Thursday, April 20, 2006

Quote Of The Day

"The word philadelphia means 'human affection, brotherly love.' It means being an affectionate friend. Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote a poem titled 'Youth and Age' with the line, 'Friendship is a sheltering tree.' That is a wonderful word picture. Friends are those whose lives are like branches. They provide shade, they provide refuge from the demanding, irritating, and searing rays of the hot sun. You can find comfort by them. you can find strength near them. They are tree-like in that they bear fruit that provides nourishment and encouragement. Isn't it interesting that when something occurs in your life and you are alone, you pick up the phone and call a friend? You want to connect with someone else. Few things are more lonely than going through a sudden test or joy and having no friend to call." - Charles Swindoll

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