Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Explaining Eternity
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Beyond the drugs, sex and rock'n'roll their boomer and Gen X parents navigated, technology and consumerism have accelerated the pace of life, giving kids easy access to influences that may or may not be parent-approved. Sex, violence and foul language that used to be relegated to late-night viewing and R-rated movies are expected fixtures in everyday TV.
And many tweens model what they see, including common plot lines "where the kids are really running the house, not the dysfunctional parents," says Plante, who in addition to being Zach's dad is a psychology professor at Santa Clara University in California's Silicon Valley.
He sees the results of all these factors in his private practice frequently.
Kids look and dress older. They struggle to process the images of sex, violence and adult humor, even when their parents try to shield them. And sometimes, he says, parents end up encouraging the behavior by failing to set limits — in essence, handing over power to their kids.
"You get this kind of perfect storm of variables that would suggest that, yes, kids are becoming teens at an earlier age," Plante says."
An email forward was sent to me from Allan, our associate minister, with this article tackling the topic of children as early as elementary school trying to live like teenagers. It is quite a sobering idea for parents out there and for those, like me, that have a child on the way, to deal with the issue of kids wanting to be older and wanting to make more adult decisions. It's my prayer that we can shield our children from this mentality and help maintain their innocence in a fallen world.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Last night 40 from this church family(it was our youth time with some older couples that decided to tag along) traveled over to the Driftwood 8 Theatre to see "Facing the Giants"- a movie about football with a strong Christian message. It was great. It is very evident that this movie does not have any actors, but after a while you forget all about that because the message is so powerful. If their is a theatre near you showing this film, I encourage you to take your church family to see it. It refreshed and renewed my heart for action.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
High and Dry
Well, I used the word local in the first sentence for a reason. My precher buddy Jim from another state has sent me some thoughts to help me have a nice devotional this evening. I now think that I will be able to stumble through somehow. Thank you, Jim, for all your help!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I will blog later today. Right now I am going to visit one of the teens that is in a residential treatment center and try to take him out to lunch.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Only A Little Bit
I awoke the other night to the sound of my sweetheart crying out in pain. With a start, I turned to her and got ready to take her to the hospital, but it was not what I thought. Her calf had cramped so tight that she was feeling immense pain. Although I was relieved, I went over to the other side of the bed and massaged out the hard cramp until the muscle was relaxed and she was feeling no pain. After the whole ordeal, she laughed at me and told me noticed that I was on red alert lately and that made her feel good. I guess I do wake up more in the middle of the night if I hear a sound that is out of the ordinary.
Well, I gotta go. They are shutting the school library down now. I will blog more tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Quote Of The Day
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Shower of Blessings

Sunday, November 12, 2006
The Latest

Thursday, November 09, 2006
I Love Trivia
The word of the day (and the one you, dear reader, must define to me by comment or email) is:
Inquiring minds want to know.
Hint: It is only found on two types of people!
If you answer with these as well you will get brownie points.
Whaddaya think?!?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Down With The Sickness
Our yard is now fully equipped with a brand spanking new sprinkler system! Now it is time for the privacy fence in the backyard and (last but not least) the spreading of topsoil and the laying of sod. What fun!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Jerry, Scott and Dennis are working in the trenches and holes that they have dug for the new sprinkler system. It is getting very close now!
I have been watching a young man that has been expelled from Colt Elementary. His mother did not take off from work and needed someone to watch over him while she was in the office. I took some time out to show him around the office, a little bit of what I do, my new house, and the Youth House. We spent some time playing with his toys and playing Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter on PS2.
I have heard disheartening news of the struggle it has been for my mom to move into her new house. The seller has broken many legally binding items in the contract and is being very rude to my family in FL. My mom, being a Christian, does not want to take the seller to court, so there is not much that she can do right now. Keep her and the rest involved in your prayers as they go through this ordeal.
Civilians from Marble Falls are lining up right now to show support for the Fallen Soldier procession on 281.
I am going to spend the whole evening with my sweetheart!!
Is a good day