Friday, June 29, 2007
'Water, Water Everywhere But Not A Drop To Drink!'
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Devastation, pt. 2
2nd day without water! That means no dishwashing, showers, restroom using, clothes washing etc. How we realize the great need for something when it is not available. Keep us in your thoughts.
On Wednesday evening, Dolly Montgomery, one of our members here, had a premonition of sorts. She felt that the weather was going to turn bad and that she needed to get herself and her granddaughter out of the house. This was before the rain came! Well, she followed her gut and is sure glad that she did. Her house wound up receiving extensive damage with well over 5 feet of water flooding the place. Please keep her and the others hurt by this flood in your prayers.
I will be back later with more.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

We have been given a blow here in Marble Falls. Some of us are in the middle of dealing with the fallout from a devastating amount of rain and heavy flooding. I stayed up in the wee hours of the night (around 2:30 a.m.) catching rain with 2 Igloo coolers and our garbage dumpster from our gutterless roofs before it rose up to our front door. I filled the dumpster 3 times before the rain slowed down a bit. Turned into a long night of worry.
But the night was even longer for some of my dear friends. Cindy and Jerry Jamar had to leave their flooding house at 4:00 in the morning. Clint and Tiffany Young have a flooded house. Bill Fortner has water damage. 4 of Dan Burdett's rental buildings have been demolished by floating vehicles. Residents of Meadowlakes gated community are unable to leave. Elizabeth and I are keeping one student at our house until his living quarters are livable. We don't know when that will be. Rain is in the forecast for the next 7 days! People that were planning to travel back into town by bus or plane today are unable to come.
The total is 19 and a half inches. Almost all of that came in 5 hours time. Roads have been closed. Some have been moved to another place entirely. Huge chunks of road are missing. Johnson Park is no more. The National Guard and Red Cross have been called in. Some say Black Hawk Choppers are on the way to help with search and rescue. Vehicles are in trees and have smashed into buildings. Restaurants and other businesses are either closed due to flood damage or lack of water. The water plant has shut off water to over half of the city and the mayor has put a boil warning on the water when it comes back on.
We have to go out and do more patrolling, helping and assessment. I will try to get some pics while out.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Quote Of The Day
I found this quote on a blog the other day and could not pass up the chance to share it with you. It really hits home!
“Reality came starkly home to me nine weeks ago today when I was driving on a winding road in
“I had one arm free, with a cell phone and little battery time left. I spent those tense hours calling people close to me, knowing it might be the last time I would ever hear their voices. It was an odd sensation to lie there helpless, aware that though I was fully conscious, at any moment I could die.
“Samuel Johnson said when a man is about to be hanged, ‘it concentrates his mind wonderfully.’ When you’re strapped to a body board after a serious accident, it concentrates the mind. . . . I realized how much my life focused on trivial things. During those seven hours, I didn’t think about how many books I had sold or what kind of car I drove (it was being towed to a junkyard anyway). All that mattered boiled down to four questions: Whom do I love? Whom will I miss? What have I done with my life? And am I ready for what’s next?”
- Philip Yancey (from a sermon given at Virginia Tech two weeks after the shootings . . . from Christianity Today)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
My Brushes With Celebrity
While running into HEB last night to get some last minute things, I bumped, once again, into the former host of the Love Connection, the inimitable Chuck Woolery. And it got me thinking about my chance encounters/former relationships with celebrities on their way up-in their prime-or heading into retirement.
'Why does he care about this?', you may ask. Well, one thing you may not know about me is that I received my undergraduate degree in acting/performance and was in the middle of Repertory Theatre work and Cruise Ship performance when I decided that I would rather not live like a gypsy (running from contract to contract until finally making enough money to be able to scrape by in a studio apartment in L.A. or NY.) I wanted a home with a family before I got too old. So, I abandoned my original plans and went back to the drawing board.
