Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Sub Training

Wow, what a morning!! I went to visit one of our members, who also happens to be Colt Elementary Principal, John Shumacher, to get acquainted with him and the schools and I went right to work. John took me over to a Substitute training course that had just begun. I went in and sat through a 3 and a half hour presentation and filled out bunches of paperwork. The training course happens only 3 times a year (February, August and November) and I just so happened to come in on the right day. Wild, huh?!? I just about have everything I need to be a Sub. I am only waiting on my university transcript, then I will be getting out there with the youth like I did in AR.

As I prepare for this evening's class, I reminisce about the teens and tweens that I was blessed to work with in the Village. I miss them soooo much and I hope that they are doing great. I know that Mike, Marlon, John, Myron, Jim, Rob, Mitch, Jeff, Lance and Big John are providing the leadership that they need to grow spiritually. God bless you all as you continue to do His work!

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