Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Whole Mess of Crazy

OK, so maybe I have done myself in! I have placed myself in a precarious position while trying to motivate the students here at Northside.

We have a big day in the near future for our congregation here in Benton. Jim Gardner, a former colleague of mine from 2 states, is coming to speak in the pulpit this March 30th. It will be the first time in 12 years that he has spoken here. We will worship in one combined service. Friends and family have been asked to invite friends and family. It is going to be BIG!

And I threw out a challenge. I told the students that if they could bring a certain amount of friends that I would shave down to a mohawk and dye the remnant of hair hot pink.

I know! Mr. Rational has left the building. A whole mess of crazy. But if they do it, I will be so proud of them that it won't matter what I look like for a month or so!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope they meet this challenge!

The priceless image that follows will be YouTube worthy!