Friday, August 31, 2007
Tyler Bound
I am headed over to Tyler in a few minutes to visit with my family and watch a couple of my boys from the youth group play some 6-man football against King's Academy. Both Clayton and Kyle B are playing offense and defense this year for the Faith Academy Flames and they have told me that this night will be history in the making. I hope that their words hold true. Gonna meet up with my Dad, Bro-In-Law and Nephew to see the battle on the field. Then I am headed over to Mario's restaurant to be a guest headliner with the main act, Misti P (my sister who sings there every weekend). It's going to shape up to be a full day today.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Gaffs and Goofs
This blog is really intended for the amusement of Jim G, Allan S, Greg N and me as well as other ministers out there that have endured or enjoyed the many garbled words that have graced our ears while meeting weekly with other ministers and elders. This may be irreverent but I just cannot pass up this opportunity to share a few belly laughs with my buddies. So what follows is a list of misspoken words and sentences that I have heard in our meetings while in ministry. These are from several different sources so I am not picking on just one or two people. Remember that this is all in good humor. Fellow ministers, if you have any other funny words and phrases that you have experienced in meetings like this, please feel free to share. Here goes:
- 'It was a devastating Soosami.'
- 'That was my initianal response.'
- 'They learned it by rope.'
- 'Out of money pocket.'
- 'God, please bless Nancy Hilton.'
- 'We need to repwiotize.'
- 'It's called a Willy-Willy.'
- 'I believe they recite the Koran in their Bah Shmishmah.'
- 'Remember when Nehemiah had leopardsee?'
- It is pronounced Frow Frow!'
- 'Naw You?!?'
- 'Jim Burger?!?'
Monday, August 27, 2007
Early Bird
I can't believe that I got here in the office before Bob Sears! For those of you that know, this is quite a feat!! The reason for this marvel is the 6:15 Senior Sunrise at Marble Falls High School. It was the first year for this event. Basically a time for all of the seniors to come together on the first day to be pumped up by their new principal, Mr. Roberts, and to watch as the sun rises on their first day as seniors. I thought that the idea was great. And it was good to see Thomas G, Kirsten I, Karla Mc, Katherine P, Josh J, Becca N, Ari H, Carina G, Berrilyn D, and others as they geared up for their first day back. A wonderful way to get things started.
I am getting ready for a short meeting with my friend, Todd Lewis. It will be great to spend a little time with him before I leave this place.
I will be back in a little while to share some of the good times from our Back To School day on the lake this past Saturday.
I am getting ready for a short meeting with my friend, Todd Lewis. It will be great to spend a little time with him before I leave this place.
I will be back in a little while to share some of the good times from our Back To School day on the lake this past Saturday.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Flava Flav!!

Got this picture from a friend of mine in the ministry. While in Harding School of Biblical Studies, we got to know each other as well as some of our professors really well and we had inside jokes running with them all the time. Pictured here is one of our fave professors and well known church statistician, Flavil Yeakley. My classmates in HSBS will know what's going on here. Not a bad representation, huh?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Abba, I abandon myself into your hands. Do with me what you will. Whatever you may do, I thank you. I am ready for all: I accept all. Let your will be done in me and in all your creatures. I wish no more than this, O Lord. Into your hands I commend my spirit. I offer it to you with all the love of my heart, for I love you, Lord, and I give myself, surrender myself into your hands without reserve, with boundless confidence, for you are my father. - Charles Foucauld
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Quote Of The Day
"The cross is a confrontation with the overwhelming goodness of God revealed in the broken body of His only begotten Son. Our personal encounter, not simply the intellectual cognition, but the experiential awareness of the love of Jesus Christ, propels us to trust." - Brennan Manning
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Celeb Encounter

Well, some of you could not stand it. You had to know by IM and email who it was that we saw in the Austin-Bergstrom airport. Here is how played out:
Elizabeth, Jenniva and I were waiting for our luggage. Over an hour, actually! Anyway, we were there waiting when I saw him approaching. I said, "El, look over there! It's Dennis Quaid!" She looked over there and said, "It sure looks like...It is Dennis Quaid!" I was so excited that El was finally there when I saw a celebrity so that she could go over with me to shake his hand.
She would not do it.
For whatever reason, she could not bring herself to go over there and meet the actor.
So, I went over and shook his hand, telling him that I really liked his movies. He was very nice and thanked me for being kind. At that point our luggage bell rang and our case popped out on the conveyor. I then went back and we got our luggage and left. It was pretty cool.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sorry for the week of no blogging! Last week was a wild one. Everything was hard and fast. 2 Sundays ago, I took a group of 22 to the Westover Hills church of Christ in Austin for the annual Intersection area wide youth rally. It was great! We praised God in song and were blessed to hear and see one of the shepherds of the congregation as he made some beautiful jars and pots and spoke about the heavenly Potter that shapes us and molds us into the vessels He wants us to be. A really nice night with the teens and Stan, Holly and Ellie Sue Whittle!
