Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Emasculation of Jimmy

I have seen it creeping up ever closer. But, it hit me hard in the face Thursday evening. Elizabeth laid me down in the living room floor and gave me a facial (with complete exfoliant, moisturizer, mask, anti-wrinkle serum and scalp massage) with Berlioz' Symphonie Fantastique playing softly in the background. As if that were not enough, I found myself later watching TLC's What Not To Underwear with her.

What has happened to me? Who am I? Where am I? Have I been abducted by aliens and transformed into a softer version of myself?

Well, I could not just sit back and let the change occur without a fight. So, the very next day I took Elizabeth to the gym and we hit it hard! We lifted heavy weights! We punched and kicked on the punching bag!! And we worked the speed bag over and over again!!! After that I felt back to my ole self again.

Who would have thought that this was in their future when they said I DO? The life of a married man is filled with strange and exciting new things. There is never a dull moment.

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