Thursday, October 09, 2008

Under The Weather

I have been away for a while from my post and I am truly sorry! For the past few weeks, I have been blowing and going 90 miles a minute.

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to work with Jim Gardner and the Woodward Park Church of Christ in Fresno, CA, at their annual Spiritual Growth Workshop. 'What a joy' that was!! I was able to meet some great people (Frizzells, Holmans, Knutsons, Wiegand, among others) and hear some of the better thinkers and speakers (Dan Williams, Allan Stanglin, Eli Hooper, etc.) in the brotherhood.

I had to leave earlier than I wanted, but I hope to be seeing and working with them again soon.
I then flew back in late Saturday night to get ready for our Mission Sunday. What a success!! We raised the money we were shooting for and we're getting ready to renew and strengthen the hard work that is being done in Africa as well as the Hispanic and Asian communities here in our own back yard!

I am truly excited about the work that is being done by the Northside congregation.
Then I left the next day for the Harding University Lectureships. Got to hear some more great thinkers and speakers preach from my favorite gospel-John! That's always great to me!
Then, when everything was looking up for blogging again, I got sick! So sick that I couldn't even stay awake for one of my favorite television shows-Heroes!! Now, that's pretty bad sick, I would say.
Anyway, I'm back now and, even though my voice sounds like a frog in a blender (or kettle, for those Barna fans out there), I'm ready to do some more prep work for my Sunday morning class that's been going on this quarter-Praise 101 (devotionals, new songs, old songs and "making of" stories) is going strong. There just isn't enough class space for almost 100 people.

You can see the list on the right of newer songs that we are learning in this class. I will post them every week as we learn them.


Philip and Stephanie Howell said...

Jimmy!!! A frog in a blender? That is disgusting!!!!!!

You weren't too behind on blogging. I was 4 or 5 blog posts behind on reading them. Ha ha!

No more frog in a blender comments. Ok? That just about made me puke!


Jimmy Mitchell said...


Unknown said...

Hey Jimmy!

It's good to have you back on the blog again. I hope you enjoy that video by Tyler that posted on your FaceBook page.

I can't wait for your Praise 101 class. Thanks for posting the new songs on your blog. Get better, man!