Friday, September 26, 2008

Celebrity In And Out Of The Brotherhood

First off, I have to tell you about the celebrity I spotted in Los Angeles on Tuesday. It was none other than this man:

He sang lead in an early 80's punk rock band with a name that I will leave off of this post for the faint of heart. You might know him and you might not. If you do, then you will know why I chose not to approach!! If you don't, then I suggest you watch any television interview with the man and you will see why immediately!
As to celebrity in the brotherhood: I am in the midst of it!! It has been 'such a joy' to work and worship with the likes of Jim Gardner, Allan Stanglin, Truitt Adair (director of Sunset School of Preaching), Dan Williams (Small Groups and Family/Marital Counseling Guru), Brandon Holt (grandson of G.P.), Eli Hooper (go-to guy for anything youth related on the west coast), John Wiegand (editor of Praise For The Lord songbook), among many others that I have yet to hear.

I look forward to the blessings of God through Kerry Williams, his father Stan, Nick Perez, and others on the list.

This workshop is a veritable who's who in the churches of Christ!! It's quite exciting to me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That photo is rather disturbing, Jimmy!

I can't wait to see you on Mission Sunday! I hope we can meet our goal!