I have not blogged very much in the past few days quite frankly because I did not know what to say. So much has been going on around here lately and so much has been going through my head. I am spinning around.
I am excited and happy!
I am frustrated and sad.
I am torn between two loves.
I am emotionally exhausted.
For those of you that do not know. My wife, Elizabeth, and I are moving to a new work down in Marble Falls, Texas. We are happy about the new work and I look forward to working once again with my friend, Jim Gardner. I can't wait to get to know Allan Stanglin and Mrs. Ann. The youth group is exciting and ready to grow.
But, I love the people here so much and will miss them more than words can express. The youth here mean the world to me and it hurts me to leave them. I wan them to know not to take it personally. But, there is nothing I can say to ease the pain of loss. I am going through it, too.
Everyone on both ends has been supportive and helpful. Thank you for everything.
All the wisdom.
All the advice.
All the love.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"If I ever reach heaven I expect to find three wonders there:
first, to meet some I had not thought to see there;
second, to miss some I had expected to see there;
and third, the greatest wonder of all, to find myself there."
- John Newton
first, to meet some I had not thought to see there;
second, to miss some I had expected to see there;
and third, the greatest wonder of all, to find myself there."
- John Newton
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Well, I know that most of you out there are enjoying the holidays. I know that the guys and girls from my youth group are having a blast. I know that for sure because I got a little visit from Ruey and Brett this afternoon. They certainly have too much time on their hands. If you have ever been here, you would know that they are trouble with a capital T without all the free time. lol
Anyway, I am exhausted from the overeating and the lack of sleep over in Conway. My mind is full of future events and memories of past friends. I will fill you in on more of my mind at a later date.
Anyway, I am exhausted from the overeating and the lack of sleep over in Conway. My mind is full of future events and memories of past friends. I will fill you in on more of my mind at a later date.
Monday, December 26, 2005
To The Gills
I sit here stuffed to the gills on Christmas Dinner. You see, I am celebrating Christmas with my wife's family today. Because they are in Conway and I had to work yesterday, we are having special celebration today! I am so full and they are calling me in right now for dessert that my sweetie made. Here goes round two...
Saturday, December 24, 2005
His Memory Will Live On
Yesterday, we got the tragic news that Jim Mabery, a hero in the faith to me and countless others, has gone on to heaven to be with his Lord and Savior. While traveling down to Tennessee to share Christmas with family, Jim and Charlotte were in a horrible accident. While Charlotte was scraped up a bit, Jim sustained fatal injuries.
Words cannot express what this great man has meant to me. As a matter of fact, this is the very same man that I blogged about earlier for being a living testimony and tireless worker for the Lord. He has left an indelible mark on the hearts of everyone that has worked with him. For example, his mission work in Ghana has inspired many natives to name their children after him. It takes a powerful servant leader to leave this kind of legacy with his disciples.
My thoughts and prayers are with his wife Charlotte; his children Diane, Chris, Gail, and Lance; their spouses Dimitri, Rick and Shelly; his grandchildren Alexander, Brittany, Greg, Cody and McKayla. I know that I have left many others out, but I pray God's comfort on all that knew and loved this great man of the faith. His memory will forever live on.
Words cannot express what this great man has meant to me. As a matter of fact, this is the very same man that I blogged about earlier for being a living testimony and tireless worker for the Lord. He has left an indelible mark on the hearts of everyone that has worked with him. For example, his mission work in Ghana has inspired many natives to name their children after him. It takes a powerful servant leader to leave this kind of legacy with his disciples.
My thoughts and prayers are with his wife Charlotte; his children Diane, Chris, Gail, and Lance; their spouses Dimitri, Rick and Shelly; his grandchildren Alexander, Brittany, Greg, Cody and McKayla. I know that I have left many others out, but I pray God's comfort on all that knew and loved this great man of the faith. His memory will forever live on.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Out Of Pocket
My sweet wife, Elizabeth, and I will be traveling this Friday to Texas for a weekend of 'R and R.' Before she even gets the chance to cry "Calgon, Take me away!" we will take some time to recharge our batteries. She has been completely overwhelmed with work for the past couple of months that I know she is ready to get away for a week or two. I don't know what it is about Texas that draws us, but this will be the 3rd time that we vacation down in the South Country.
