Friday, May 06, 2005


While cleaning out the rest of the knick-knacks and leftovers from the townhouse and going slightly mad to discover that it multiplies rapidly when you're gone, I realized that I don't need this much stuff! My neighbor invited me over to take a look at what he had done to his townhouse and I saw a nice, Spartan environment.

When I left his place, I grabbed the 34 Gallon trashcan and went to town throwing things away that I had kept for ages. Elizabeth came home and joined me in the fun. I never knew it could feel so good to throw things away! What an exhilarating feeling. I guess the thought of a more simple life really seems good to me.

God wants us to have a more simple life. Stuff can get in the way of our true focus and goal-Jesus. If we would just clear out the clutter, it would be so much easier to see. Stuff includes toys, games, movies, addiction, anger, pain...the list goes on and on. And it piles up a little faster than we think.

Get rid of it.

Trash it-Sell it-Give it over to God.

What a difference you will see in your life.

The difference that God can make through Jesus.

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