Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Most Wonderful TIme Of The Year

The last few days have been a blur! If you will indulge me; I would like to recount them here for you, dear reader:

Saturday - The teens got together for the Progressive Dinner/Christmas Party.
First, we traveled to the home of Chris and Julie Bridges for appetizers (spiral sandwiches, chipotle cream cheese, chips and salsa). There we played Christmas Song trivia and tried to guess how many M&Ms were in the Christmas jar (1924, to be precise).

Then we headed over to Bryce Gage's house for caesar salad and cheese soup. The teens made christmas cards for the elderly at Gateway Villa (we will be caroling for them this coming Sunday evening).

The 3rd stop brought us to the Futrell's Christmas Extravaganza Abode (I have never seen a house so chock full of Christmas ornaments and decorations. It is quite a sight to see!) where we stuffed ourselves silly with brisket, corn pudding, coleslaw, beans and rolls, but not before we sang carols for our supper.

We finally wound down to the Jamar's residence where we drank hot cocoa, wassail and munched on roasted marshmallows and all sorts of cookies. There we gave away prizes to the winners of the trivia and M&M guessing game. We also held the Dirty Santa gift exchange. What a great night we had!

Sunday - The teens got together in the evening and went to see the Nativity Story at the Driftwood 8. Great movie!

Monday - Marble Falls Middle School/High School held their Christmas Choir Concert. The house was packed and there were 2 standing ovations. Several of our teens and tweens participated and many from the church family were there in the audience. Our own Bryce Gage has turned the music department around so quickly and so well that parents and teens are flocking in droves to support and join what they are doing. I am so happy to see a growing arts department! It takes me back to the good old days at BAHS where the Choir and Drama Departments held full sway over the community.

Tuesday - I caroled the Marble Falls High School hallways with the combined choirs in the morning and subbed for the rest of the day.

Today - Getting ready for the arrival of a new colleague this week. Greg Neill will be coming into town on Friday and officially begin his ministry here with us. I am looking forward to it! A little nervous+a lot eager=very excited!!

1 comment:

Joice Family said...

I remember those BAHS days Mr. Nicely, Nicely Johnson.