Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I have been tagged by Brian Nicklaus, a preacher friend of mine in New England. I kinda like this meme thing.

A. Attached or Single
: Attached

B. Best Friend: My sweetheart of 5 years this past Saturday!

C. Cake or Pie: Pecan pie from Home Plate in the Village and fudge pie from the Bluebonnet in Marble Falls!!

D. Day of Choice: Friday!!

E. Essential Item: TV and internet

F. Flavor of Ice Cream: Chocolate chip cookie dough

G. Gummy bears or Worms: Worms

H. Hometown: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

I. Indulgences: Any Starbucks drink and a Pelvic Elvis (protein shake with peanut butter and bananas and a dash of ginseng) from Fitness Unlimited. Deep Tissue Massage!!!

J. January or July: A Toss Up!

K. Kids: Jenniva (17 months this Thursday)

L. Last Movie I saw in a Theater: The Strangers

M. Middle Name: Shay

N. Number of Siblings: 1 sister-Misti

O. Orange or Apples: Apples

P. Phobias or fears: Fear of upsetting people-which seems to happen no matter what you do!

Q. Quote: For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. - Paul

R. Reasons to Smile. My sweethearts

S. Season: Fall

T. Tag 4. Elizabeth, Mike K, Jim G, and Brad P!

U. Unknown fact about me: I can really be calm sometimes.

V. Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: MEAT!!!

W. Worst Habit: Chaotic, disorganized procrastination

X. X-rays or Ultra-sounds: X-rays

Y. Your favorite food: MEAT!

Z. Zodiac: Scorpio


Ryan Pope said...

Jimmy how was the movie Strangers?

Jimmy Mitchell said...

It had a lot of 'jump out and say boo' scares. And it didn't have the Hollywood ending, so you don't leave the theater feeling all that great.