Friday, January 18, 2008

Down With The Soreness

Well, actually the soreness is gone. 2 Thursdays ago, I went to the Baptist Family Clinic and received 2 injections in my right deltoid (tetanus and polio) and 2 injections in my left deltoid (hepatitis b and meningitis). Just a few days later in the White County Medical Center in Searcy, I received 2 more injections in my left deltoid and 1 in the back of my arm where the fat is (hepatitis a, typhoid and yellow fever). I can tell you that I was truly sore for a few days. Nothing lasted longer than the tetanus, though.

Why am I going through all of this?

I will be leaving for Windhoek, Namibia, Africa on the 31st of this month with my buddy and preacher, Joel Lewis. I am going there to teach some classes each day and to scope out the lay of the land for our summer mission trip with our high school juniors and seniors.

We will be spending a combination of a few days in London, England on the way to and from Windhoek. It is all going to be new to me. If you have been to London or Namibia and would like to share with me some things that I should be on the lookout for, please email me or leave a comment. What a great experience this is going to be!!


Unknown said...

I am looking forward to you going to Africa with Dad!

I will pray that this is a successful mission! I would like to warn you that London is VERY expensive!


Franklin Wood said...

Hey Jimmy! Thanks for the note! So you were in BA when you were young, too? We were there until about 3rd Grade (for me.)
My brother (John) is two years younger (he is 30, I am 32) and he is married, doing information systems for the OKC Metro Library. They have a 5-month old girl, Esther.
I've been married for almost six years. We have a two year old boy, Fischer.
We did youth ministry in Ponca City for almost six years, and we've been in Omaha, Nebraska for almost two now (we love it!)
Did you go to National Conference on Youth Ministries? We love going! You should go to it in Colorado Springs next january!
Wow...hope you are enjoying Arkansas. Do you know Bobby Kern? He and I go way back. Chad Knappier also used to minister just 20 minutes from where I was YM in OK!
Small world, huh?
Well, good to hear from you. Tell me what your world is like!