But, every once in a while, especially when I meet a star (like talking to Tony Shalhoub from Wings and Monk fame at LAX Airport or pumping gas with Luke Wilson at the EXXON in Marble Falls) or when I see a friend on a television commercial or in a movie (like my friend Adam Langley who was recently 'Out-Whataburgered' in a t.v. commercial or Dorothy Miles who had a small speaking role with Naomi Watts and Sean Penn in 21 Grams or Shelley Dowdy who I saw in Slackers, a KIA commercial and who has a role in the upcoming Evan Almighty or my friend Mark Johnson who has performed in several John Grisham movies including The Firm and A Time To Kill or Jeff Bailey who was the taxi driver in Walk the Line or Michael Davis who sang in The Producers. All of these friends have shared the stage with me at one time or another. And now, last but not least, my colleague and friend, Jim Dobbs, who, I found out the other day, was a contract actor back in the day and has worked with Cary Grant, Ida Lupino and Robert Alda in The Man I Love and Night and Day) I get to thinking about my old profession. Every once in a while I get this twinge in my stomach and I start to think about where I could be right now in my acting career. 'Oh the places we could have gone!' that inner voice says.
But I know and have experienced the unsure world of the actor and if I had not left the field and gone back to get my grad degree I would not have met and fell in love with my beautiful wife and we would not have this sweet little baby to care for and love so my thoughts only go so far before another, stronger voice steps in and tells me to cool it.
So there you have it. My 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon!
Headed To Court!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Check It Out!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Larrys and Lamperts!
Last week and yesterday were full of roller-coaster emotions.
VBS wrapped up last Friday afternoon and I believe that everyone involved did a superb job. One elder proclaimed that of all the VBS programs that he has seen or been a part of, this one was the best! It's so good to hear that from a shepherd.
Sunday marked the last time in 9 weeks that Brian Jamar, one of our teens, was able to worship with us before heading off to Fort Knox, KY for some rigorous Boot Camp training. We (Marble Falls Youth Group) spent the evening at my house sharing our words of love, wisdom and encouragement. There were tears through the laughter as we recounted good times and sang a hearty rendition of John Denver's 'Thank God I'm A Country Boy'. We'll miss him greatly!
We have begun a new study in Meat Eaters on Monday nights. After delving into Genesis, John, James and Revelation, we are now looking at the Hebrew epistle. Last night we tried to figure out who wrote it. After looking at the whys/why nots for Paul, Apollos, Aquila/Priscilla, Barnabas, Clement of Rome and others we came to the same conclusion as Origen, one of the early church scholars - "Who wrote the epistle, God knows the truth."
If you have never met a true Larry, here he is! A little inside joke between me and anyone who knows Allan Stanglin. But seriously, you will find the insights of one of my dearest friends, the new preaching minister at the Legacy Church of Christ in North Richland Hills, TX, to be pretty inspiring. I have him as one of my permanent links on the side as well.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Tonight we finish our study of the Revelation of John in Meat Eaters at the Mitchell Mansion. I look forward to learning more!
Friday, June 01, 2007
4 Years Together
- We have lived in 5 homes! The 1st was a townhouse on 14 Orantes in Hot Springs Village. The 2nd was a townhouse on 4 Perralena in HSV (only a minute away from the church building). The 3rd was a real house on 121 Arias near the middle of HSV (had a 2 car carport and everything!) The 4th was a small house owned by the church here in Marble Falls that seemed like it had been built in the 40's - we lived there for 8 months and at about the time that a pregnant Elizabeth was about to kick me out the double bed because her belly was hanging over the edge we moved into the 5th and final house - a nice, brand spanking house on Northwood right across from the Middle School. A place that will fit our California King and the only home that little Jenniva has ever known.
- I have had 2 jobs. Youth Minister for the Village Church (a little over 3 years) and now for the Marble Falls Church (1 year, 4 months).
- She has filled many roles. Waitress at the Pantry in HSV - Banker at USBank in HSV - Band Director at Oaklawn Elementary Arts Magnet in Hot Springs - Nursing Student.
- We have gone from just the 2 of us to just the 5 of us. 1 cat (Gabbi), 1 dog (Peanut) and the newest and sweetest addition - 1 baby girl that likes to eat and show her dimples when she smiles (Jenniva)!
I would like to end this blog with the words of a song that greatly expresses my sentiments to my lovely wife and baby.
"Longer than there’ve been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there’ve been stars up in the heavens
I’ve been in love with you.
Stronger than any mountain cathedral
Truer than any tree ever grew
Deeper than any forest primeval
I am in love with you.
I’ll bring fires in the winters
You’ll send showers in the springs
We’ll fly through the falls and summers
With love on our wings.
Through the years as the fire starts to mellow
Burning lines in the book of our lives
Though the binding cracks and the pages start to yellow
I’ll be in love with you.
Longer than there’ve been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there’ve been stars up in the heavens
I’ve been in love with you
I am in love with you."
Dan Fogelberg