Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thank You

First of all, thank you for all of the calls, kind words and prayers. You don't know how much they are appreciated!

Elizabeth and I traveled to Austin yesterday for our appointments with the Texas Perinatal Group.

Our first appointment was the Advanced Sonogram-It went very well and there were no markers for chromosomal abnormalities. The Doctor said that was a good sign but that it was still not a total certainty that our baby did not have Downs.

The next appointment was Genetics Consultation-The counselor told us that the results from the new Sonogram brought our chances down to .5% of having a baby with Downs. That is not even 1%! We were left with the decision to either go home without truly knowing or have an Amniocentesis to know absolutely.

It was Elizabeth's decision and I am fully supportive of her. We had the Amnio done. It was pretty quick and painless. Dr. Ridgeway had me sit down because they have had more trouble with husbands when the needle is produced than with the actual patients! Thought that was a hoot! Anyway, it was done in a wink and relatively painless. We are not out of the woods for another 24 hours due to the Amnio, so keep that in your prayers.

We will know for certain in a couple of weeks. I will let you know when I know more. Thank you so much for all that you have done.


"Put your hand in the hand of The One who stilled the waters
Put your hand in the hand of The One who calmed the seas
Put your hand in the hand of The Man from Galilee!"

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