After a month-long hiatus from blogging, I am now back on the scene!
Being in a foreign country with limited Internet access for a huge chunk of February, then traveling to Tulsa to sing at a friend's funeral followed by prepping the following weekend to take a large group to Russellville, AR for the annual youth rally CHRISTeens, I made a decision to come back to the blog kingdom in March.
From the responses and calls of concern from family and friends, it looks like I stayed out a little too long for comfort. Well, I am back. I have too many stories to tell and pictures to share from the past month to stay away any longer.
I will share some more with you later, but for now, let this pic of Big Ben in "foggy London town" whet your appetite.
Eh, Jimmy!
Nice to hear from you again, old chap! Cheers!
Missed you, Jimmy. Good to have you back in blogdom.
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