Pray for us that we will be safe and that God will bless us while we are away. I know that the youth group here is in the competent hands of Clyde Berry, John Kirk and Mike Sykora. At least until I get back. I am sure that the 7-12 graders will be happy to see some fresh faces in there for a few days.
Also pray for the group while they are celebrating the holidays with some time off from school. Pray that they will focus on the right things and live with the purpose that God has given them while at home, work or play.
Pray for us that we will be safe and that God will bless us while we are away. I know that the youth group here is in the competent hands of Clyde Berry, John Kirk and Mike Sykora. At least until I get back. I am sure that the 7-12 graders will be happy to see some fresh faces in there for a few days.
Also pray for the group while they are celebrating the holidays with some time off from school. Pray that they will focus on the right things and live with the purpose that God has given them while at home, work or play.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Shadow Knows
Today, I have with me young master John Withrow. He is from the Jessieville Middle School and his job today is to shadow me in the inner workings of youth and family ministry. I am excited to have someone that is interested in carrying the torch for future generations. It is my prayer that he will leave here with a better grasp and feeling about working for the Lord in a paid/staff position. Pray for us today!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Quote Of The Day
"To worship is to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God, to feed the mind with the truth of God, to purge the imagination by the beauty of God, to open the heart to the love of God, to devote the will to the purpose of God." - William Temple
Living Testimonies
Every once in a while, someone great comes into our lives. We have the chance to see them in action. We get to ride along with them and learn from them. They are different than the others. They march to the beat of some other drum that you have not yet heard. These people constantly raise the bar in all aspects of ministry and evangelism. Don't get me wrong. I am a minister. I love working for the Lord and His people. It is just that I have not made it there yet. I am a slow work in progress. These great people, mentors/guides, if you will, seem to have all the wrinkles ironed out. They are so comfortable in their skin and they want you to feel the same and know the same things they do. One such person, to me, is Jim Mabery. I cannot believe what passion and tireless energy he has. He means so much to me that words fail to explain. His love for the Lord is so evident to anyone that comes in his presence. I do not seem to remember a day or time that he has not been reaching out and working in the Kingdom. His life is a priceless testimony to those that know him. He is a wonderful ambassador for Christ. God bless him and others like him that keep the torch burning. May we see more of these people in the future.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Youth Devotional

Wow! We had a great youth X-mas devotional last night. 40 teens gathered around my living room and discussed the true reason for the season. Yes, we discussed that Jesus was most likely born in Spring or Summer, but we realized that we have a great opportunity to reach out to the lost that normally don't consider God or His son, Jesus, yet ponder Him in December. We, as ambassadors for Christ, should be motivated to reach out to these people and share with them the Good News of our Savior. God left the glory of heaven to become a humble servant and to ultimately die for our sins. Why not let this time of the year be a time for approaching others, who usually may not reflect on His glory, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
After the devotional, we had a Dirty Santa gift exchange and ate til our stomachs were bursting. Some then went out to play flashlight tag and hide and seek in the neighborhood. The rest of us stayed inside to play Scene It, the DVD Movie Trivia game. Too much fun! Here are some pictures of the event.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Let It Snow
This morning we here in the Village awoke to a nice white blanket of snow covering the houses, cars and yards. Jessieville school declared it a 'Snow Day' and all of the kids are jumpin' up and down. Consequently, the young man that had picked my profession to shadow, did not come in this morning. John Withrow will be accompanying me one day next week.
Only one more day 'til the opening of C.S. Lewis' allegorical masterpiece "The Chronicles of Narnia." How many of you out there have already purchased your tickets?
Only one more day 'til the opening of C.S. Lewis' allegorical masterpiece "The Chronicles of Narnia." How many of you out there have already purchased your tickets?
