Friday, May 12, 2006

Marble Falls High

I am subbing today for Coach Futrell (a great guy that I will blog about at a later date). His classes are very well behaved. Well, I say this but it may or may not be true. Subbing for HS is just a world away from MS. You see, at the MS, if the kids are not doing their work, it is evident. As a matter of fact, my blood pressure has risen while working with a certain 7th grade class! (Suffering short periods of high BP is just one of the many facets of my ministry!) HS is a different story. If they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing, they are either too tired or too cool to make much spectacle of themselves. The difference here is night and day.

I write this with total humor and joy for there is nothing else I would rather do than get to know all of the young students in this community. I love the energy and excitement that youth brings with it! It is a great perk of the job. It helps me reminisce about my past and look forward to the day when I raise children of my own!

More blogging to come...

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