Thursday, December 15, 2005

Out Of Pocket

My sweet wife, Elizabeth, and I will be traveling this Friday to Texas for a weekend of 'R and R.' Before she even gets the chance to cry "Calgon, Take me away!" we will take some time to recharge our batteries. She has been completely overwhelmed with work for the past couple of months that I know she is ready to get away for a week or two. I don't know what it is about Texas that draws us, but this will be the 3rd time that we vacation down in the South Country.

Pray for us that we will be safe and that God will bless us while we are away. I know that the youth group here is in the competent hands of Clyde Berry, John Kirk and Mike Sykora. At least until I get back. I am sure that the 7-12 graders will be happy to see some fresh faces in there for a few days.

Also pray for the group while they are celebrating the holidays with some time off from school. Pray that they will focus on the right things and live with the purpose that God has given them while at home, work or play.

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