Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Quote Of The Day
Let the healing fountain start,
In the prison of his days
Teach the free man how to praise."
- W.H. Auden
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Contact Pics
Monday, June 26, 2006
I miss Sweetwater, Contact and Park Plaza!
I miss being on the road with excited teens.
I miss gathering in a circle and processing what we learned while serving others in the name of the Lord.
I miss shooting hoops with Bones, Isaiah and Cameron.
I miss the enormously huge Brit doing DDR on PS2 and getting a Perfect score every time.
I miss Blair's deflated mattress and hidden sleeping bag and pillow.
I miss the singing!
I miss Big Chris: a 6'4'', 350 lb. 13 year old.
I miss the Russian children and families at Normandy.
Oh, there are too many things to count that I miss!
I am going through withdrawal. Help me!!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Memories: New and Old
I have been blessed to forge a bond between Blair and Melanie Gibson, the couple that formerly worked here ministering to the youth in Marble Falls. They are now in West Texas at a little place called Sweetwater. What great servant hearts these people are! Such examples of faith and love like these two are few and far between.
The MF group was able to work with such passionate people as Bob, Ron, Chris, Matt, and others that love our God at the Contact Church of Christ.
Aaron Loney was awesome for allowing us to stay in the youth room and young adult room at Park Plaza Church of Christ. What a great facility for students to get to know God and each other!
At the same time that we were getting to know new people in Tulsa, I was surprised to see old friends and acquaintances from the past. I was happy to work with Chris, the cousin of my Harding roommate Chad Joice, who is presently working with the Contact church in Tulsa.
The Office Manager of Park Plaza remembered me from when I was in elementary and middle school. He and his wife had worked at Green Country Christian Academy when I was a mere pipsqueak, I mean pupil.
When we were done with our work in Tulsa, Elizabeth and I were able to take some of the teens over to Shawkat's Deli and Grill-voted as Tulsa's number one Mediterranean restaurant. It was not really for the Hummus, Baba Gannouj, Tawook, Baklava or Gyros-even though they are oh so delicious. I knew the teens may not be so hot on the new flavors. The main reason that I took them is because my Uncle Taha and Aunt Connie are the owners of this great establishment on 41st and Sheridan. Some of the kids from Contact were treated to a great meal. Wow!! It was great to see them and my cousin Bud with his daughter again. And to partake of some good eats once more.
Great times in Tulsa!! Pics forthcoming.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
A Glimmer of Hope
We have had quite a week working with the young children and families that have been pushed to the outskirts of society. Kids whose parents beat them or neglect them. Parents who have painfully watched it all fade away as they battled addictions and lost. Grandparents who have undertaken the raising of grandchildren because the parents want no part in the lives of the child they birthed. The hurt and the longing of the poverty stricken inner city.
It has been such a joy to see their eyes come alive with appreciation and hope for a better tomorrow as they see and feel the love of Christ through the teens and adults that have worked so hard with them each day. Tears have come to my eyes on numerous occasions as I heard the young children ask if they could home with us.
Jesus has worked in and through the teens and adults of Sweetwater, Marble Falls and Tulsa. Praise be to God!!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Homey G
Anyway, I want you to know that our Sidewalk Church went better today than yesterday. We had more time to set up and get the young 'uns gathered together. We had more kids today. More kids that could focus on the singing, puppet show, crafts, games and lessons today. They were extremely excited at the end when we pulled out the Slip and Slide for the water games. Quite a few parents came from their apartments to join in. It was great to see the love and appreciation in their eyes as we showed them Jesus.
The Normandy Apartment Complex had a few Russian families and they were more than happy to share their language with the teens and sponsors. Being a lover of languages, I was excited.
Tonight, we take young children from the Contact Church to The Incredible Pizza Company to share more time with them and to fellowship.
Monday, June 19, 2006
It is 4:26 and our first day working with the young Tulsa city kids is over. 10 of us made the trip for Tulsa, OK yesterday after morning worship service. With a train, 35W traffic and Ihop, we made it to our intended destination in 10 hours.
Here is a list of the culprits that have made the journey: Jasmine, Brian, David, Carina, KK, Kellie, Laura, Kyle, Elizabeth and Yours Truly.
