Friday, November 16, 2007

A Must Read

Wow! Walt Mueller has hit the nail on the head with this insight into reaching the teens of this generation. In the introduction to his book "Engaging The Soul Of Youth Culture" he makes this statement:
"Third, at times I am critical of the "faith" we're calling young people to. For too long youth ministry has been about getting people "saved." I struggle with our definition of what it means to be saved and the methods we employ to get young people saved. Gordon Smith says that the church is guilty of thinking of conversion in "minimalist terms: What is the very least that a person needs to do in order to be freed from the horrors of hell and assured of the glories of heaven?"

We have failed to understand that conversion is not just about belief, repentance, forgiveness and eternal life. Something else has to happen after someone accepts Christ as Savior. Salvation makes a person free from sin and a slave to righteousness-integrating the Christian faith and kingdom of God into all of life. When we call young people to faith, we are not calling them out of the world and into heaven. Rather, we're calling them to live God's will and way in the world."

His words call us to step up to the plate. Stop seeing things as a list or step by step process that we can check off upon the completion of each step. We need to see baptism as the beginning of a long life of discipleship, not as the end of the to-do list. Don't get me wrong. I am not de-emphasizing baptism, but I am trying to place a strong emphasis on what happens after the death of the 'old man.' Discipleship, true and strong, interacts with this world and expresses Christian truth in every aspect.

Parents and Youth Workers, if you have not read this book, I encourage you to go out and get it. It sure is helping me understand the ever changing culture of our youth.


Anonymous said...

hey my friend, how are you doing?
I assume the move was succseful!
Its beena crazy semester, its hard to belive that its almost over! Crazy huh! How fast our lives can change in a matter of months, makes me feel small! lol
Hey can you give me a call
512-299-7877, its kinda important!
Love Ya Bro!

Unknown said...

Those are some very good points, Jimmy! It is true that our youth is an ever-changing culture!

Can't wait for Tuesday. I'm thankful for just about everything, especially good friends like you!