Tuesday, September 26, 2006


OK, I am back. Where was I? Oh Yeah, this morning I accompanied a parent and a teen for a counseling session. Now I have returned to finish recounting the events of this past weekend.

After the Faith Academy game (or slaughter), I got ready to take the teens to Hamilton for an Acapella concert. We had a great time rocking out and then filling up on Storm's burgers and fries. We left at 4:30 and got back home at around Midnight.

I got up early Sunday morning to look over my class materials and spend time in prayer. Elizabeth and I got to eat lunch with a ministerial candidate and som other interested families.

That afternoon, I prepared the songbooks and ice chest for a great time of devotional that evening at the home of Chris and Julie Bridges. After filling up on good Julie Bridges food, we jumped on the trampoline, played street basketball and wrapped up the night singing, praying and studying around a campfire. It was perfect weather for it, too!

Yesterday, I subbed in High School Algebra and then held Meat Eaters last night in the Youth House.

This afternoon, I am going to look over a sermon that I have completed because I may be preaching this Sunday evening.

Tonight, I am going to the Middle School to take part in a Teen Suicide Prevention Seminar.

Only 10 more days before E and I get to move into our new house! We can't wait!!!

Only a little over 3 more months before a new life enters the Mitchell household. God, help us to be ready! Can you ever be ready to raise a child?!?

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