Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Contact Revisited

I was reading the other night and came across this passage that truly relates to the student mission work in Tulsa. It put into words every thought that has raced through my head about Contact and the great work that its members are doing. I simply cannot pass up the opportunity to share this with you, faithful reader.

"On these streets are spoken the tongues
of many lands and still we understand
what people are saying. Here some of
the refugees of the world have found a
safe place to lay their heads, cradle their
babies, and sell their wares from folding
tables and tiny stores. Here the dement-
ed can still wander in and out of our shops.
Here some places have been made for the
young and the old. Here the broken are
received and the sick healed. Here the
Gospel is being preached and here, faulted
as we are, with our own griefs heavily
upon us, we are bold to say that God calls
us his people and we know that his name is
God-with-them." (Elizabeth O'Connor)

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