We have been given a blow here in Marble Falls. Some of us are in the middle of dealing with the fallout from a devastating amount of rain and heavy flooding. I stayed up in the wee hours of the night (around 2:30 a.m.) catching rain with 2 Igloo coolers and our garbage dumpster from our gutterless roofs before it rose up to our front door. I filled the dumpster 3 times before the rain slowed down a bit. Turned into a long night of worry.
But the night was even longer for some of my dear friends. Cindy and Jerry Jamar had to leave their flooding house at 4:00 in the morning. Clint and Tiffany Young have a flooded house. Bill Fortner has water damage. 4 of Dan Burdett's rental buildings have been demolished by floating vehicles. Residents of Meadowlakes gated community are unable to leave. Elizabeth and I are keeping one student at our house until his living quarters are livable. We don't know when that will be. Rain is in the forecast for the next 7 days! People that were planning to travel back into town by bus or plane today are unable to come.
The total is 19 and a half inches. Almost all of that came in 5 hours time. Roads have been closed. Some have been moved to another place entirely. Huge chunks of road are missing. Johnson Park is no more. The National Guard and Red Cross have been called in. Some say Black Hawk Choppers are on the way to help with search and rescue. Vehicles are in trees and have smashed into buildings. Restaurants and other businesses are either closed due to flood damage or lack of water. The water plant has shut off water to over half of the city and the mayor has put a boil warning on the water when it comes back on.
We have to go out and do more patrolling, helping and assessment. I will try to get some pics while out.
1 comment:
Oh my, Jimmy! I am so sorry about all that has gone on there. I knew there were heavy rains in Texas, but I had no idea your area was so affected!
I will keep you, your family, and your church family in my prayers. Thanks for sharing this with us.
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