The very next morning, El, J-Boo and I woke up at 5:15 and drove to the Austin-Bergstrom airport to fly out into Little Rock for some house hunting and a visit to the Wells Fargo in Benton. We looked at seven houses and found one that looked great to us. While in the area we were able to partake of a meal with some of our dearest friends, Philip and Stephanie Howell. It is always great to be with them. We also got to take a look at the unfinished Youth Loft in the Outreach Building and have walked away with some great ideas and are already drawing up prelim designs. We then came back on Wednesday with a delayed flight and even longer delayed luggage! But, if we had not been there at that time we would not have met who we met. (Will be posted on a later blog).
Came back tired and ready to get back to work here.
Last night, Todd Lewis and I took a group of 20 to attend a youth rally and see ACAPELLA in concert. It was awesome!!! Their bass singer is low and rumbly and the lead tenor is great as well.
Be back later with my newest celebrity encounter.
The very next morning, El, J-Boo and I woke up at 5:15 and drove to the Austin-Bergstrom airport to fly out into Little Rock for some house hunting and a visit to the Wells Fargo in Benton. We looked at seven houses and found one that looked great to us. While in the area we were able to partake of a meal with some of our dearest friends, Philip and Stephanie Howell. It is always great to be with them. We also got to take a look at the unfinished Youth Loft in the Outreach Building and have walked away with some great ideas and are already drawing up prelim designs. We then came back on Wednesday with a delayed flight and even longer delayed luggage! But, if we had not been there at that time we would not have met who we met. (Will be posted on a later blog).
Came back tired and ready to get back to work here.
Last night, Todd Lewis and I took a group of 20 to attend a youth rally and see ACAPELLA in concert. It was awesome!!! Their bass singer is low and rumbly and the lead tenor is great as well.
Be back later with my newest celebrity encounter.
Friday, August 10, 2007
So Much To Do In Such A Short Time
There are some things that I have promised myself I will do before I leave this beautiful place and I would like to list them below for you dear reader.
Now the first list is comprised of things I would like to do again before I depart. Here goes:
Now the first list is comprised of things I would like to do again before I depart. Here goes:
- Eat once more at Opie's in Spicewood! Would be cool to do it with Allan, but that probably won't happen.
- Walk the Riverwalk in San Antonio.
- Visit IKEA Swedish Furniture Outlet (OK this is really El's idea, but I thought it was pretty cool.)
- Have a slice of pie and some coffee at Pie Happy Hour at the Bluebonnet Cafe.
- Substitute at the school one last time.
- Spend more time with Jim, Greg and Ann!
- Roll around in a meadow of bluebonnets! Not gonna happen!!
- Head over to Fredericksburg to visit the shops and have some yum German food.
- Take El to the Bob Bullock Museum of Texas. I have been once, but she has not and she would love it!
- Go see what is so good about Chuy's Mexican.
- Visit the Alamo.
- Go to The Backyard and hear a live concert. This is not likely to happen.
- Hear some dueling pianos at the Ivory Cat.
- See and shop at the completed Galleria at Bee Cave.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Quote Of The Day
"Dear Lord, grant me the grace of wonder. Surprise me, amaze me, awe me in every crevice of Your universe. Delight me to see how your Christ plays in ten thousand places, lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not His, to the Father through the features of men's faces. Each day enrapture me with Your marvelous things without number. I do not ask to see the reason for it all; I ask only to share the wonder of it all." - Joshua Abraham Heschel
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Worn and Torn
I am now officially "meeting"ed out!! I am exhausted from the last few meeting stuffed days.
Monday Morn: The staff met for an hour and a half to discuss life in the Kingdom here.
Tuesday Morn: Elders/Ministers met for 3 hours to discuss leading and nurturing the flock.
Tuesday Eve: Elders/Deacons/Ministers met for an hour and a half to discuss financial and budgetary items for the future.
Don't get me wrong, I believe that these meetings needed to take place and they will do some good, but I feel worn and torn from the rapid succession in which they came! I look forward now to spending some good quality time with Sean today before he leaves for Buda this weekend. I love him and know that God is blessing more than can be understood.
Monday Morn: The staff met for an hour and a half to discuss life in the Kingdom here.
Tuesday Morn: Elders/Ministers met for 3 hours to discuss leading and nurturing the flock.
Tuesday Eve: Elders/Deacons/Ministers met for an hour and a half to discuss financial and budgetary items for the future.
Don't get me wrong, I believe that these meetings needed to take place and they will do some good, but I feel worn and torn from the rapid succession in which they came! I look forward now to spending some good quality time with Sean today before he leaves for Buda this weekend. I love him and know that God is blessing more than can be understood.
Monday, August 06, 2007
The News
"Congrats Jimmy and Elizabeth! We are proud of you. You have been and will continue to be in our prayers. Thank you for letting God work through you. We will miss you, but you'll see us again. You can run, but you can't hide! Ha ha. Phillip and I are EXTREMLY happy for you two."
