As many of you know, I am a complete goofball. I love to laugh, play and pull pranks.
I do have a serious side to me and one of the aspects to this side is gleaning as much knowledge, wisdom, life application and work ethic as I can from colleagues, friends and mentors (not as many mentors as you might say, Larry!) along the way. What follows is a bit of what I have learned from these great people in my work.
Jim Gardner showed me how to 'do ministry.' I came in greener than a gourd and he carved off the greener bits here and there. It was not the easiest of processes, let me assure you! He taught me how to accentuate my strengths and daily improve upon my weaknesses. I learned how to just be with people through bible study and visitation. I learned how to improve my work ethic. I look to him as a prime example of what true preaching is all about - an intimate conversation with the audience. There is much more, but I will leave it at that for now.
Jim Dobbs imparted wisdom and love in what seemed like every breath. What an amazing man! I had a nickname for him while we worked together - Yoda. Everyone looked to him for counsel. I miss being around him on a weekly basis!
Greg Neill showed me how to get in there and get your hands dirty. I have never met a harder 'behind the scenes' worker who also was the full time preacher. He was always willing to bend over backwards to get the work done. What a true servant in the Kingdom.
Allan Stanglin rekindled a Godly passion within me. He brought such energy and tirelessness to the work that sometimes left my head spinning. I can't wait to see him in August!
Mike Knappier has helped me cultivate grace and grit in my ministry. Equally a man of extreme compassion and Godly confrontation, he has helped me understand that it is important to speak up when it comes to God's work and His people here on earth, but to do it with a spirit of love from above. I am still able to sit at his feet and I know I will continue to learn as we work together here in AR.
These are just a few of the great men that I have had to privilege to work and worship with along my journey. I'm sure there will be a part II somewhere along the way.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I Shall Change Your Name To...
Jimmy's Law!!!
As many of you may have already heard through the grapevine, the group of 25 did not make it to Mexico.
Can you say 'Hello Dolly?!?'
Due to Hurricane Dolly, we traveled no further south than Austin, TX. We stayed with some great families from the Brentwood Oaks congregation for a couple of nights and then hit a Red Roof Inn for the last night. God's plans are not our own and things like this remind us of Who is in control.
We wound up getting connected with some churches in the Austin area and doing some of God's work there. We did several things: cleaned outside and inside a church building-organized a benevolence pantry-organized a clothing area-purchased and filled (thanks Tony and Leslie!) 60 new backpacks with school supplies for children of non-English speaking immigrants-stuffed Prayer Bears for children-traveled door-to-door handing out 140 loaves of bread (tickets) in Jesus' name-played with kids in low rent apartment complexes-handed out bible correspondence courses in Spanish-pretty much found work in other parts of God's Awesome Creation!!
I would like to personally thank Sandy W for helping us with the accommodations with Brentwood, Tony and Leslie P for getting us in the groove with Westover Hills, Denise, Scott, and Rick for giving us something to do in the Austin area and all the Austin families and friends that supported us while there! What a great time of service in the kingdom!!
As many of you may have already heard through the grapevine, the group of 25 did not make it to Mexico.
Can you say 'Hello Dolly?!?'
Due to Hurricane Dolly, we traveled no further south than Austin, TX. We stayed with some great families from the Brentwood Oaks congregation for a couple of nights and then hit a Red Roof Inn for the last night. God's plans are not our own and things like this remind us of Who is in control.
We wound up getting connected with some churches in the Austin area and doing some of God's work there. We did several things: cleaned outside and inside a church building-organized a benevolence pantry-organized a clothing area-purchased and filled (thanks Tony and Leslie!) 60 new backpacks with school supplies for children of non-English speaking immigrants-stuffed Prayer Bears for children-traveled door-to-door handing out 140 loaves of bread (tickets) in Jesus' name-played with kids in low rent apartment complexes-handed out bible correspondence courses in Spanish-pretty much found work in other parts of God's Awesome Creation!!
