This past Friday, the youth traveled to Benton to have a Lock-In. I will be posting pics in the near future. Although we had a small number of our core group attend, we had a large number of outsiders. A parent or two voiced their concern that too many outsiders were going. "These people are not even in the youth group."
Well, to address that, I would like to say that I am glad that we had a bunch of outsiders go. From that crew, we had several attend last night for the youth connection group that meets at the building. Little by little, God is bringing them to the group.
Many of these kids have parents that do not attend any congregation. They have no etiquette when it comes to church or its activities. Their sense of morality is skewed, if they have any instilled in them to begin with. They cuss, they make crude jokes, they are disrespectful and they talk about things that are taboo. At the same time, they are insecure, vulnerable and searching for something or someone to bring meaning to their lives. They have found the void and want desperately to fill it.
Guess what! Those are the very people that I seek to bring into this ministry. I long to help them find God and His son, Jesus. I believe that Jesus calls all of us who work in ministry to search for this ragtag group of people that have not seen Christ exemplified in anyone around them and show them the greates love and grace that has ever been or will ever be.
Folks, these are the lost.
Let's go out and bring them in to the Savior!