This comment on a blog from our dear friend, Stephanie Howell, written December 1, 2005, rings very true as Elizabeth and I have officially announced that as of November 1 of this year, we will be moving back to the Central Arkansas area. We will be back in my sweetheart's home congregation and the place where I interned while I worked on my degree at Harding School of Biblical Studies. The Northside church of Christ in Benton, AR will be our new home.
The motivation to be near family and work with a group of teens that I already know and love was just too strong. How exciting it will be to have a 'GranMary' just a short distance away to pour out her love on baby Jenniva! Also the prospect of working with my mentor, Mike Knappier, is amazing. I already know and love the families and teens there and have worked with them in the past. I look forward to rekindling old relationships.
I have been greatly blessed to be able to work with the family here in Marble Falls and I leave here a spiritually better man for the relationships that have been formed here. I love the teens and will do everything in my power to find them a worthy replacement to lead them on to bigger and better things. I love and respect the shepherds of this flock as well as our new preaching minister, Greg Neill, and his family. I don't quite know what I will do without the resident wiseman, Jim Dobbs, and his sweet wife, Helen. They each, in their own way, have helped us through some hard times and have blessed us with their love through the good times. We will miss them all dearly.
When I solicited your prayers last Friday it was addressing this huge, life-changing decision. Thank you for lifting us up to the throne room of our Father over the weekend.
This comment on a blog from our dear friend, Stephanie Howell, written December 1, 2005, rings very true as Elizabeth and I have officially announced that as of November 1 of this year, we will be moving back to the Central Arkansas area. We will be back in my sweetheart's home congregation and the place where I interned while I worked on my degree at Harding School of Biblical Studies. The Northside church of Christ in Benton, AR will be our new home.
The motivation to be near family and work with a group of teens that I already know and love was just too strong. How exciting it will be to have a 'GranMary' just a short distance away to pour out her love on baby Jenniva! Also the prospect of working with my mentor, Mike Knappier, is amazing. I already know and love the families and teens there and have worked with them in the past. I look forward to rekindling old relationships.
I have been greatly blessed to be able to work with the family here in Marble Falls and I leave here a spiritually better man for the relationships that have been formed here. I love the teens and will do everything in my power to find them a worthy replacement to lead them on to bigger and better things. I love and respect the shepherds of this flock as well as our new preaching minister, Greg Neill, and his family. I don't quite know what I will do without the resident wiseman, Jim Dobbs, and his sweet wife, Helen. They each, in their own way, have helped us through some hard times and have blessed us with their love through the good times. We will miss them all dearly.
When I solicited your prayers last Friday it was addressing this huge, life-changing decision. Thank you for lifting us up to the throne room of our Father over the weekend.
Friday, August 03, 2007
I tell ya! I am still walking around with the great blessing of Kadesh in my heart and mind! If you are a YM or a student, please do yourself a favor and go check it out. It will help you stretch and grow.
Please pray for my family and me as we seek God's guidance through the raising of a little one and everything else you might think of!
It was sure great to see my old compadre, Allan Stanglin, for a (too) short amount of time on Wednesday evening. I hope to be seeing him soon.
Please pray for my family and me as we seek God's guidance through the raising of a little one and everything else you might think of!
It was sure great to see my old compadre, Allan Stanglin, for a (too) short amount of time on Wednesday evening. I hope to be seeing him soon.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Quote of the Day
"We get so preoccupied with ourselves, the words we speak, the plans and projects we conceive, that we become immune to the glory of creation. We barely notice the cloud passing over the moon or the dewdrops clinging to the rose petals. The ice on the pond comes and goes. The wild blackberries ripen and wither. The blackbird nests outside our bedroom window, but we don't see her. We avoid the cold and heat. We refrigerate ourselves in summer and entomb ourselves in plastic in winter. We rake up every leaf as fast as it falls. We are so accustomed to buying prepackaged meats and fish and fowl in supermarkets, we never think and blink about the bounty of God's creation. We grow complacent and lead practical lives. We miss the experience of awe, reverence and wonder.
"Our world is saturated with grace and the lurking presence of God is revealed not only in spirit but in matter - in a deer leaping across a meadow, in the flight of an eagle, in fire and water, in a rainbow after a summer storm, in a gentle doe streaking through a forest, in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, in a child licking a chocolate ice cream cone, in a woman with windblown hair. God intended for us to discover His loving presence in the world around us."
- Brennan Manning
"Our world is saturated with grace and the lurking presence of God is revealed not only in spirit but in matter - in a deer leaping across a meadow, in the flight of an eagle, in fire and water, in a rainbow after a summer storm, in a gentle doe streaking through a forest, in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, in a child licking a chocolate ice cream cone, in a woman with windblown hair. God intended for us to discover His loving presence in the world around us."
- Brennan Manning
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