Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Gaffs and Goofs

This blog is really intended for the amusement of Jim G, Allan S, Greg N and me as well as other ministers out there that have endured or enjoyed the many garbled words that have graced our ears while meeting weekly with other ministers and elders. This may be irreverent but I just cannot pass up this opportunity to share a few belly laughs with my buddies. So what follows is a list of misspoken words and sentences that I have heard in our meetings while in ministry. These are from several different sources so I am not picking on just one or two people. Remember that this is all in good humor. Fellow ministers, if you have any other funny words and phrases that you have experienced in meetings like this, please feel free to share. Here goes:
  1. 'It was a devastating Soosami.'
  2. 'That was my initianal response.'
  3. 'They learned it by rope.'
  4. 'Out of money pocket.'
  5. 'God, please bless Nancy Hilton.'
  6. 'We need to repwiotize.'
  7. 'It's called a Willy-Willy.'
  8. 'I believe they recite the Koran in their Bah Shmishmah.'
  9. 'Remember when Nehemiah had leopardsee?'
  10. It is pronounced Frow Frow!'
These are just a few times that I have had to bite my tongue in meetings from Arkansas to Texas. And here are just a couple that I have had in my visits:

  1. 'Naw You?!?'
  2. 'Jim Burger?!?'
Go ahead and share some others that have made you bite down hard and cry to keep from rolling on the floor laughing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL, Jimmy!

Thanks for sharing!