Thursday, June 30, 2005


I was speaking today with Jeanne, our church secretary that has just come back from a family vacation in Alaska(and has been sorely missed), about what constitutes a hero. Is a hero someone that is impervious to pain? Someone that is super strong? Someone that is faster-than-a-speeding-bullet?

Well, those traits are more seen in comic book domain.

I am talking about a real, human hero. What is that person made of?

I sometimes think that we try to attribute comic book powers to real people. Even ourselves. When we try to be impervious, all-powerful we tend to shut out emotions. We close ourselves off from the possibility of being hurt or crushed by others. At the same time, we close ourselves off from being loved and embraced. We become our own burden.

Is that a hero? No! A hero is not afraid to take a chance, knowing that maybe they will fail. A hero gets back up after a hard fall and continues making the journey. A hero is not afraid to love openly and deeply. A hero will admit fault and say "I'm sorry." A hero will take care of those who can't take care of themselves. A hero is someone who has bruised and scabby knees from kneeling and looking to the Source for their true strength.

That is a hero.

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