This evening, we are going to hold a video scavenger hunt with the combined groups of Marble Falls and Sweetwater groups at the Woodland Hills Mall. Tireless energy!! We have had about 4 hours of sleep and we're still running on full steam. I have a feeling that we will have a bunch of weary, bleary eyed teens in the morning.
It was great to see and love on the young children today and watch the teens from Sweetwater and Marble Falls work with compassion and care.
I will keep you updated this week from wireless Net in Tulsa.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Tonight's Lesson
"...what constitutes a hero. Is a hero someone that is impervious to pain? Someone that is super strong? Someone that is faster-than-a-speeding-bullet?
Well, those traits are more seen in comic book domain.
I am talking about a real, human hero. What is that person made of?
I sometimes think that we try to attribute comic book powers to real people. Even ourselves. When we try to be impervious, all-powerful we tend to shut out emotions. We close ourselves off from the possibility of being hurt or crushed by others. At the same time, we close ourselves off from being loved and embraced. We become our own burden.
Is that a hero? No! A hero is not afraid to take a chance, knowing that maybe they will fail. A hero gets back up after a hard fall and continues making the journey. A hero is not afraid to love openly and deeply. A hero will admit fault and say "I'm sorry." A hero will take care of those who can't take care of themselves. A hero is someone who has bruised and scabby knees from kneeling and looking to the Source for their true strength.
That is a hero."
Monday, June 12, 2006
Quote Of The Day
Friday, June 09, 2006
Our Beloved Preacher

It is with much pride that I present to you our beloved preacher man: Jim Gardner! We wound up with a grand VBS total of 169 so it was necessary for him to fulfill his part of the deal. I have never heard so many squeals of delight from so many kids and adults combined as the lights dimmed, the spotlight came on and Jim came out in full regalia to wave and perform the hula dance! his coconut top got a little sideways and needed adjustment every now and then. I think that is what he's doing in this pic. This is for everyone that has ever wanted to see the Gardner in hula attire.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Here is a recap of the great Vacation Bible School that we have had this week in Marble Falls. SonTreasure Island is a place where the Son is always shining! Jennifer Burdett and Kate Schumacher are some great, hard working ladies. I am amazed at the caliber of this VBS. So many have worked so hard to bring this to fruition and it shows.
VBS Monday - 129
VBS Tuesday - 137
VBS Wednesday - 148
VBS Thursday - 150
VBS Friday - ?
It is gonna be so great to see Jim in the coconut top and grass skirt!! I can't wait!!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
One Of The Wilson Brothers

While gassing up the van for the 6th grade Blessing this past Sunday evening, I looked over at the guy pumping gas next to me and realized that I was in the presence of Hollywood royalty-Luke Wilson.
As an admirer of many of his films (Legally Blonde, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Family Stone, Charlie's Angels and Rushmore), I walked over to him, shook his hand and talked to him for the length of time it takes a slow pump to fill the tank up to $ 70 dollars. We talked about golf, my ministry and the beautiful area of Marble Falls and Horseshoe Bay.
What was cool is that he was really laid back and easygoing. For 6 or 7 minutes we shot the breeze. I asked him how he knew about the place and he told me that his family is from the Dallas area and that he frequently traveled from L.A. to relax and hit the greens down here in this beautiful place.
Elizabeth is really upset because she was not with me and he is one of her favorite actors. My Youth Group went nuts and asked me why I did not invite him to the devotional that night. I just don't know what I was thinking.
How many of you out there have seen or met somebody famous?
David, Thomas, Kellie and KK: I am glad to hear that you have gone over your script for tomorrow 20+ times!
Last Sunday evening was a special time for all of the young children that have graduated into the 6th grade: Youth Group Territory. After being kidnapped and driven to a mysterious location a Blessing was held for the honored guests that included a talk about spiritual growth, the partaking of pizza, jumping into Kyle and Marti Futrell's pool for a swim and singing songs 'til the sun went down! It was a great night of beginnings for the newbies.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Lyrics For Every Day
Telling it like it is?
While holding pure motives
And showing that we care
Are we teaching the truth in love? " - Acapella
We are just blowing alot of hot air on others faces if we are not motivated by love. Whether it be with our family, friends, fellow churchgoers or those we barely know-we should make sure that our driving force in anything we say or do is love. Without it, the Apostle Paul writes, we are nothing more than a "resounding gong or clanging cymbal."