Thursday, December 21, 2006

Getting Ready

This morning, my sweetheart woke at 6:45 to babysit a real baby. She is taking care of Lela, a 7 and a half month old today with her mom. They are both getting ready for the real thing that is due on January 9th (or if El had her It was sweet to see the little girl look at me and smile that cute and innocent smile. It melted my heart. I am so excited to be a Daddy!

In related news-Well, I guess I have to share this with you and maybe get a little feedback from parents out there. I have been waking up in the middle of the night for the past few nights with knots of worry in my stomach, questions racing through my mind-"Will I be a good Christian father?" "Will I be there for her and her needs?" Will I teach my little girl that God is love and that her life is His?" "Will I help her to truly know Jesus?" All of this has been coming to me at around 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning. I am nervous and a bit scared. If you have any thoughts on this as mothers and fathers out there, please help me out by comment or email.


Jim Gardner said...


Call it nature's way of getting you ready for those 2:30 a.m. feedings and diaper changings so EL can sleep!

You'll be a great dad, but I can remember well the overwhelming thoughts of responsibility just prior to Trae's birth.

Savor every moment because they are, indeed, special.

Merry Christmas!

Brian Nicklaus said...

Dude, you will be a great dad. you can't really prepare for it but God will be with you along the way. actually you have been preparing for it as you have walked with Jesus for however many years.

Take a nap, get some sleep, it's going to get rough after the baby arrives... :)

plus, you will be too tired to worry about all those expectations, you switch into survival mode part of the time and joy for most of the time.

Narissa said...

Just getting you ready ! and making you realize that worry does you no good! Can't wait for you to experience this great joy!

Kimberly said...

Jimmy I know you'll be an excellent Daddy! There is no doubt of that! Can't wait to read your blog to find out when baby is here!