Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Had A Bad Day

I thought it only appropriate to use Carlson's quote yesterday. For me as well as many others. Yesterday just turned out to be a frustrating day. Have you ever just wanted something to go one way and it completely did not? That was yesterday.

A few things at the office did not go the way I planned. And I thought that was the end of it.

My colleague's wife ran into some trouble with a very nasty DPS worker. Then I thought it was over.

I spoke with my sister over the phone. The whole family is worried about the future. They are struggling with change and a possible move.

But, when I talked to my wife on the phone, she was upset and near tears. I went home to talk with her and be there for her. Everything is okay. It was just a case of the blues.

Yesterday did not go the way I wanted. It did not go the way many wanted.

And I found myself constantly on the verge of losing my patience.

However, I picked up Richard Carlson's Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (And It's All Small Stuff) and began to read. The book hit home and helped me and my Sweetie deal and cope.

That brings me to some song lyrics that have been playing over and over in my head:

'God will make a way
When there seems to be no way
He works in ways
We cannot see
He will make a way for me

He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength
For each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way'

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