Monday, September 24, 2007

New Partner

Here I sit in my office talking to my wife and checking my email and something shoots across my peripheral vision. 'Jimmy, your mind is playing tricks on you,' my mind states. You see, I just got back from watching The Brave One with my buddy, Eric Teague, and I think I am being a little paranoid. And then all of a sudden I see it again and this time I snap my head in that direction and discover that something else has taken up residence in my office. A mouse is skittering away and seems more afraid to see me than I him. I have gotten up to search for it, but it has disappeared and I just think I will wait until tomorrow to get it. Besides, my new office-mate might prove to give Ann or Greg a good scare!!


Unknown said...

A mouse?!

That must have been something to be clicking the computer mouse and then spot a real one!

ps: Thank you for your kind words, Jimmy. I'll continue to pray, and I really do look forward to your arrival here in Benton.

All the best, my friend!!

Anonymous said...

It's the church mouse! I've always wondered about that little guy.

I'm off to change another Jenniva Mitchell diaper!