Got to spend a few days with dear friends of ours - Allan, Carrie Ann, Whitney, Valerie and Carly Stanglin, this past weekend!! Allan came in to speak for our 5th Sunday and was amazing! We got to spend some quality time together and laugh about old times and ponder some present times with bright hope for the future. We also just played. Backgammon, PS3, Would You Rather, Cranium and threw around the football. I miss them so much and can't wait to do it again soon!

Tuesday afternoon, I was just sitting down to a bible study with Dannie S when my cell rang. There had been a mishap at daycare and Jenniva couldn't stand on her right leg. I immediately took her to the Dr. and had it X-Rayed. Not broken. But severely bruised and swollen. She still won't stand on it. Keep little Boodle in your prayers.
So, instead of going to the Salt Bowl, I stayed at home with Boodle while Gustav came a-knockin'. The lights went out at about 7:20 and came back on around 10:00. Fun times!! I was sure glad that Bob had given me that wind-up flashlight I thought I would never use. Well, I have used it and love it now!
Last night, El and I were stressed beyond that point as we headed to our first evening of Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey. Why were we stressed? Finances. Today is the closing date of our house in Marble Falls! That's a good thing. That's a great thing!!! But, the closing costs were a little more than we calculated and that is where all the stress came in.
It's been quite an eventful week, indeed! Gustav was an ordeal for Arkansas!
You forgot to mention the wonderful finale to our Wednesday night Oasis program. That video was totally awe inspiring! GOD is so BIG. We are so SMALL, but he still cares for us...a lot!
Your beard might look a little more like BJ's when he was on The Amazing Race. BJ currently has a HUGE beard, much like Hagrid's in the Harry Potter series.
I am going to do a special blog today about what happened Wednesday night and what is going to begin tomorrow!
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