I would like to personally thank Sandy W for helping us with the accommodations with Brentwood, Tony and Leslie P for getting us in the groove with Westover Hills, Denise, Scott, and Rick for giving us something to do in the Austin area and all the Austin families and friends that supported us while there! What a great time of service in the kingdom!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Murphy's Coming!
25 of us head down to take part in a mission to Matamoros, Mexico tomorrow. We will be meeting up with several other churches to do a combination of manual labor, service, devotionals, personal bible studies and a children's day.
We are staying overnight with families from the Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ in Austin tomorrow night, so it will be great to play catch up a little with Shay S, the youth guy there. It is going to be amazing!!
I believe that Murphy (from Murphy's Law fame) will make another appearance. The weather forecast has a tropical on the horizon that may or may not hit on Thursday. I think Murph likes me a little!!
I will be out until next Tuesday. I may or may not be able to blog during our stay there.
Til then - A Dios, Amigos!
We are staying overnight with families from the Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ in Austin tomorrow night, so it will be great to play catch up a little with Shay S, the youth guy there. It is going to be amazing!!
I believe that Murphy (from Murphy's Law fame) will make another appearance. The weather forecast has a tropical on the horizon that may or may not hit on Thursday. I think Murph likes me a little!!
I will be out until next Tuesday. I may or may not be able to blog during our stay there.
Til then - A Dios, Amigos!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Why So Serious?!?

What was, I thought, just a small group of students and parents who made plans to stay up late after the final night of a rousing VBS and view the special premiere of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, became much more than I thought. It went from 20 to 30. Then it climbed to 35. And now it has tipped up over the 40 mark. It may even be 50. Wild!!
Anyway, I know I am just begging to wear my body and brain out again by staying up for a midnight movie after a full week of VBS. It is just too much fun!
The above picture was created some students (Tyler, Jennifer, Wayne, Parker, and Cole) in my youth group and their friends that will soon be in the group whether they know it or not. I just had to share it with you because I think that they did an amazing job.
VBS was wondermous!! Dawn Mitchell is a powerhouse leader and worker! I will post some blogs and pics in the near future.
Boodle did great during the procedure this morning. The scope showed clear shots of upper GI. They did a biopsy and we will get the results on the 30th. She and El are at home getting some well deserved rest. Thank you for your prayers!!
Keep Praying
The neurologist gave some good words to friends and family of Jared Swaim yesterday afternoon. He feels good about the situation and believes he will make it back albeit through a long recovery period. So, thank you for all the prayers that you have been lifting up!! There is such power in this.
Mark Gober was opening his eyes and smiling yesterday afternoon when Mike and I went to see him. His platelets are rising to better levels and he is becoming more and more responsive. God is more powerful than we could ever realize, isn't He? Thank you for your prayers.
We are taking Boodle in to Children's Hospital this morning for an upper GI Endoscopy. She has severe acid reflux and the gastroenterologist wants to take a closer look at her problem. Please pray for her and us as we do this. The procedure is set to happen at 11:00 this morning. I will post again today to keep you updated.
Mark Gober was opening his eyes and smiling yesterday afternoon when Mike and I went to see him. His platelets are rising to better levels and he is becoming more and more responsive. God is more powerful than we could ever realize, isn't He? Thank you for your prayers.
We are taking Boodle in to Children's Hospital this morning for an upper GI Endoscopy. She has severe acid reflux and the gastroenterologist wants to take a closer look at her problem. Please pray for her and us as we do this. The procedure is set to happen at 11:00 this morning. I will post again today to keep you updated.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
In Need of Prayers
One of our young men here at Northside, Jared Swaim, age 24, is in critical condition at the Saline Memorial Hospital. His parents, Freddy and Paula S, as well as his grandparents, Fred and Edith S, and Jessie Mitchell are members of our congregation. Please lift them all up to God at this very moment. Thank you.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
At Long Last III
At Long Last II
The oldest boys cabin making fun of their fearless leader! I can't believe it.

