Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Funeral-A Wedding-A New Birth

This afternoon the Marble Falls Church of Christ honored the life of W.R. "Dub" Kelso. Dub had lived to the ripe age of 86 and many of his friends and family gathered to recall with fondness the memories that he had indelibly imprinted on their hearts and minds. May God bless the Kelso family as they grieve their loss and look forward to seeing him again in the future.


This past Wednesday I took my sweetheart to the airport so that she could spend time with her family in Arkansas and be with her sister, Katie, this evening as she enters into wedded bliss with the love of her life.

I will not be able to see her for the next week as she will be in AR and I will be with some students in Abilene for some spiritual renewal and Christian service.


Now for the part that I have been chomping at the bit about for the past 3+ months or so.

My sweet wife and I are having a baby!!!!

We have been holding the news from almost all of our friends because we did not want to steal the thunder from Elizabeth's sister Katie and her special day. Well, now that she has tied the knot, I am able to let all of you readers out there on the Information Super Highway that we are having a baby: Due Date January 9th!

My dad's birthday!!

Isn't that crazy?

It is still too early to know the sex of the baby, but I will keep you updated as the trimesters progress. All we know is that it is healthy and growing at a normal rate.

Whew! I am glad that I can finally write about this! I will keep you up to date.


Brian Nicklaus said...

Awesome, congrats! kids are wonderful, lots of work, and you will never feel rested again, but all in all, it is worth it.

BTW--josh and sara (francis) quinn had their baby a month ago,

Kimberly said...

Congratulations!!! I bet it was soo hard to hold it in that long! Keep us posted! You guys are going to be great parents!

Carlos, Maribel, Giancarlo and Isabella said...

Praise God! Congratulations Jimmy. Wow get ready because this is going to change your life even more.
We love you very much and remember the good times spent.

Ose said...

I am sooooo happy for you three!
I saw Elizabeth last night and she looks beautiful! You two will be wonderful parents!