Friday, March 18, 2005

Spring Break

Well Folks, Spring Break is upon us!! As I look forward to the coming week, I see the ski slopes of Monarch, CO on the horizon. You see, this Sunday morning is our Friend's Day in the Village and later that afternoon the youth group will be leaving for Colorado! The excitement just keeps building.

There are 20 youth and 11 adult chaperones going. We will be staying near the Ski Resort and skiing for 3 days. The whole group is full of anticipation and anxiety. We are looking forward to a great time of fun and fellowship.

The great thing about this trip is that there will be several other groups that we know in attendance. The Sheridan youth and Bryant youth groups will be there to share in the fun with us. There are probably more coming that we have not even heard about yet.

This Ski Trip is just one of the many activities that we have for the youth and young families here. If you have any questions about a Christian youth group near you, please respond and let me know.

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