Random shot of us waiting in the van for the rest of the travelers to go see Acapella in concert at Harding University.
Random shot of us waiting in the van for the rest of the travelers to go see Acapella in concert at Harding University.
Random Melissa and Steven P (I mean soon-to-be R) shot. With guest appearances by Steven's mom, Allison F and an arm!
At Long Last
I have promised you over and over that I would post some pictures of some of the recent summer events. Well, here are a few of them. I will probably have to do several posts to include all that I want with a little commentary sprinkled here and there.
The kids at Camp Barton were really sweet!
The kids at Camp Barton were really sweet!
They had a great time playing water games in the hot, hot heat.
The makeshift 'Slip & Slide'-created by Ding Dong Philip and Tappmeister Greg was so cool!
They would be slip-sliding away...
and they would wind up in the mud pit at the bottom of the hill.
We got some grit in our teeth if we went down face first. Yummy!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
VBS Begins
We started our Vacation Bible School off with a bang tonight. One of our elders counted 225 in helpers and children. That does not include the 100+ that were in the auditorium listening to Dr. Tommy South speak about who Jesus is. What a great success!!
I will post some pictures tomorrow.
I will post some pictures tomorrow.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Vegetable
I am quickly becoming a vegetable.
This, of course, is due the all the recent work and play with the Northside crew!!
Last night, I took 13 to meet up with the Robinson and Center youth group and have a wild lock-in. I was gone from 8:30-8:30!
Never slept 'til I got home.
I actually took a 3 and a half hour nap before getting up and going back to the building to meet up with 7 different students for our S3: Second Saturday Servants. We walked around in the heat of the day (from about 2:00-4:00) hanging some advertisements about our great VBS beginning tomorrow.
I then did some work in my office and came home about 5:30 tonight. Things are starting to get blurry now.
So I got to spend some quality time this weekend playing with and getting to know 21 students from my ministry. What a wild and wacky crew-also very sweet, striving hearts.
I am a very blessed man to be doing what I do and working with these great and wonderful people!
I will be posting some choice pics from several recent events soon, but as for right now, I am going to get some well needed rest.
This, of course, is due the all the recent work and play with the Northside crew!!
Last night, I took 13 to meet up with the Robinson and Center youth group and have a wild lock-in. I was gone from 8:30-8:30!
Never slept 'til I got home.
I actually took a 3 and a half hour nap before getting up and going back to the building to meet up with 7 different students for our S3: Second Saturday Servants. We walked around in the heat of the day (from about 2:00-4:00) hanging some advertisements about our great VBS beginning tomorrow.
I then did some work in my office and came home about 5:30 tonight. Things are starting to get blurry now.
So I got to spend some quality time this weekend playing with and getting to know 21 students from my ministry. What a wild and wacky crew-also very sweet, striving hearts.
I am a very blessed man to be doing what I do and working with these great and wonderful people!
I will be posting some choice pics from several recent events soon, but as for right now, I am going to get some well needed rest.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Long Days
I am sitting here at 11:04 p.m. waiting on my food as it is nuked in the microwave. El has gone to bed already. She gets up at the crack o' dawn to travel over to National Park Community College for an exciting course in Organic Chemistry!
Anyway, as to why I am eating so late, the day was just so wild that I just did not have time for dinner. Too much going on. And with the Elders/Ministers meeting right after Wednesday evening class and Oasis, it is just plain wrong to not grab a quick bite before the appointed time!! I will blog more tomorrow about how this week full of VBS setup has been going.
Anyway, as to why I am eating so late, the day was just so wild that I just did not have time for dinner. Too much going on. And with the Elders/Ministers meeting right after Wednesday evening class and Oasis, it is just plain wrong to not grab a quick bite before the appointed time!! I will blog more tomorrow about how this week full of VBS setup has been going.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Out and About
Just so you know-I have not been negligent in blogging. I have been out for a while. I did, however, neglect to inform you of all the traveling that I would be doing this last month and I apologize.
