Wow! We had a great youth X-mas devotional last night. 40 teens gathered around my living room and discussed the true reason for the season. Yes, we discussed that Jesus was most likely born in Spring or Summer, but we realized that we have a great opportunity to reach out to the lost that normally don't consider God or His son, Jesus, yet ponder Him in December. We, as ambassadors for Christ, should be motivated to reach out to these people and share with them the Good News of our Savior. God left the glory of heaven to become a humble servant and to ultimately die for our sins. Why not let this time of the year be a time for approaching others, who usually may not reflect on His glory, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
After the devotional, we had a Dirty Santa gift exchange and ate til our stomachs were bursting. Some then went out to play flashlight tag and hide and seek in the neighborhood. The rest of us stayed inside to play Scene It, the DVD Movie Trivia game. Too much fun! Here are some pictures of the event.
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