Monday, October 31, 2005

A Day of Records

I am amazed at the greatness of God! Yesterday was our day to give for mission work. The goal was $60,000. Well, we far exceeded that with a number of nearly $80,000 given for foreign and domestic work. Not only were we blessed monetarily, but we also were blessed with more people in the brand-spanking new Spanish Ministry. In a ministry catering to the Spanish speaking community in the Village that began last Sunday morning with 15, we have doubled in one week! 30 people crowded into the youth room to worship together in their native tongue. God is so good!! And I know that He will continue to provide the increase.

Last night, the youth were able to spend time in devotion to God with our missionaries, Carlos and Maribel Preciado. We had so many youth that the house was ready to explode. They are leaving this week for their new work in South Florida. I am going to miss them more than words can describe.

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