Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Out and About

Just so you know-I have not been negligent in blogging. I have been out for a while. I did, however, neglect to inform you of all the traveling that I would be doing this last month and I apologize.

Here is a quick rundown of why I have been gone for so long:

On June 8th, I left with 4 recently graduated young men for Africa. We did not return until Thursday the 19th.

Upon my return, I quickly downloaded information from Mary Jo N. about their work at Harding Uplift. Much to discuss. I even did some fast counseling with some students.

I then, before resting my laurels too long, left for Summer Bible Camp at Barton on Sunday the 22nd. 80+ of us returned on Saturday the 28th. My Mom came in to visit that day, too!!

On Sunday the 29th, Howard Norton brought some great energy and excitement to our 5th Sunday Series on Growing in Grace in 2008. Later that night, instead of resting a bit from Africa and Camp, I took 25 to see ACAPELLA in concert at the Benson Auditorium at Harding U.

The following week (Monday, June 30-Saturday, July 5th) I struggled with something. I found out just why I felt overtired/sluggish and like I was swallowing shards of glass every time I ate or drank-I had Strep Throat! I got much rest that week with no looking at Internet. That was hard to do!!

Sunday the 6th, the young men and I gave a full Africa report for a combined class and combined worship service. That night, the entire congregation celebrated with Fernando Toledo as he embarks on a full time work here as our Hispanic Minister. What a great and passionate guy!!

Yesterday was just an off day. After I traveled with our preacher, Joel, to see one of our members in the hospital, El and I took Boodle in to see a Gastroenterologist about her tummy condition. Later that night, I held a Prayer Vigil with 60 people from Northside to lift up Mark Gober and his family to the throne room of God. He is in the hospital on dialysis and a ventilator. The doctors and nurses do not know what is wrong with him. I ask that you pray for him, his wife, Sarah, and their children, Jesse and Morgan.

So that is what I have been doing and where I have been hiding as of late.

I am here with you until the 21st when we take a group of families to join forces with the Stillwater, Crosstown and 29th & Yale Churches of Christ to take on Mexico!! We will return the following Monday (the 28th) night.

I have definitely been out and about.


Unknown said...

I have been out and about, too, Jimmy!

I missed your combined class and worship service on Sunday. It appears that a tape was not made. I really wanted to hear that report. Could you somehow post the kids' stories on your blog?


Jimmy Mitchell said...

I will work on something like that soon!

Unknown said...

Thanks, man!

You're the BEST!