Friday, March 11, 2005

The Heart of Worship

How many of you out there like to exercise? How many of you like the feel of the endorphins kicking in and the great sense of accomplishment after the workout? I love the rush of excitement that comes over me when I hit the gym or the treadmill. There is nothing quite like it.

Well, actually there is a similar rush. The one that comes from worshipping our Father in Heaven. The teens here at the Village church of Christ love the feeling that they get through praise and worship. We all love to sit in a circle on the floor and lift our voices in song. We constantly revamp our songbook to fit all of the new and old songs in. It makes us feel pumped up to sing to God and each other.

One thing we need to remember, though, is that the pump and joy that we feel in worship should take a back seat to the real audieince member. The one the songs are truly for. God. There is a song that we sing in the group that goes like this: "I'm coming back to the heart of worship. And it's all about You, Jesus. I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it when it's all about you, Jesus."

I think that this really sums it up for me. Even though the pump that we get in worship is great; we need to remember that songs of praise are ultimately for God. Knowing that transforms our attitude in worship.

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