Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Many of you readers out there are getting ready to take that final look back at high school life in all of it's oddness and fascination and wave goodbye. Maybe you are going on to University or College. Maybe you are going into a VoTech or other specialized program. Whatever it may be that you do, know this: It is going to be nothing like your life before that point. There are going to be some big changes that come your way. You are going to face some strong choices. You must be able to focus.

Focus on what? The good looking girls/guys that you get to meet? The class curriculum? The relationship between you and your friends and family? Yeah, those are good things to see. But, there is something that takes precedence over those. The True Goal.

The author of Hebrews wrote in chapter 12 verse 2a "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith," If you do this, all of the others will fall into place. You will be able to do all things through Him because He will give you the strength to do it. When you keep your focus on Him, then every choice you make will count and everything you do will be on the up and up. All of your choices will be colored with love for the Son, our one and only True Goal.

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