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I look forward to 'Walk the Line' the biopic of country legend Johnny Cash. Even though country music is not my favorite, Johnny's work has a way of reaching out and grabbing my attention. This man has left an indelible mark on the shape and sounds of today's music. Not just country, but rock and pop as well. As I type this, I am listening to "When The Man Comes Around." What a great song about the return of the King!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Frost On The Pumpkin
On the way home from my Dad's house last night, I saw on my Jeep temp gauge that the outside weather had dropped to 23 degrees. Wow! It was quite cold, to say the least. Sitting in the warmth of the Jeep and listening to 94.9 (the station that plays constant Christmas beginning the day after Thanksgiving), I thought about the thrill of changing weather. Some get excited by the warm days of Summer while others await the blustery wind and snow of Winter. Fall brings the changing of the leaves and Spring brings the rain. Each season has an admirer. And God made them all and saw that they were good. It is a thrill to me to watch and embrace the nature that our loving Creator has made for us.
Monday, December 05, 2005
This afternoon I will spending time with my Dad. We are going to be moving furniture and other items of the labor variety. Not really my cup of tea, but the time spent with my Father will more than make up for the sore back and shoulder muscles.
Time with family members is not a necessity or an obligation, but a great gift that should be seized upon and taken for what it truly is: Bonding and Growth.
I look forward to spending time with my family. Put all of the arguments, rushing and 'trying to find a place to lay your head because the house is just too full' aside and enjoy the quality time that is available to me.
Time spent with those dearest to me.
Time with family members is not a necessity or an obligation, but a great gift that should be seized upon and taken for what it truly is: Bonding and Growth.
I look forward to spending time with my family. Put all of the arguments, rushing and 'trying to find a place to lay your head because the house is just too full' aside and enjoy the quality time that is available to me.
Time spent with those dearest to me.
Friday, December 02, 2005
More Transition
I sit with misty eyes this morning as I await the arrival of our former secretary, Jeanne Lessman. We are heading over to the Shack for burgers, fries and fried mushrooms. But more than that, it will be a time of saying our goodbyes. What a blessing she has been to me not only as a friend and coworker but as a Mother Hen. She has kept me in check many times. She has imparted much wisdom to me through her words of advice and her loving example of sterling Christianity. She has meant more to me and to the other ministers than she can ever know...
I continue to pray that she and her husband, Myron, will bless and be blessed in their new home - Neosho, MO.
I will continue this blog when I return from our time together.
I continue to pray that she and her husband, Myron, will bless and be blessed in their new home - Neosho, MO.
I will continue this blog when I return from our time together.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Last night in the youth group, we talked about baggage. Not the kind we carry with us on vacation, but the emotional baggage that burdens us down every day - the burden of being scorned, wronged, abused, hurt or mistreated by our friends, family or fellow man. Some of us have the chemical makeup to strike back immediately, but if you are like me, when someone has wronged you, it is easy not to say anything at all and let the pain stay with you until it builds into a festering wound that threatens to destroy. Either way, no good comes of the situation. Something needs to be done by someone to make everything right again.
Last night was a breakthrough for many in class. In a world so full of “just wait, they’ll see”, I’ll get them”, and “I am going to make them wish they had never messed with me!’ we came to the Biblical conclusion that we are not to avenge the injustices committed against us in the world. That is God’s business.
He is the one in control.
He knows the hearts and minds of everyone.
He sees the good and the bad.
We don’t and we can’t.
Isn’t it great to know that Someone more powerful, insightful, loving and forgiving is in control of you and me. Let’s give all of it over to Him. He can handle it so much better.
Last night was a breakthrough for many in class. In a world so full of “just wait, they’ll see”, I’ll get them”, and “I am going to make them wish they had never messed with me!’ we came to the Biblical conclusion that we are not to avenge the injustices committed against us in the world. That is God’s business.
He is the one in control.
He knows the hearts and minds of everyone.
He sees the good and the bad.
We don’t and we can’t.
Isn’t it great to know that Someone more powerful, insightful, loving and forgiving is in control of you and me. Let’s give all of it over to Him. He can handle it so much better.
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