Thursday, November 16, 2006

Only A Little Bit

I don't have much time to type this. Here I sit in McNeil High School Library while I await the results of the 4 students from Marble Falls Choir and their TMEA All State competition results. I have once again agreed to chaperone and infuse some exciting energy in the students as they prepare to sightread and sing measures from O Schone Nacht by Brahms, The Conversion of Saul by Stroope and a piece by Ralph (pronounced Rafe) Vaughn Williams, among others, that are fairly difficult. It has been a pleasure to hear them as they rehearse their voice parts alone and then to hear them as a large group of Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses. What beautiful music!!


I awoke the other night to the sound of my sweetheart crying out in pain. With a start, I turned to her and got ready to take her to the hospital, but it was not what I thought. Her calf had cramped so tight that she was feeling immense pain. Although I was relieved, I went over to the other side of the bed and massaged out the hard cramp until the muscle was relaxed and she was feeling no pain. After the whole ordeal, she laughed at me and told me noticed that I was on red alert lately and that made her feel good. I guess I do wake up more in the middle of the night if I hear a sound that is out of the ordinary.


Well, I gotta go. They are shutting the school library down now. I will blog more tomorrow!


Narissa said...

I know you'll be an excellent daddy! - we'll be watching here for the announcement!

Jason Fry said...

We sang O Schoene Nacht for TMEA choir in 1995...
It turned out well.