Thursday, August 25, 2005


I just finished giving a devotional thought to the seniors that are taken care in The Good Samaritan Nursing Home and Assisted Living complex. We discussed 'Forgiveness.'


Such an easy word to say. But the application is where things get difficult.

How many of you out there have held a grudge that just kept getting larger and more painful? Something that may have begun as a little tiff suddenly snowballs into relationship damaging bitterness. And the cycle will not end until one or both parties involved say "I'm Sorry."

I have read of families and friendships being ripped apart over small things like the cost of sugar. Sad, but true.

Please, if you are embroiled in an argument with your friends or family, take the time to renew your relationship through forgiveness. Pray to God that He give you a piece of His heart and break the chain of 'unforgiveness.'

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