Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Back Among the Living

Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words while I have gone through two illnesses back to back in such a short time. You have been very helpful to me and Elizabeth. It is great to be back among the living.

Here are some things to catch you up with the things going on around here:

  • We have hired a new preaching minister. His name is Jim DuBose and he comes from Topeka, Kansas. He will be blowing into town around the second week in November.
  • Rick and Gail Northen, two of the neatest people in our congregation, left for Cambodia to work on a medical missions boat. They left us with a hole in our hearts, but we sent them off with our blessing because we know that God has called them to that work.
  • The youth participated in Cabot Praise 2005 on the 15th. Even though the numbers were low, the learning was great and Watershed Worship was one of the highlights of our time there.
  • Carlos and Maribel Preciado, two people that are dear to my heart, cooked a Mexican Fiesta for the congregation on Wednesday the 19th. Nice and Spicy. The food was so well-received that it ran out quickly.
  • Speaking of Mexican food, there is a new restaurant here called El Acapulco's. It is the talk of the Village. If you have ever been here, you would know why.
  • We had dual services for the first time on Sunday the 23rd. 15 people gathered in the youth room in the morning for worship and Bible study in Spanish. More are coming this Sunday! What a great work!!
  • This evening is our annual Fall Fun Night in the Fellowship Hall. We open up our building to teens and young families in the surrounding area for a time of facepainting, cookie decorating, cake walking, apple bobbing, hay riding and jupiter jumping.

That is all for now. I will be back tomorrow with a new blog.

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