Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thoughts and Prayers

First and foremost I ask that you pray for Whitney Stanglin. She is the daughter of some of my friends, Allan and Carrie-Anne Stanglin. They are doing some testing on her eyesight and doctors are baffled with the test results. They just don''t know what is going on right now. Whitney was in my youth group here in Marble Falls and anyone that knows her would tell you how much of a sweetheart she is. I love this family dearly and hope that God will continue to bless them through all of this. Please lift Whitney and the Stanglin family up to the throne room of God.
For all of you out there that don't know-I have a running Jeep once again. The battery was replaced on Friday and ever since it has started up with a Lion's roar. It is sweet music to my ears to hear the power!!
Finally, I was blessed to sit at the feet of F. Lagard Smith, former law professor at Pepperdine University and author of books like Radical Restoration, Who Is My Brother and After Life among many others. Very interesting if not indicting thoughts about our faith in this faithless and lukewarm society.

One thing that got to me was the idea that if we Christians would have half of the zeal and fervor of Muslim terrorists we would win far more to the cause of Christ than if we just choose to sit in pools of our own inactivity. Now that is radical and it almost had me out of my seat, but then I started to think about it and realized that it rings true! If we would go about radically teaching and preaching Jesus with the audacity that is exhibited in many Muslim terrorists, our message would be heard and we would be looked upon as serious followers.

I am still formulating my thoughts on this and in no way am I condoning the heinous atrocities that have been committed by Muslim terrorists the world over, but let me know what you think about finding passion once again in Christian community.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I'll pray for Whitney. Baffled doctors can't be a good thing.

I'm glad your jeep is roaring with power! TTOW!!

If Christians could show as much love as the Muslim terrorists show hate, it would be a very powerful thing, indeed!