Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Today is a very special day. A very special day indeed! If you have been a constant reader of my blog over the past (almost) year, you will have no doubt seen comments made by a reader that goes only by the name of Eric. He always has great words of encouragement and uplifting thoughts to contribute. He has been one of my biggest commenting fans!

Well, today is Eric's 32nd birthday! Eric has been a constant and consistent source of positive feedback in my ministry-whether through singing a beautiful bass when I lead worship services, encouraging me on my speaking and making comments on my blogging. He has been a great brother in Christ to me!

I want to ask that all of you spend some time this morning celebrating with Eric on his special day.

Is anyone else out there celebrating a birthday, anniversary or special day today? Let me know how it's going.

So, I would like to leave you with TTOW! A phrase that Eric took from BJ and Tyler (contestants from a past season of the Amazing Race) that has been a daily motto for him.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much, Jimmy! You are a wonderful friend, indeed!

To me, TTOW means 'Good Times' or 'I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!'. It is a great motto to go by, indeed. Thanks again, man!


Amanda said...

Awww, Jimmy! What a sweet blog! I know that Eric had a big TTOW for this one! :)