Here is a quick rundown of why I have been gone for so long:
On June 8th, I left with 4 recently graduated young men for Africa. We did not return until Thursday the 19th.
Upon my return, I quickly downloaded information from Mary Jo N. about their work at Harding Uplift. Much to discuss. I even did some fast counseling with some students.
I then, before resting my laurels too long, left for Summer Bible Camp at Barton on Sunday the 22nd. 80+ of us returned on Saturday the 28th. My Mom came in to visit that day, too!!
On Sunday the 29th, Howard Norton brought some great energy and excitement to our 5th Sunday Series on Growing in Grace in 2008. Later that night, instead of resting a bit from Africa and Camp, I took 25 to see ACAPELLA in concert at the Benson Auditorium at Harding U.
The following week (Monday, June 30-Saturday, July 5th) I struggled with something. I found out just why I felt overtired/sluggish and like I was swallowing shards of glass every time I ate or drank-I had Strep Throat! I got much rest that week with no looking at Internet. That was hard to do!!
Sunday the 6th, the young men and I gave a full Africa report for a combined class and combined worship service. That night, the entire congregation celebrated with Fernando Toledo as he embarks on a full time work here as our Hispanic Minister. What a great and passionate guy!!
Yesterday was just an off day. After I traveled with our preacher, Joel, to see one of our members in the hospital, El and I took Boodle in to see a Gastroenterologist about her tummy condition. Later that night, I held a Prayer Vigil with 60 people from Northside to lift up Mark Gober and his family to the throne room of God. He is in the hospital on dialysis and a ventilator. The doctors and nurses do not know what is wrong with him. I ask that you pray for him, his wife, Sarah, and their children, Jesse and Morgan.
So that is what I have been doing and where I have been hiding as of late.
I am here with you until the 21st when we take a group of families to join forces with the Stillwater, Crosstown and 29th & Yale Churches of Christ to take on Mexico!! We will return the following Monday (the 28th) night.
I have definitely been out and about.
Here is a quick rundown of why I have been gone for so long:
On June 8th, I left with 4 recently graduated young men for Africa. We did not return until Thursday the 19th.
Upon my return, I quickly downloaded information from Mary Jo N. about their work at Harding Uplift. Much to discuss. I even did some fast counseling with some students.
I then, before resting my laurels too long, left for Summer Bible Camp at Barton on Sunday the 22nd. 80+ of us returned on Saturday the 28th. My Mom came in to visit that day, too!!
On Sunday the 29th, Howard Norton brought some great energy and excitement to our 5th Sunday Series on Growing in Grace in 2008. Later that night, instead of resting a bit from Africa and Camp, I took 25 to see ACAPELLA in concert at the Benson Auditorium at Harding U.
The following week (Monday, June 30-Saturday, July 5th) I struggled with something. I found out just why I felt overtired/sluggish and like I was swallowing shards of glass every time I ate or drank-I had Strep Throat! I got much rest that week with no looking at Internet. That was hard to do!!
Sunday the 6th, the young men and I gave a full Africa report for a combined class and combined worship service. That night, the entire congregation celebrated with Fernando Toledo as he embarks on a full time work here as our Hispanic Minister. What a great and passionate guy!!
Yesterday was just an off day. After I traveled with our preacher, Joel, to see one of our members in the hospital, El and I took Boodle in to see a Gastroenterologist about her tummy condition. Later that night, I held a Prayer Vigil with 60 people from Northside to lift up Mark Gober and his family to the throne room of God. He is in the hospital on dialysis and a ventilator. The doctors and nurses do not know what is wrong with him. I ask that you pray for him, his wife, Sarah, and their children, Jesse and Morgan.
So that is what I have been doing and where I have been hiding as of late.
I am here with you until the 21st when we take a group of families to join forces with the Stillwater, Crosstown and 29th & Yale Churches of Christ to take on Mexico!! We will return the following Monday (the 28th) night.
I have definitely been out and about.
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