Tuesday, March 28, 2006

You Might Be A Member Of The Church Of Christ IF...

This is just too humorous to pass up. Those of you that have been in the Church of Christ for a while will have quite a chuckle when you read this.

You Might Be A Member Of The Church Of Christ IF...

you know exactly what song I'm talking about when I ask you to turn to number 728b.

you could recite all the books of the Bible before you could even read them.

you know the first and third verse of nearly every song.

you actually know what a "ready recollection" is and have been thoroughly "guide-guard-and-directed" all your life. (If you're really a member, you know that "guide-guard-and-directed" must be followed by "and-bring-us-back-at-the-next-appointed-time.")

you can actually read shape notes.

you recognize any of these ministers by first name alone: Landon,Reuel, Prentice, Rubel, Norvel, Flavil, Furman or Batsell.

you think your chosen pew is "sacred" and no one else should sit in your spot.

you think the Bible questions on Jeopardy are way too easy.

you decide which Bible translation to use based on how Acts 2:38 reads.

you immediately reach for your wallet when you hear the phrase, "Now, separate and apart from the Lord's Supper"

you know all the words to all the verses of Trust and Obey.

you've ever ridden a JOY bus. (And, of course, you know that JOY stands for "Jesus" first, "Others" second and "Yourself" last.)

when you're happy and you know it, you clap your hands, stomp your feet and shout "Amen!"

you've ever wondered who Ebon Pinion was.

you've been to a wedding or a funeral where "the invitation" was offered.

you've stood for 13 verses of Just As I Am with the last stanza sung softly.

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