Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Great Start

We could not have had a better start for the week. My buddy, Jim Gardner, brought a great lesson this past Sunday morning. We had over 480 people in attendance!! That number is higher than we have been in a long while.

Many came from Hot Springs Village to hear Jim preach. It was amazing to see some old friends and catch up and talk about times past.

I was able to spend a good amount of time with Jim and talk about the old days and peek into the future.

Later that afternoon, something happened to 6 former 6th graders that were getting ready to graduate into the youth group. They were kidnapped! By the youth minister and those already in the youth group!! After all the scary stuff, we had a great time of eating and swimming at the Norris house!! There were 40 there to join in the fun. Brenda G was there as our photog. She took some great pics. I will post them as soon as I get them.

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