Saturday, July 21, 2007

Stuffed Silly

I am full to the point of popping. Elizabeth, Jenniva and I just got back from having a great time over at the home of Aubrey and Betty Jo Dunn. What great people. We met up with the likes of Ann G, Madeline F, Bob and Pat W, Bob and Elaine S, Al and Trudy S, AL and Imogene H, the whole Neill Clan and many others, to eat some great crab cakes aand brisket with tomato, onion, pickles-oh just everything. We then mad our way out to the Ping Pong table to get promptly schooled by Betty Jo. Everyone there decided that she is a Ping Pong Shark!!

Well, we had to leave early because my baby and sweetie pie were both ready for a nice nap.

So, I am here at the office going over last minute details before taking a group of teens up to the spiritual life/leadership camp at Abilene Christian University. I will blog as much as I am able in the week ahead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's nothing like a nice nap after a large meal!

I hope your trip to Abilene is a good one. I'm always keeping you in my prayers, Jimmy. You're such a wonderful friend in Christ!