Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bruce Almighty

We talked last night in class about Bruce Almighty and his main problem. He blamed all of his pain and suffering on a distant, uncaring God. Before being schooled by God on the big picture, Bruce believed that God was either ignorant to the needs of his people or too immature to bring something better for the less fortunate. He blamed God.

Isn't that what we do sometimes? Blame God?

There is many a former Christian that has become so disenchanted with a God that caused or allowed all of the pain and suffering in this world, that they leave everything they grew up believing.

But is God really to blame?

I believe that the answer to that is a resounding NO! I believe that suffering comes from living in a fallen world. I submit to you that the world we see today and the world that God created are not the same.


Because a nasty little thing called sin entered the picture and changed the world.

Because humans are given the free will and many make horrible choices that hurt their fellow man.

Because Satan and his minions jump at every chance to see us miserable.

That's why.

God is here, though. He does look on to see how we are dealing with it all. And ultimately, He helps us and guides us through His son, Jesus Christ and His Spirit that indwells us. He always makes a way when there seems to be no way. He is so good at that!


fastlad said...

You write: "I submit to you that the world we see today and the world that God created are not the same."

And well that's nice and tidy isn't it?

But how do you actually ~know~? No really, how do you know? Have you really ever asked yourself? Because you read it in the Bible? An ancient Sanskrit text that has only the most tenuous of links to historical or scientific accuracy? The same book that predicted the world was created in seven days?

I submit to you that you have no more idea why there is sin, suffering and pain in the world than anyone else does, even God, and the Devil, if either actually exists.

What, for example, did the dinosaurs ever do to deserve complete mass extinction? Did they live in a fallen world? Were they sinners too? I hardly think so.

And what was God doing populating the earth with dinosuars for many more millions of years than He has human beings? Was that a warm up run? What was that about? Was Satan just waiting all those millions of years for God to get to the good part?

Look, face it, to exist is very mysterious. There's no two ways around it. And it may well be human nature to seek out a nice consoling creation myth to fend of the terror of the existential void (just as it is certainly human nature to seek out relationships and love, for example).

But even then the idea of God creating millions of species (including dinosaurs) and then just smashing them up and creating millions of new ones all over again must give you some degree of pause?

What was He thinking?

I am not attacking your beliefs. I respect them, actually. I would love to be able to consign all my doubts and suspicions to a box marked SATAN and then just live in blissful anticipation of the return of JESUS and a bright world to come.

But alas I really don't think that this vast, beautiful, complex universe that we all inhabit with pleasure and difficulty can be split into a WWWF smack down between Jesus and the Devil.

It's entirely too simple. But hey, knock yourself out.

Jimmy Mitchell said...


I thank you for respecting my beliefs, but I have a feeling that you and I will never see eye to eye on this matter.

I will be honest and tell you that I just don't know it all. I wish that I did. I would love to have answers to all of the conundrums I have encountered or will encounter in my life. When it comes down to brass tacks, I fully rely on faith. The Psalmist writes "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."(19:1) The Hebrews author writes "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for."(11:1-2) I have faith that God exists and the Bible is His inspired Word. I fully believe that God created the world however He saw fit.

I know that you come from a different view, but I would love to continue this conversation. I think it helps us process this big, crazy world. Please send a reply.

fastlad said...

Hi, I did send a further reply but it seems to have vanished from the site. Any idea what happened?

fastlad said...

P.S. You write: "I have a feeling that you and I will never see eye to eye on this matter..."

You know I haven't made any assumptions about you in terms of what we would or would not see eye to eye about. And why? Because people are constantly surprising. And because I want to learn. So why would you sort of close off on that possibility at the very start of your post?

Jesus made his ministry among the fallen, among the prostitutes and sinners and outcasts. The first person he appeared to after his death was a (former) prostitute. He didn't tell any of these people "look we're never going to agree."

Something to think about, maybe.

Jimmy Mitchell said...


I too believe in change. I had no intentions of judging you and I am sorry that it read that way. I think the last paragraph in my former response was a testament to that effect-
"I know that you come from a different view, but I would love to continue this conversation. I think it helps us process this big, crazy world. Please send a reply."
Again I am sorry that it came across that way. I truly agree with you that we all have the ability to change and learn in "surprising" ways.


fastlad said...

Lets be clear, when you write, "I have a feeling that you and I will never see eye to eye on this matter," you ARE in fact making a judgment. That's a closing down on possibility, not an opening up to it; you're making a few shorthand assumptions about my views and beliefs, and you're seeing them as completely at variance to your own.

Maybe they are, I don't really know yet, but neither do you; and it would certainly be appropriate to seek clarification first, surely?

We won't see eye to eye on this matter, you say; but what is the "matter" that we won’t see eye to eye on? The mystery of faith? Creationism versus Darwinism? Etc?

Individuals are themselves so various, so full of complexity, and so is life. It’s enough our cable news networks are full of braying bullying demagogues who nightly reduce decent complex men and women to pathetic political cartoons. We should resist the temptation to do likewise.

I am fascinated by your (and anyone’s) decision (strongly felt, I’m sure) to place a completely unseen deity at the center of your life; and further, to thoroughly accept the word of a book, written thousands of years ago, by – there’s no way to soften this - extremely intolerant fundamentalist patriarchs, as the full and final exemplar of your life.

If you will, I would like to hear why you made that decision in the first place, more than what that decision means for you now, if you follow me. Did it arrive in a flash? Was there a family tradition? Did you make friends and lose friends? All of my previous posts have been teasing at that question: the mystery of your faith.

Was it hard won? Did it arrive as gently as an April shower? Do you ever lose faith in it? Are you convinced that those who do not believe what you believe are doomed? I’m just asking…