has some interesting (to say the least) ideas for paint on the walls. Well, I am going along for the ride. I place all of my trust in her capable hands.
How many of you out there have had to do that? Put your complete trust in more capable hands even though you were not so sure of the outcome? It is not that easy to do, is it?
Life as I know it has been blurring past me so wildly these past few weeks. You see, my wife and I have recently bought a house. It is our first one and we are so excited. We are experiencing the joy of shopping, painting and furniture seeking. The house is a bit bigger than the amount of furniture we have so here for a week or two it will swallow our little hand-me-down loveseat and recliner. Elizabeth has already found the sofa and loveseat that she wants. She also has some interesting (to say the least) ideas for paint on the walls. Well, I am going along for the ride. I place all of my trust in her capable hands.
How many of you out there have had to do that? Put your complete trust in more capable hands even though you were not so sure of the outcome? It is not that easy to do, is it?
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Many of you readers out there are getting ready to take that final look back at high school life in all of it's oddness and fascination and wave goodbye. Maybe you are going on to University or College. Maybe you are going into a VoTech or other specialized program. Whatever it may be that you do, know this: It is going to be nothing like your life before that point. There are going to be some big changes that come your way. You are going to face some strong choices. You must be able to focus.
Focus on what? The good looking girls/guys that you get to meet? The class curriculum? The relationship between you and your friends and family? Yeah, those are good things to see. But, there is something that takes precedence over those. The True Goal.
The author of Hebrews wrote in chapter 12 verse 2a "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith," If you do this, all of the others will fall into place. You will be able to do all things through Him because He will give you the strength to do it. When you keep your focus on Him, then every choice you make will count and everything you do will be on the up and up. All of your choices will be colored with love for the Son, our one and only True Goal.
Focus on what? The good looking girls/guys that you get to meet? The class curriculum? The relationship between you and your friends and family? Yeah, those are good things to see. But, there is something that takes precedence over those. The True Goal.
The author of Hebrews wrote in chapter 12 verse 2a "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith," If you do this, all of the others will fall into place. You will be able to do all things through Him because He will give you the strength to do it. When you keep your focus on Him, then every choice you make will count and everything you do will be on the up and up. All of your choices will be colored with love for the Son, our one and only True Goal.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"Fear doesn't want you to make the journey to the mountain. If he can rattle you enough, fear will persuade you to take your eyes off the peaks and settle for a dull existence in the flatlands." - Max Lucado
Friday, April 22, 2005
We live in an ever changing world. Always be ready to face the winds. It is getting pretty close to graduation. With the departure from high school and the entrance of College or University comes some pretty scary things for the young adult.
I will never forget the way I felt when I was no longer under the protective roof of my caring parents. I had to be my own motivator. Motivation to do my work, to buy my groceries and to clean my room. I also had to learn how to deal with strange people sharing a dorm room with me.
University life brought some scary differences that could have stopped me dead in my tracks.
But, I had someone that stayed with me throughout it all.
He is always there.
To motivate.
To provide.
To guide.
To shelter.
To make sense of all the chaos.
I will never forget the way I felt when I was no longer under the protective roof of my caring parents. I had to be my own motivator. Motivation to do my work, to buy my groceries and to clean my room. I also had to learn how to deal with strange people sharing a dorm room with me.
University life brought some scary differences that could have stopped me dead in my tracks.
But, I had someone that stayed with me throughout it all.
He is always there.
To motivate.
To provide.
To guide.
To shelter.
To make sense of all the chaos.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
Living Life
"Either what we do every day is important, or nothing is. In a sense, we can live our entire life every day." - George Sheehan
Those are some great words to live by. And I should know. You see, I am slapped in the face every day with the reality that it may be my last. I am one of the biggest procrastinators I know. I am the one they talk about when they say "I'll procrastinate later." Some of you out there fit this same description.
But we need to remember that we are not promised a future. We are not promised anything other than the present. So let us not live in the future. Let us seize the day and live every day as if it were our last.
Those are some great words to live by. And I should know. You see, I am slapped in the face every day with the reality that it may be my last. I am one of the biggest procrastinators I know. I am the one they talk about when they say "I'll procrastinate later." Some of you out there fit this same description.
But we need to remember that we are not promised a future. We are not promised anything other than the present. So let us not live in the future. Let us seize the day and live every day as if it were our last.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"I have learned that prayer is not asking for what you think you want but asking to be changed in ways you can't imagine." - Kathleen Norris
The Facade of Perfection
"A lot of kids say that they don't see adults go forward for help in 'Big Church.'" This statement was made by a fellow youth minister in one of the seminars in the Shaping the Heart weekend at Harding University. How scary and yet how true that is. So many adults have gotten used to the facade of perfection that they are leaving a poor example for the generations to follow.
We know that little eyes and young hearts/minds are looking for us to lead the way. They are looking for someone to follow. How can they go where we want them to go if we haven't worn a path for them? We cannot expect our youth to fully understand repentance and the help that the Body can be for one another if we are constantly hiding our needs, fears and struggles behind a mask every Sunday and Wednesday.
