Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Remedy

Last night I was disheartened because we (the Youth and I) were unable to have our weekly Meat Eaters evening devotional due to summer jobs, illness and other engagements. That made me sad.

Today was a day of unattractive bureaucracy. No one would think that bureacracy exists in the church, but, oh my, it does!

I have had a few run-ins with people who have a different approach than me and, even though the issue is settled, we all come off as a little impatient.

This day has gone that way for me.

Granted, these days are few and far between in my life, so by no means am I unhappy, But, when they come, they try to bring you down.

What is the remedy for days like today?

In the words (loosely quoted by me) of our Associate Minister, Allan Stanglin-Faith in our Awesome God!

Why does it seem that when we truly get down to business we think we have to come up with all the answers on our own?

Shouldn't we be seeking Divine Guidance?

Isn't our God big enough to handle all of our troubles?

Why don't we let Him do it, then?

That's the remedy!


Rick Northen said...

Keep your chin up Big Guy!!! You are so special as far as people I know, that I can't imagine you having a run in with anyone I know outside of a sister-inlaw whose name I won't mention! You are the greatest in my book Jimmy and with me and God on your side, you can't possibly loose. I love ya man. Rick

Rick Northen said...

I know you must be a little unsettled with Jim's change and all but when the smoke settles, things will work out. I miss your smiling face and great personality so if you are ever in Cambodia, look us up!!!!!:) Rick

Jimmy Mitchell said...


Thank you for lifting my spirits! I miss you more than you will ever know. I know that we will see each other in the near future. I don't know how or when, but it will happen. Keep up the good, hard work in Cambodia. God bless you for your servant heart!
In Him,