Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Scattered Thoughts

I am so excited!! One of my 'hip and with it' Elders told me last night about something that I should have known was there a long time ago: iTunes Radio!! I am now a junkie. Have been listening to the all A Capella station all morning. I just can't get enough of it. It is wicked awesome!


What think ye of yesternight's quote? It really sums up how I have been feeling for a long time now about dealing with life in the Word and Kingdom of God.


Youth Ministers Everywhere Listen Up!! I want to tell you about a good friend of mine and the ministry in which he is involved in Fresno, California. I have worked with Jim Gardner in 2 states and can tell you that it was an honor and a privilege to sit at his feet and learn the ups and downs of kingdom leadership and hard work.

Any youth minister that is looking for a new, exhilaratingly fresh work in a beautiful environment need look no further. Woodward Park Church of Christ is where it's at. It is the largest congregation on the West Coast, yet it is a mission field in and of itself. WPCOC is a great, diverse congregation consisting of American, Cambodian, Hmong and Spanish Ministries. And think about the location! There are so many souls that need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ in California and it would be a 'roll up the sleeves' ministry.

Take a look at the website for yourself: If you have any interest in this work, please send Jim Gardner your thoughts, questions and resumes at this email address: He has other information posted on his blog at

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