Now, don't get me wrong. I am indicting myself, also. I feel myself putting on the mask now and then because it seems to be the easier way out. Just hide away and put the hurt on the back burner while I smile on the outside and shoot the proverbial breeze. But that is so not true! The easier way would be to confront the issue and call on our family members to uplift and encourage us. That is why we are called family and body. We support/hold up the other parts that are sagging. We provide shoulders for each other when someone needs to lean. We help each other.
Let us get away from the facade of perfection. Let's take off the masks that we hide behind. Let's allow God's love flow from us to the person that is struggling. It can't if we don't know that the person is hurting. Let's open up more to one another and let the healing begin.
We know that little eyes and young hearts/minds are looking for us to lead the way. They are looking for someone to follow. How can they go where we want them to go if we haven't worn a path for them? We cannot expect our youth to fully understand repentance and the help that the Body can be for one another if we are constantly hiding our needs, fears and struggles behind a mask every Sunday and Wednesday.
Now, don't get me wrong. I am indicting myself, also. I feel myself putting on the mask now and then because it seems to be the easier way out. Just hide away and put the hurt on the back burner while I smile on the outside and shoot the proverbial breeze. But that is so not true! The easier way would be to confront the issue and call on our family members to uplift and encourage us. That is why we are called family and body. We support/hold up the other parts that are sagging. We provide shoulders for each other when someone needs to lean. We help each other.
Let us get away from the facade of perfection. Let's take off the masks that we hide behind. Let's allow God's love flow from us to the person that is struggling. It can't if we don't know that the person is hurting. Let's open up more to one another and let the healing begin.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Guinea Pig
Today I was a guinea pig. You see, one of the teens in my youth group requested that I help her in her science project. The project: The variable effects of Nitrous Oxide on 6 different subjects. A former State Trooper was on hand to administer different sobriety tests on each gp.
The experiment was very fun and full of silly laughter. McKayla, the teen doing the study, will never let me live that few minutes of goofiness and giggles down. Don't you just love humbling experiences?
The experiment was very fun and full of silly laughter. McKayla, the teen doing the study, will never let me live that few minutes of goofiness and giggles down. Don't you just love humbling experiences?
Monday, April 11, 2005
Words are very interesting. They hold within them such great power to harm or heal. The wise person uses them for the edification and encouragement of others. The foolish person uses them in an immature way that only brings hurt and pain. Then there is the growing person (me) that, more often than not, falls prey to foot-in-mouth disease and opens the mouth before thoughts go through the head.
How many of you have this disease? It is a tough one. Who would have thought that the tongue (creator of words) would have such power? Well, James did and he wrote about it in his letter to early Christians. "All of us do many wrong things. But if you can control your tongue, you are mature and able to control your whole body." (James 3:2, CEV)
Yes, we Christians are not perfect and we make many mistakes throughout our walk with God. But, according to this passage, we have the power to control ourselves. We gain wisdom and insight and then use them to by living right in everything we do and say. For those of you that suffer from 'the disease,' there is hope. We can learn to control or words through prayer, study and growth.
How many of you have this disease? It is a tough one. Who would have thought that the tongue (creator of words) would have such power? Well, James did and he wrote about it in his letter to early Christians. "All of us do many wrong things. But if you can control your tongue, you are mature and able to control your whole body." (James 3:2, CEV)
Yes, we Christians are not perfect and we make many mistakes throughout our walk with God. But, according to this passage, we have the power to control ourselves. We gain wisdom and insight and then use them to by living right in everything we do and say. For those of you that suffer from 'the disease,' there is hope. We can learn to control or words through prayer, study and growth.
I'm Back
Well, I know that you are probably wondering where have been. My wife and I traveled this past weekend to Searcy, AR for the Shaping the Heart seminar at Harding University. I will talk more about that in an upcoming blog. Anyway, the motel we stayed in had lobby internet access, but it was closed the evening I got there and closed the morning that I got up so I was not able to type anything like I planned. Here I am!
I am typing this from a classroom at Jessieville School. I am substitute teaching for them today. What a great way to get into the community as a youth minister, by the way.
But, I digress. How many of you out there like Country/Bluegrass music? I am a fan of all types of music. My range is very eclectic, to say the least. But there is a great song out there that falls in the aforementioned category. A little, sweet number by Patty Loveless, Ricky Scaggs and Vince Gill. The lyrics that really touch my heart go a little like this: "Go rest high on that mountain. Son, your work on earth is done. Go to Heaven shouting love for the Father and the Son."
Great words for us to live by. I hope to hear that when my time here on earth is done. Are you living your life in such a way that those words will be spoken to you when you pass from this life into the next? If you are, then that is great! If not, then make sure to start today living the life that is pleasing to God.
I am typing this from a classroom at Jessieville School. I am substitute teaching for them today. What a great way to get into the community as a youth minister, by the way.
But, I digress. How many of you out there like Country/Bluegrass music? I am a fan of all types of music. My range is very eclectic, to say the least. But there is a great song out there that falls in the aforementioned category. A little, sweet number by Patty Loveless, Ricky Scaggs and Vince Gill. The lyrics that really touch my heart go a little like this: "Go rest high on that mountain. Son, your work on earth is done. Go to Heaven shouting love for the Father and the Son."
Great words for us to live by. I hope to hear that when my time here on earth is done. Are you living your life in such a way that those words will be spoken to you when you pass from this life into the next? If you are, then that is great! If not, then make sure to start today living the life that is pleasing to God.
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